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The common '''holiday cacti''' ('''Thanksgiving Cactus''', '''Christmas Cactus''', '''Easter Cactus''') comprise several closely related species in the genus ''[[Schlumbergera]]'' and the species ''[[Hatiora]] gaertneri'', often called ''Zygocactus'' in older works. They are originally forest [[cactus|cacti]], growing as [[epiphyte]]s at elevations between 1000 and 1700 meters (3300 to 5600 feet) above sea level in southeast [[Brazil]]. Many modern holiday cactus [[cultivar]]s are [[Hybrid (biology)|hybrids]] between ''Schlumbergera truncata'' and ''S. russelliana'', first bred about 150 years ago in [[England]]. These plants are named after the holidays because these times coincide with the time of year when they will bloom naturally in the Northern hemisphere. The Easter Cactus blooms in the spring and the Christmas cactus blooms in the winter. The flowers produced are red or pink or white and can produce massive numbers of blooms on a single plant. The flowers open in daylight and then close in the evening. To distinguish between the Easter and Christmas cactus when there are no blooms you can look at the leaves. The Christmas has more rounded notches on the margins compared with the more spikey Easter Cactus. {{Inc| Zygocactus truncatus, Schum. (Epiphyllum truncatum, Haw.). Crab Cactus. Christmas Cactus. Sts. much branched and hanging in large bunches from the trees; joints obovate to oblong, with strongly truncate apex, 1 1/4 - 2 in. long by about 3/4 - 1 in. broad, bright green, margins coarsely serrate, with 1-3 large, acute teeth on each side, the 2 upper ones forming more or less incurved horns on either side of the truncation: areoles bearing a few short yellowish or dark-colored bristles, or sometimes none: fls. horizontal, growing from the truncated end of the younger joints, strongly irregular, 2 1/2 – 3 1/2 in. long, in various shades of red: fr. pear-shaped, red, about 3/8 in. diam. Brazil.— Most of the forms in cult. are hybrids between this species and some other of the genus or with allies of Cereus. A common basket- and rafter-plant. }} ==Cultivation== The joints of the plants can be fragile and break apart if the plant is in poor health. The flower buds' joints are especially easy to detach. The soil should be evenly moist for best growth, but they are intolerant to constantly wet soil and poor aeration. If outdoors, an established plant may only need to be watered every two or three days in warm, sunny weather; or every week in cool, cloudy weather. Christmas cactus will do best in bright indirect light. Long term direct sunlight can burn the leaves and stunt growth. If taken care of properly, a single planting can last for hundreds of years. Christmas cactus will create flower buds when subjected to cooler temperatures ({{convert|10|–|14|C|F|disp=s}}) for 6–8 weeks. ===Propagation=== Holiday cacti can be propagated quite easily by removing a single segment and planting it a quarter of its length deep in a pot filled with slightly sandy soil. It helps to put some kind of rooting hormone on the base of the cutting. Place the pot in a well lit area (but not in direct sunlight) and keep the soil moist. The cutting should begin showing signs of growth after two or three weeks. ===Pests and diseases=== ==Varieties== Holiday cactus (''Schlumbergera'' and ''Hatiora'' hybrids) include: *'''Christmas Cactus''', (''S. bridgesii'', ''S. x buckleyi'', ''[[Epiphyllum|Epiphyllum x buckleyi]]'') *'''Thanksgiving Cactus''', Yoke Cactus, Linkleaf Cactus, Crab Cactus, Claw Cactus, (''S. truncata'', formerly ''Zygocactus truncatus'') *'''Easter Cactus''', (''Rhipsalis gaertneri'' or ''Hatiora gaertneri'' - formerly ''Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri'') Other synonyms{{Verify source|date=November 2008}}<!-- synonyms of what? --> include: ''Epiphyllum altensteinii, Schlumbergera truncata'' var. ''altensteinii, Zygocactus truncatus'' var. ''altensteinii, Epiphyllum bridgesii, Epiphyllum truncatum'' var. ''bridgesii, Zygocactus bridgesii, Epiphyllum delicatum, Schlumbergera truncata'' var. ''delicata, Zygocactus delicatus, Epiphyllum ruckeri, Epiphyllum ruckerianum, Cactus truncatus, Epiphyllum truncatum''. ==Gallery== <gallery perrow=5> Image:Christmas cactus close-up aka.jpg|a close-up photo of a Christmas cactus Image:Flowering christmas cactus.JPG|This picture shows the fragile joints. Image:Zygocactus truncatus 01.JPG|Another close-up of Christmas Cactus Image:christmas cactus.jpg|''Schlumbergera x buckleyi'' Image:Zygocactus bonsai.jpg|A holiday cactus potted and trimmed as an [[indoor bonsai]] </gallery> ==References== <references/> *[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963 <!--- xxxxx *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381 --> <!--- xxxxx *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432 --> <!--- xxxxx *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608 --> ==External links== *{{wplink}} {{stub}} __NOTOC__
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