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'''''Sesbania''''' is a genus of [[flowering plant]]s in the [[pea]] family, [[Fabaceae]]. Notable species include the Rattlebox (''[[Sesbania drummondii]]''), Spiny Sesbania (''[[Sesbania bispinosa]]''), and ''[[Sesbania sesban]]'', which is used in cooking. Plants of this genus, some of which are [[Aquatic plant|aquatic]], can be used in [[alley cropping]] to [[Nitrogen fixation|increase]] the [[soil]]'s [[nitrogen]] content. {{Inc| Sesbania (from Sesban, the Arabian name of S. aegyptiaca). Syns., Daubentonia, Glottidium. Leguminosae. Herbs or shrubs, sometimes arborescent, but short-lived, suitable for the warm- and coolhouse, and for outdoor planting in the far South. Leaves abruptly pinnate; lfts. many-paired, very entire; stipels minute or none: racemes axillary, lax; fls. yellow, red-purple, variegated, or white, slender-pedicelled; calyx broad, tube truncate, toothed or sub-equally lobed; standard orbiculate or ovate, spreading or reflex, wings falcate-oblong, keel incurved, obtuse or obtusely acuminate, with long claws; stamens free from the standard; ovary often stipitate: legume linear or rarely oblong, compressed, 4-angled or 4-winged.— About 30 species, widely distributed in the warmer regions of both hemispheres. {{SCH}} }} ==Cultivation== ===Propagation=== ===Pests and diseases=== ==Species== List of species: * ''Sesbania benthamiana'' * ''[[Sesbania bispinosa]]'' <small>([[Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin|Jacq.]]) [[William Franklin Wight|W.Wight]]</small> ([[North Africa]], [[Asia]]) * ''Sesbania brachycarpa'' * ''Sesbania brevipedunculata'' * ''Sesbania campylocarpa'' * ''[[Sesbania cannabina]]'' * ''Sesbania chippendalei'' * ''Sesbania cinerascens'' * ''Sesbania coerulescens'' * ''Sesbania concolor'' * ''Sesbania dalzielii'' * ''[[Sesbania drummondii]]'' <small>([[Per Axel Rydberg|Rydb.]]) [[Victor Louis Cory|Cory]]</small> - Rattlebox ([[Southeastern United States]]) * ''Sesbania dummeri'' * ''Sesbania emerus'' * ''Sesbania erubescens'' * ''Sesbania exasperata'' * ''Sesbania formosa'' * ''Sesbania goetzei'' * ''[[Sesbania grandiflora]]'' <small>([[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]) Poiret</small> * ''Sesbania greenwayi'' * ''Sesbania hepperi'' * ''[[Sesbania herbacea]]'' * ''Sesbania hirtistyla'' * ''Sesbania hobdyi'' * ''[[Sesbania javanica]]'' * ''Sesbania keniensis'' * ''Sesbania leptocarpa'' * ''Sesbania longifolia'' * ''Sesbania macowaniana'' * ''Sesbania macrantha'' * ''Sesbania macroptera'' * ''Sesbania microphylla'' * ''Sesbania notialis'' * ''Sesbania oligosperma'' * ''Sesbania pachycarpa'' * ''Sesbania paucisemina'' * ''[[Sesbania punicea]]'' * ''Sesbania quadrata'' * ''Sesbania rostrata'' * ''Sesbania sericea'' * ''[[Sesbania sesban]]'' <small>([[Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin|Jacq.]]) [[William Franklin Wight|W.Wight]]</small> * ''Sesbania simpliciuscula'' * ''Sesbania somaliensis'' * ''Sesbania speciosa'' * ''Sesbania sphaerosperma'' * ''[[Sesbania subalata]]'' <small></small> * ''[[Sesbania sudanica]]'' <small></small> * ''[[Sesbania tetraptera]]'' <small></small> * ''[[Sesbania tomentosa]]'' <small>[[William Jackson Hooker|Hook.]] & [[George Arnott Walker Arnott|Arn.]]</small> - ''{{okina}}Ōhai'' ([[Hawaiian Islands]]) * ''[[Sesbania transvaalensis]]'' <small>J.B.Gillett</small> * ''[[Sesbania vesicaria]] <small>(Jacq.) Elliott</small> * ''[[Sesbania virgata]]'' <small>(Cav.) Pers.</small><ref>[ Germplasm Resources Information Network]</ref> ==Gallery== <gallery perrow=5> Image:Upload.png| photo 1 Image:Upload.png| photo 2 Image:Upload.png| photo 3 </gallery> ==References== <references/> *[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963 <!--- xxxxx *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381 --> <!--- xxxxx *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432 --> <!--- xxxxx *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608 --> ==External links== *{{wplink}} {{stub}} __NOTOC__
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