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Read about Hylocereus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hylocereus (wood and Cereus). Cactaceae. A high - climbing cactus, with stems three-angled or -winged, adhering to walls and trees by numerous aerial roots.

Spines small, usually inconspicuous: fls. nocturnal, usually very large, with red or greenish sepals, white or pinkish petals: fr. large, spineless, covered with numerous If .-like bracts.—Some 16 species of this genus are known, but only 1, and that under a wrong name, is grown to any extent in this country. The species are easily grown in hothouses, especially if given a wall to climb upon. A very curious small-fld. species, H. minuliflorus, has recently been described by Britton & Rose. It flowers freely in Washington and New York, but as yet has not been very widely distributed.

H. extensus, Brit. & Rose (Cereus extensus, Salm-Dyck). Sts. creeping, perhaps also sometimes climbing, bearing aerial roots, green, rather slender, 3-sided, with obtuse angles: fls. large and handsome; sepals tipped and margined with red; petals rose-colored; style thick, longer than the stamens. This species was described by De Candolle in 1828, but it is unknown in cult, and in a wild state. A species under this name was figured in B. M. for 1844, but this may or may not be the plant described by De Candolle.— H. napoleonis, Brit. & Rose (Cereus napoleonis, Graham). Sts. much branched, with 3 acute angles; spines 4-5, rigid, 4-5 lines long; fls. 8 in. long; sepals yellow; petals pure white. This species is not in cult, and is not known in the wild state. It was described and figured from a plant which flowered in Edinburgh about 1836. It is occasionally reported in cult.; but all such material seems to be wrongly identi6ed. J. N. Rose.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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