Potassium's board-to-board with Raffi

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Showing messages 1-25 of 26 messages.

posted 5325 days ago

Well iphones really are mostly toys. I don't actually have one myself yet, but I just have so many ideas for the website, and an app was one of them. It would do a few function, include gathering plant photos, details and other fun stuff :-) Hopefully it will be a doable project!

Now I understand why you've been quiet lately. I must say I would often fall behind in classes, but I'd do a decent job of catching up right before exams. Good luck with your work load - and i hope they leave you a little time for drinking and wikiying ;-)

posted 5344 days ago

Yes, I didn't have access to a recent copy of Adobe Illustrator to update the text, but just yesterday I coincidentally got access to it (for how long I don't know) and can fix it...

posted 5344 days ago

Just noticed this, http://www.cafepress.com.au/www_plants_am do they still come up with www.plants.am?

posted 5346 days ago

Definitely. Lists like that are immensely helpful to people who have those types of limited gardening conditions. We can add those lists to the List of lists to begin with, and then in other places where appropriate. The blog? I stopped for a couple of reasons. I added message boards, which could serve a similar purpose, plus I felt that focusing on the plant encyclopedia for a bit would be better. It would be good to resuscitate it one of these days...

posted 5346 days ago

I just came across the blog you did only four times, what happened to that? Just out of curiousity?

posted 5346 days ago

Curiously, what would you say to the idea of us having a section on the main page for pages like Plants for Wet and Boggy Areas? Along with Plants for Hot and Dry Areas and whatever else I can come up with.

posted 5348 days ago
O Wow :3
posted 5348 days ago

I don't think I have enough rights on here to delete pages, either that or I'm looking in the wrong spot?

posted 5348 days ago

It seems like there should be a better way, but the only way I know of is to delete the page, then recreate it without using the form. After you delete a page, the top of the screen telling you that the deletion was successful has a "create" tab. Just click on it to start over without the form...

posted 5348 days ago

Is there a way to delete the plant box that is on some pages? Since pages like saffron don't need any plant information, just a redirect to the botanical name.

posted 5352 days ago

Ah, I see, you don't have to double-add the species name when going for the abbreviated genus. I'll have to remember that. Very nice trick, thanks!

posted 5353 days ago

Crud, it just made links. Opps. Basically it's quicker to just use {{sp|M|eterosideros| and copy that small piece, then just add the species name to the end, and the two }'s, than having to type it out the way it was previously.

posted 5353 days ago

Well, basically what happens is instead of typing that huge piece M. excelsa you can now just type M. excelsa which helps to tidy things up and just keep it all smaller! And then for cultivars, instead of doing M. excelsa 'Aurea' and having to do that for every cultivar, like with the Papaver article, you can just type M. excelsa. 'Aurea' and then can just copy and paste the {{cu|M|eterosideros|excelsa| piece and then add to the end. So, it doesn't necessarily speed up individual additions, but it doesn't slow them either. The best thing for it to be used with is when you are adding huge numbers of cultivars or species, so you only have to type the cultivar name or species name, instead of something like copying "[[Papaver " and then pasting it, and then having to build it up to P. purpureamarginatum, which takes ages when you're adding some 40 cultivar names ;D

posted 5353 days ago

What you did with the poppy and poppy oil articles makes perfect sense. Now I'm trying to figure out what the templates you added are up to! :-)

posted 5358 days ago

Ah yes, I forgot about the mealybug picture :-) I have some of my own (unfortunately, since they're sucking on my plants), but haven't gotten around to labeling and uploading them yet! Adding stuff can be addictive, I should have warned you ;-)

posted 5358 days ago

Awesome! The Papaver article looks good now :P Just need to green up those red links I think ;D I'm finding this whole project quite enjoyable, researching plant information! As for the photos, I figured that one out accidentally, by copying the mealybug article over. :3

posted 5363 days ago

No kidding, sounds gross. I'll have to check around and see if I can't find a place that serves it nearby (I'd be surprised if I couldn't), and let you know how it goes. It's traditionally mixed with fruit juices, so maybe grape juice phlegm is a real treat ;-)

posted 5364 days ago

Yeah, I tried that, they make a weird gel that feels like you're swallowing huge globs of phlegm haha.

posted 5364 days ago

perhaps they expand when you soak them? here's an interesting text i found: When soaked in water, the seeds form a gelatinous mass which is flavoured with fruit juices and consumed as a cooling drink. The gelled seeds can also be prepared as a gruel or pudding. The sprouted seeds are eaten in salads, sandwiches, soups, stews etc. Due to their mucilaginous property they are often sprouted on clay or other porous materials. The seed can be ground into a meal and made into bread, biscuits, cakes etc, usually in a mix with cereal flours[183]. The seed is a good source of protein and easily digested fats.

posted 5364 days ago

I just harvested the seed from my single plant and it's a HUGE hassle, since you have to separate the seeds from the little capsules some how, and each plant only produces about a tablespoon full of seeds. So get enough to have a steady supply of them throughout the year, you'd probably need a plant for every day of the year :\

posted 5364 days ago

Great, thanks. Yeah, the add a plant is quite handy! I just added some more cultivation info on the Salvia. It sounds like an interesting plant, I'd like to try one of those shakes they make with the seeds now...

posted 5364 days ago

I didn't know about the add a plant thing! That's pretty useful to know. And yes, I'll take a little more notice with those sorts of things, I just noticed the dead links to useless stuff unrelated to gardening so deleted those. If I come across articles with things like that, then I will remember to delete them!

posted 5364 days ago

Hi again - I saw you made some edits to the Salvia hispanica article. I converted it to the new type of edit page which has the form on it when you edit, which is easier to work on. If you ever need to add the form to a plant article, you just click on the "Add a plant" link on the navigation menu on the left, put in the name of the article you want to convert, exactly as it is already, and it will add the form and place the plant information box on top. Don't worry if there is one there already, I can help clean that up. I also took out a bunch of non-gardening related text. You should also feel free to take out any amount of text that is not related to growing a plant. The history of the Aztecs growing it, the ways it is prepared as food, nutritional value, these can be removed without hesitation! I hope this makes sense. There are some texts that have been imported that need a thorough once over, and some older articles that need to be converted to the new format... so I hope that as we come across them, we can tackle them.

posted 5372 days ago

Great, well it looks like you're off and running already! You seem to have the hang of things, but if you ever have questions, certainly let me know :-)

posted 5373 days ago

Hello, thanks for the message, much appreciated :D And I certainly will continue adding plants, I will keep up with the Kiwi ones for a while, and move out from there perhaps. This is sort of a goal for me as well, to get a proper, full encyclopaedia for plants since I am constantly looking for information on a huge range of things, and it would be great to have it in one place!