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Read about Ione in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Ione (one of the nereids). Orchidaceae. About a half-dozen pseudobulbous orchids of E. India, by some united with Bulbophyllum: lateral sepals usually connate and under the lip, the latter rather large, straight and rigid; pollinia 4, attached in pairs to 2 glands. I. paleacea, Lindl. (Bulbophyllum palcateum, Benth.), has drooping fls. about 1 in. long, many in erect spikes; sepals greenish with pink nerves; petals spreading, broadly oblong and 1-3-nerved; lip ovate- lanceolate: scape exceeding the lf., about 9 in. India. B.M. 6344. I. siamensis, Rolfe. Pseudobulbs 1-lvd., 4-angled-ovoid: lvs. narrow-oblong, about 3 in. long: scapes nearly erect, slender, about 6 in. long, bearing a raceme about 2 ½ in. long that has 9-10 fls., which are about l/3 in. long, pale green with dull purple on lateral sepals and lip and with purple dots near margin of outer segms. Siam. Recent. I. grandiflora, Rolfe. Pseudo- bulbs 1-lvd., ovoid: lvs. oblong, 2 in. or less long: scapes erect, 1-fld.; fl. dull lurid purple; sepals and petals oblong, acute; lip cordate-ovate, hirsute above, keeled beneath. Burma. Recent. L. H. B.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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