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Jasminum gracillimum, hook. f. climbing or scrambling, soft-pubescent or hairy: lvs. opposite, very short- petioled, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, the base cordate or truncate, bright green above and pubescent beneath, 1/2in. or less long: fls. white, in very large, dense hanging heads, an inch or more across, fragrant; calyx-teeth long and awl-like, half as long as the slender corolla-tube; corolla-lobes many (usually about 9), acute. N.Borneo. G.C. II. 15:9. B.M. 6559. J.H. 111.52:281. G.Z.26, p. 97. G. 4:471; 7:233. F.S.R. 3, p. 15.long, lithe branches spring from near the ground and bear heavy clusters at their ends. Handsome floriferous winter bloomer. Nearly hardy in eastern part of N. C.
Jasminum pubescens, willd. (J. hirsutum! Willd. J. multiflorum, Andr.). Climbing, rusty-hairy: lvs. opposite, very short petioled, rather thick, ovate-acute: calyx- teeth usually 2/3in. long (nearly or quite twice as long as in J. undulatum), with spreading yellow hairs: fls. white, much like those of J. undulatum, the lobes broad; often half-double. India. B.M. 1991. B.R. 15. J.H. III. 43:322.邑ill stand some frost. Said to be a good dwarf glasshouse subject.
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