ExpandRead about Hepatica in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture
Hepatica (liver-like, from the shape of the leaves). Ranunculaceae. Hepatica. Liver-leaf. Mayflower (incorrectly). Stemless low perennials sometimes grown in the wild border for very early spring bloom. Leaves 3-lobed and sometimes toothed, appearing after the fls. and remaining green over winter: scapes 1-fld., with an involucre of 3 small sessile lvs. simulating a calyx; sepals petal-like, white, pink or purple: achenes short-beaked, pubescent. (Fig. 1808.)—A genus of 3 species, natives of the north temperate zone, grown in open flower-beds for their attractive fls., which appear in early spring; the peculiar foliage is also much admired.
The plants prefer shade, but do fairly well in open places. They should remain undisturbed from year to year, hi rich well-drained loam. Well suited to the north or east slope of a rockery. Plants kept in pots in a coldframe until midwinter will quickly bloom at any time desired if removed to a warm room or greenhouse. Propagation of old plants is easily accomplished by division of the roots. Seeds may be sown very shallow in a moist, shaded soil. The seed is sometimes started in frames in very early spring and the plants transplanted to the garden later, but little is gained by this as the flowers will not show until the next season.
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