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Angraecum >

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Read about Angraecum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Angraecum (Latinized from Angrek, the Malay name for all orchids of this habit). Orchidaceae. Epiphytic hothouse orchids with the habit of Vanda.

Leaves flat or terete: fls. few to many in a raceme, or rarely solitary; sepals and petals nearly alike, spreading; lip adnate to the base of the column; lateral lobes small or obsolete; middle lobe entire; spur long and slender; pollinia 2, upon a single undivided stipe.— About 20 species, natives of Trop. Afr., Madagascar, and the Mascarene Isis.

These are valued for their winter-flowering habit and lasting qualities. All have peculiar or grotesque forms and some are fragrant. All need a warmhouse in winter, preferably the warmest corner, where it is moist. As the plants have no pseudobulbs they must never become dry. No soil is necessary at the roots, but a surfacing of live sphagnum may be placed over the crocks; this should be renewed as often as it becomes decayed. The angraecums may be classed with the aërides, vandas and saccolabiums as being true air- plants and the roots are impatient of confinement in pots or other receptacles. Care must be taken to secure the plants firm and upright when repotting, by means of stakes or wire. Frequent spraying overhead in bright weather is of great assistance, especially in the growing time. They must never be removed from the greenhouse for decoration elsewhere, for if the plants become chilled, there is total loss. (Orpet.)

A. augustum. Rolfe (A. Augustii) Allied to A. Kotschyi. Lvs. thick and fleshy, glaucous green: fls. in arched raceme, pure white, spur pale green. G.C. III. 45:Feb. 6, Suppl. O.R. 1908:246. Rhodesia.—A. bilobum, Lindl. Racemes of 6-10 fls , about 1 in. across, the sepals, petals and lips nearly alike, lanceolate-acuminate, the spur pale orange-red. W. Afr. J.H. III. 43:483.—A. Buyssonii, God. Resembles A. articulatum: fls. pure white; brown spurs. Madagascar.—A. caudatum, Lindl.-Listrostachys caudata.— A. Chailluanum. Hook. -Listrostachys Chailluanum.—A. distichum, Lindl.-Mystacidium distichum.—A. Eihleridnum, Kranzl. (A. Arnoldianum, DeWild). St. elongated: Lvs. distant: fls. large, solitary; sepals and petal-- oval-lanceolate, acuminate; lip large, extinguisher-shaped, emarginate and apiculate at the summit; spur about as long as lateral sepals. Afr. B.M. 7813. A.F. 25:79. Gng. 13: 377.—A. expansum, Thouars. Fls. white, of peculiar form; spur longer than perianth segms. Mascarene Isls.—A. fastuosum, Reichb. St. 1-2 in. high: racemes of 2-4 fls. about 1½ in. diam., pure white, the slender spur about 3 in. long. Madagascar. J.H. 111.42:297.—A.fuscatum, Reichb. Sts. short: racemes of numerous fls., 1-1½ in. across, cream-white, the lip oblong, acuminate abruptly, the slender spur about 3 in. long. Madagascar. Gn. 37, p. 61.—A. Humblotii, Reichb.-Macroplectrum Leonis.—A. ichneumoneum, Lindl. -Listrostachys ichneumoneum.—A. infundibulare, Lindl. Sts. long: Us. large, solitary; sepals and petals pale yellow; lip funnel-shaped, 2½-3 in. long, white with a green throat, the curved spur 3-5 in. long. W. Afr. B.M. 8153. G.C. 111.36:130. G.M. 47:029. Gn. 66, p. 109. J.H. III. 49:219; 59:387.—A. Kotschyi, Reichb. Lvs. obovate-oblong, 3-7 in. long: raceme of 6-10 white fls., 1½ in. across, the ovate- oblong dorsal sepals and petals reflexed, the spreading lateral sepals lanceolate; lip nearly rhomboid, with a broad claw; spur pale brown, up to 9 in. long. E. Afr. G.C. 11.14:693; 111.39:370; 111.46:221. Gn. 31. p. 323; 37, p. 101- 75, p 583.—A. Leonis, Veitch-Macroplectrum Leonis.—A. pellucidum, Lindl - Listrostachys pellucida. — A. pertusum, Lindl.-Listrostachys.pertussa.—A.Rothschildianum, J. O'Brien. Sts. 3-6 in.: Lvs. ovate, 4-8 in. long: racemes of 10-12 fragrant white fls., with a pale green band along the sepals and petals, the lip white with an emerald center and black-purple throat, the spur green with a brown tip. Cent. Afr. G.C. III. 34 : 131. —A. Scheffleri, Hort. Scarcely 8 in. high: fls. long, reddish brown. German E. Afr. Var. virens differs from the type in having all the vegetative parts green.— A. sesquipedale- Macroplectrum sesquipedale.

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