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Created page with '{{Inc| Jasminum gracillimum, hook. f. climbing or scrambling, soft-pubescent or hairy: lvs. opposite, very short- petioled, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, the base cordate or trunc…'
Jasminum gracillimum, hook. f. climbing or scrambling, soft-pubescent or hairy: lvs. opposite, very short- petioled, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, the base cordate or truncate, bright green above and pubescent beneath, 1/2in. or less long: fls. white, in very large, dense hanging heads, an inch or more across, fragrant; calyx-teeth long and awl-like, half as long as the slender corolla-tube; corolla-lobes many (usually about 9), acute. N.Borneo. G.C. II. 15:9. B.M. 6559. J.H. 111.52:281. G.Z.26, p. 97. G. 4:471; 7:233. F.S.R. 3, p. 15.long, lithe branches spring from near the ground and bear heavy clusters at their ends. Handsome floriferous winter bloomer. Nearly hardy in eastern part of N. C.

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