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Kosteletzkya (named for V. F. Kosteletzky, professor of medicinal botany at Prague, and author of several books). Malvaceae. Perennial herbs or shrubs closely related to Hibiscus, 6 species of which are found in Amer., 1 in. Abyssinia and 1 from W. and Cent.
Kosteletzkya (named for V. F. Kosteletzky, professor of medicinal botany at Prague, and author of several books). Malvaceae. Perennial herbs or shrubs closely related to Hibiscus, 6 species of which are found in Amer., 1 in. Abyssinia and 1 from W. and Cent.
Italy through S. Russia to Persia. Lvs. sagittate, lobed: fls. solitary or clustered in the axils of the lvs., often in terminal panicles or racemes, pink, purple or white; bractlets 7-10, often very small or obsolete; stamina! column entire or 5-toothed; ovary 5-celled with 1 ovule in each cell: caps, depressed, dehiscing loculicidally along the 5 projecting angles. K. pentacarpa, Ledeb., is the only European species and has been described in horticultural literature abroad. An erect plant, about 3 ft. high: lvs. cordate, toothed: fls. purple-red, rather large, borne singly on peduncles a little shorter than the lvs. K. virginica, Presl. Foliage pubescent, often scabrous: sts. 1-4 ft. high, branching: panicles leafy; calyx canescent; petals pink or purple: caps, hirsute at maturity. Marshes along the coast, N. Y. to Fla. and La.
