Juniperus communis, linn. common juniper. Upright shrub or tree, sometimes attaining to 40 ft.: lvs. linear or linear-lanceolate, concave and with a broad white band above, spiny-pointed, ½-3/4 in. long: fr. almost sessile, dark blue, glaucous,1/4-1/3in. across. Arctic N. Amer. south to Pa., 111., and in the Rocky Mts. to N. Mex., N. and Cent. Eu. and N. Asia. H.W. 1:10.—A very variable species; some of the most important varieties are the following: var. aureo - variegata, Hort. Upright form, with the tips of the branchlets golden yellow. var. depressa, Pursh (J.communis var.canadensis, Loud. J. canadensis, Burgsd. J. nana canadensis, Carr.). Fig. 2023. Forming broad patches, the sts. ascending from a procumbent base, rarely exceeding 4 ft. in height. The lvs. somewhat shorter and broader. var. aurea, Hort. (J. nana var. canadensis aurea, Beissn. J. canadensis aurea, Hort.). Like the former, but tips of branchlets golden yellow. Gng. 5:67. var. hemisphaerica, Parl. (J. hemisphaerica, Presl). A low, dense, rounded bush, rarely more than 3 ft. high: lvs. straight and stiff, short. Mountains of S. Eu. and N. Afr. var. hibernica, gord. (var. stricta, Carr.). Narrow, columnar form, with upright branches, deep green, tips of branchlets erect. G. 4:521. Gng. 1:355. var. montana, Ait. (J. communis nana. Loud. J. nana, Willd. J. alpina, S. F. Gray. J. sibirica, Burgsd.). Low, spreading or procumbent shrub, seldom over 2 ft. high: lvs. oblong-linear, abruptly pointed, usually incurved, densely clothing the branches, with a broad silvery white line above, ¼-1/2. long. Arctic and mountainous regions. H.W. 1:10. M.D.G. 1910:123. var. Jackii, Rehd. Prostrate, with flagelliform trailing branches often to 3 ft. long, and almost unbranched except for occasional clusters of short lateral branchlets 1-2 in. long: lvs. linear-lanceolate, incurved. Ore., N. Calif. var. oblonga, Loud. (J. oblonga, Bieb.). Upright shrub, with slender, diverging and recurving branches: lvs. thin, long-attenuate, horizontally spreading, bright green. Transcaucasia. var. oblongo-pendula, Carr. (var. reflexa, Parl.). Similar to the preceding, but more decidedly pendulous. A very graceful form. C.L.A. 11:308. var. pendula, Carr. Shrub, with spreading, recurving branches and pendulous branchlets. var. suecica, Loud. (var. fasligiala, Hort.). Narrow, columnar form, growing sometimes into a tree to 40 ft. high, with rather long, spreading lvs., the branchlets with drooping tips: of lighter and more bluish color than the similar var. hibernica.
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