Asparagus madagascarensis

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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Asparagus >

madagascarensis >

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Read about Asparagus madagascarensis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Asparagus madagascarensis, Baker. Erect, much-branched shrub, 1 ft. or more, suggesting Ruscus aculeatus: sts. green, angled: cladodes 3, lanceolate, pointed, glabrous, dark olives-green, often arranged on the twig in one plane making a pinnately compound lf. in appearance, ⅜-⅝ in. long: base of lf.-scale not spiny: fls. creamy white, normally in 4's at end of twigs, ¼ in. diam.: berry scarlet, 3-lobed, 1-3-seeded. Madagascar. B.M. 8046. — A good pot-plant, especially in winter when it is well set with scarlet berries. Thrives in either a hot or temperate greenhouse, easily prop, from seed, which are freely produced.

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