Narcissus triandrus

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Narcissus >

triandrus >

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Read about Narcissus triandrus in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Narcissus triandrus, Linn. (Ganymedes albus, Haw.). Fig.2443. Slender most dwarf rush-lvd. species (scape 10-15 in. tall), bulb ¾in. or less diam.: lvs. few (2-4), very slender and semi-cylindrical and not overtopping the blossoms, channeled: scape very slender, semi-cylindrical: fls. 1 to several, horizontal or drooping, an inch long, but variable in size, both the lanceolate sharply reflexed segms. and the entire cup-shaped corona (which is half as long as segms.) pure white in the type; stamens sometimes a little exserted. Spain and Portugal. G. 17: 114; 19:355.—There are several forms, as var. concolor, Hort. (Ganymedes concolor, Haw.), pale self-yellow; var. pallidulus, Hort. (N. pallidulus, Graells), primrose- yellow. B.M. 6473 A; var. pulchellus, Hort. (Ganymedes pulchellus, Haw.), segms. yellow, corona white. B.M. 1262. (as var. luteus). Gn. 75, p. 604; var. nutans, Hort. (Ganymedes nutans, Haw. N.trilobus. B.M. 945), corona a deeper yellow than the segms., crenulate.

Var. calathinus, Hort. (N. calathinus, Red., Burbidge, not Ker). Crown or corona larger, nearly, or quite as long as the segms., the fl. pale yellow. Isl. of Brittany. Gn. W. 20:297. Gn. 77, p. 459.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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