Saxifraga stracheyi

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Saxifraga stracheyi in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Saxifraga stracheyi, Hook. f. & Thom. (S. unguiculata, Hort., not Engl. Megasea Stracheyi, Hort. Bergenia Stracheyi, Stein). Fig. 3556. Six inches to 1 ft. or more high: lvs. obovate, usually not cordate at base, margin subentire, ciliate or crenate-serrate, both surfaces glabrous: infl. a scape about 1 ft. high with the pedicels and calyx pubescent or puberulous: fls. blush-pink to rose (sometimes yellow), in broad branching panicles 3/4-1 in. diam.; calyx-lobes oblong. March. Kashmir, 8,000- 14,000 ft. B.M. 5967(?). G.M. 39:233. J.H. III. 32:281. G. 12:337.—More hardy than S. ligulata. Var. alba, Hort. (S. afghanica, Aitch. & Hemsl. S. afghanistanica, Leicht. Megasea afghanica, Hort.). A snowy white-fld. form, the lvs. bronzy or ruby-brown. Gt. 35:1228. G. 31:751. Var. Milesii, Hort. (S. Milesii, Hort. Leicht. Bergenia Milesii, Stein. Megasea Stracheyi var. Milesii, Hort.). Differs from the type in having longer lvs. (9-12 x 4-5 in. at the middle): fls. white; petals distinctly clawed. March. Himalaya. Var. Schmidtii, Hubb. (S. thysanodes, Hort. Haage & Schmidt, not Lindl. S. Schmidtii, Regel. Bergenia Schmidtii, Hort.). Lvs. ovate, base equally rotundate or attenuate to the petiole, margin coarsely crenate and then dentate, the teeth cuspidate-ciliate: fls. panicled, similar to those of S. crassifolia. Himalaya. Gt. 27:946. B.R. 29:65 (as S. ciliata). CH

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