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Ilex (the ancient Latin name of Quercus ilex). Including Prinos and Othera. Aquifoliaceae (or Ilicineae). Holly. Ornamental woody plants, grown for their handsome foliage and the attractive mostly red berries.
Ilex (the ancient Latin name of Quercus ilex). Including Prinos and Othera. Aquifoliaceae (or Ilicineae). Holly. Ornamental woody plants, grown for their handsome foliage and the attractive mostly red berries.
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wilsonii, 7.
wilsonii, 7.
xanthocarpa, 39,53.
xanthocarpa, 39,53.
I. ambigua, Chapm. Deciduous large shrub, allied to I. monticols. Lvs. usually almost glabrous, remotely serrate, 1-2 in. long. N. C. to Fla., west to Ark. and Texas.—I. Brandegeedna, Loes. Evergreen tree to 40 ft.: branchlets pubescent: lvs. elliptic-lanoeolate, remotely serrate or almost entire, pubescent, 2-3 1/2in. long: fls. 5-merous. Low. Calif. G.F. 7:416 (by error named I. californica, Brandegee. Evergreen large shrub, to 12 ft., glabrous: lvs. elliptic to oblong-elliptic, obtuse, remotely and crenately serrulate, 2-5 in. long: fr. black, small. Low. Calif. G.F. 7:415 (by error named I.californica.)—I. californica,Brandegee.Evergreen large shrub, to 12ft.,glabrous: lvs elliptic to oblong-elliptic, obtuse, remotely and crenately serrulate, 2-5 in, long; lr. Black, small. Low Calif. G.F 7:415 (by error named I. cannariensis, Poir. Evergreen tree, to 20 ft., glabrous: lvs. ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, entire, 2-4 in. long: fr. usually solitary, on this year's growth. Canaries.- I. conocarpa, Reise. Evergreen shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. oblong-
lanceolate, acuminate, serrulate, glabrous, 3-5 in.long: fls. in short, dense spikes: fr. ovoid-conic. Brazil. B.M. 7310.—I.corallina, French. Evergreen shrub: Ivs. ovate-oblong, acuminate, spiny - serrate or nearly crenate-serrate, 2-3 in. long: frs. small, red, nearly sessile, in dense clusters, W. China.—I. coridcea, Chapm. (I. lucida, Torr. & Gray). Allied to I.glabra, but taller: lvs. broader and longer, to3 in., acute or acuminate. N. C. to Fla., west to La.—L. Franchetiana,
Loes. Evergreen shrub, to 12 ft., glabrous: lvs. elliptie-obovate to lanceolate-oblong or oblanceolate, acuminate, denticulate, 2 ½ -4. long: fr. bright red on short stalks, in dense clusters. W. China. — I. geniculdta, Maxim. Deciduous shrub, glabrous: Lvs. ovate to elliptic-ovate, acuminate, sharply serrate, 1 ½ -2in. long: fr. scarlet, solitary, drooping on filiform peduncles 3/4-1 ½in. long. Japan. Very graceful shrub; has proved hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.—I. gongonha,
Mart.=Villaresia mucronata. — I.inslgnis, Hook. f. Evergreen small tree: Lvs. elliptic-lanceolate, 6-9 in. long, spiny-toothed, often almost entire on older plants: fr. large, globose. Himalayas. G. C. II. 14:297. G. M. 31:475.—I.longipes Chapm. Deciduous shrub, allied to I. decidus: Lvs. elliptic-lanceolate, crenately serrate, almost glabrous: fr. globose, slender-pedicelled. N. C. to Ga., west to La. G. F. 3:345.—I. macrooarpa, Oliver. Deciduous tree, to 30 ft., glabrous: lvs. elliptic or elliptic-ovate to oblong- lanceolate, finely serrate, 3-4 ½in. long: frs. black, solitary, ½ -3/4  in. across, on peduncles ½ -1 1/4in. long. Cent. China. H. I. 18:1787.— I. microcdrpa, Lindl.=I. rotunda, Thunb.—I. oldhamii. Miq.- purpures, Thunb,-I.pedunculoea, Miq. Evergreen small tree, glabrous: lvs.slender-petioled, elliptic-ovate to ovate-oblong, abruptly short-acuminate, entire or sparingly serrulate, 1 ½ -3in.long: fr. red, usually solitary on slender pedicels 1 ½ -2 in.long. Japan. S.1.F. 1:61. Var. continentalis, Loes. lvs. generally larger, thicker: sepals ciliate.
Cent. China.—I. purpurea, Thunb. (I. Oldhamii, Mlq.). Evergreen tree, glabrous: lvs. elliptic-ovate to oblong- lanceolate, crenate - serrulate, 2-3 in. long.: fr. red, 1/2in. across, pedicelled. usually 2-5 on a common peduncle about ½in. long. Japan, Cent. China. S. I. F. 1:62.—I. rotunda, Thunb. (I. microcarpa, Lindl.). Evergreen shrub or tree, to 40 ft.: lvs. oblong or elliptic, acute, pointed, quite entire: fr. small, red, in peduncled clusters. Japan. G. C. 1850:311. F.S. 7, p.
216. S. I. F. 1:60.—I. Rugdsa, F. Schmidt. Evergreen low spreading shrub, sometimes prostrate, glabrous: lvs. oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, remotely crenate-serrate, rugose above, 3/4-2 in. long: fr. usually solitary, scarlet. Japan, Saghalin.—I. szechwanensis, Loes. Evergreen shrub, to 12 ft., glabrous: lvs. short-petioled, ovate- to elliptic- oblong, serrulate, 1-2 ½in. long.: fr. black, solitary, on stalks about 1/2 in. long. Cent. China.—I. triflora, Brandegee=I. brandegeeana. —I. yunnanensis, Franch. Evergreen shrub, to 10 ft.: branchlets villous: lvs. short-stalked, ovate to ovate-oblong, crenate-serrate or serrulate, pubescent below, at least on the midrib,3/4 – 1 1/2 in.long: fr. red, solitary, stalked. W. China. Alfred Rehder.


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