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|lifespan=perennial, annual
|life_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia
|features=evergreen, deciduous
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|image_caption=Brazilian Nightshade (''[[Solanum seaforthianum]]'')
'''''Solanum''''', the '''nightshades''', '''horsenettles''' and relatives, is a large and diverse [[genus]] of [[annual plant|annual]] and [[perennial plant]]s. They grow as [[forb]]s, [[vine]]s, [[subshrub]]s, [[shrub]]s, and small [[tree]]s, and often have attractive [[fruit]] and [[flower]]s. Many formerly independent genera like ''[[Lycopersicon]]'' (the tomatoes) or ''[[Cyphomandra]]'' are included in ''Solanum'' as [[subgenera]] or [[section (botany)|section]]s today. Thus, the genus nowadays contains roughly 1,500-2,000 [[species]].  The species usually called nightshade in North America and England is Solanum dulcamara, also called bittersweet and woody nightshade.  Its foliage and egg-shaped red berries are poisonous, the active principle being solanine, which can cause convulsions and death if taken in large doses.  The black nightshade (S. nigrum) is also generally considered poisonous, but its fully ripened fruit and foliage are cooked and eaten in some areas.
The generic name was first used by [[Pliny the Elder]] (23-79) for a plant also known as ''strychnos'', most likely ''[[Solanum nigrum|S. nigrum]]''. Its derivation is uncertain, possibly stemming from the [[Latin]] word ''sol'', meaning "sun," referring to its status as a plant of the sun.  Another possibility is that the root was ''solare'', meaning "to soothe," or ''solamen'', meaning "a comfort," which would refer to the soothing effects of the plant upon ingestion.<ref>{{cite book |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=2ndDtX-RjYkC& |title=CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names |volume=4 R-Z |first=Umberto |last=Quattrocchi |publisher=Taylor and Francis US |year=2000 |isbn=9780849326783 |page=2058}}</ref>
Most parts of the plants, especially the green parts and unripe fruit, are [[poison]]ous to humans (although not necessarily to other animals), but many species in the genus bear some edible parts, such as [[fruit]]s, [[leaf|leaves]], or [[tuber]]s. Several species are cultivated, including three globally important food crops:
* [[Tomato]], ''S. lycopersicum''
* [[Potato]], ''S. tuberosum''
* [[Eggplant]], ''S. melongena''
Other species are significant food crops regionally, such as [[Ethiopian Eggplant]] and [[Scarlet Eggplant|gilo]] (''[[Solanum aethiopicum|S. aethiopicum]]''), [[naranjilla]] or lulo (''S. quitoense''), Turkey Berry (''[[Solanum torvum|S. torvum]]''), pepino (''[[Solanum muricatum|S. muricatum]]''), or the "[[bush tomato]]es" (several [[Australia]]n species).
Solanum (Latin, solamen, solace or quieting). Solanaceae. Nightshade. A vast group of temperate and tropical herbs, shrubs and even trees, comparatively poorly represented in temperate North America, of various horticultural adaptabilities, comprising ornamental subjects and also the potato, tomato, eggplant, ground cherry or physalis, red pepper or capsicum; also medicinal plants.
Solanum (Latin, solamen, solace or quieting). Solanaceae. Nightshade. A vast group of temperate and tropical herbs, shrubs and even trees, comparatively poorly represented in temperate North America, of various horticultural adaptabilities, comprising ornamental subjects and also the potato, tomato, eggplant, ground cherry or physalis, red pepper or capsicum; also medicinal plants.
Leaves alternate: infl. mostly sympodial and therefore superaxillary or opposite the lvs.: corolla gamopetalous and rotate or shallow-campanulate, plaited in the bud, the limb angled or shallow-lobed; stamens usually 5, inserted on the throat of the corolla, the anthers narrower or elongated and connivent and mostly opening by an apical pore or slit; ovary usually 2-loculed, ripening into a berry which is sometimes inclosed in the persistent calyx; fls. white, purple or yellow.—Dunal, the latest monographer (DC. Prodr. 13, pt. 1). in 1852, recognized 901 species, and many species have been discovered since that time, the number now being estimated at about 1,200. Many new species have recently been described by Bitter in various volumes of Fedde, Rep. Nov. Sp. Reg. Veget. The genus finds its greatest extension in Trop. Amer. Of the vast number of species, barely 25 are of much account horticulturally, and half that number will comprise all the species that are popularly well known. One of these is the potato, Solanum tuberosum, one of the leading food plants of the human race. The genus seems to abound in plants with toxic properties, although its bad reputation in this respect is probably exaggerated. The species are herbs in temperate climates, but in warm countries many of them are shrubby and some are small trees. Many of them are climbers. It is impracticable to distribute the few cult. species into the various botanical groups of a great genus, and the following species are therefore assembled mainly on a horticultural plan. See Baker, Journ. Linn. Soc. 21, for account of the tuberiferous solanums. Other important papers on the tuberous species are Berthault, Recherches botaniques sur les varietes cultivees du Solanum tuberosum et les especes suavages de Solanum tuberiferes voisins, Ann. Sci. Agron. Ser. III. 6th annee 1911; Sutton, in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 38:1909; Wittmack, Berichti Deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft 27:28, 1909, and Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbucher Zeitschrift 38: suppl. 5, 1909; Heckel, sur les Origines de la Pomme de Terre Cultivee, etc. Ann. de la Faculte des Sci. de Marseille 16:1906; Ballivian & Tovar, Noticia Historica y Classificacion de la Papa de Bolivia. 1914.
Leaves alternate: infl. mostly sympodial and therefore superaxillary or opposite the lvs.: corolla gamopetalous and rotate or shallow-campanulate, plaited in the bud, the limb angled or shallow-lobed; stamens usually 5, inserted on the throat of the corolla, the anthers narrower or elongated and connivent and mostly opening by an apical pore or slit; ovary usually 2-loculed, ripening into a berry which is sometimes inclosed in the persistent calyx; fls. white, purple or yellow.The genus finds its greatest extension in Trop. Amer. Of the vast number of species, barely 25 are of much account horticulturally, and half that number will comprise all the species that are popularly well known. One of these is the potato, [[Solanum tuberosum]], one of the leading food plants of the human race. The genus seems to abound in plants with toxic properties, although its bad reputation in this respect is probably exaggerated. The species are herbs in temperate climates, but in warm countries many of them are shrubby and some are small trees. Many of them are climbers. It is impracticable to distribute the few cult. species into the various botanical groups of a great genus, and the following species are therefore assembled mainly on a horticultural plan.  
S. auriculatum, Ait., is allied to S. verbascifolium, and is sometimes mistaken for it. Lvs. 6-7 in. long, ovate-oblong, acuminate, entire, velvety-tomentose above with branched hairs, more densely so and paler below, axils furnished with small lvs.: corymbs sub- terminal, many-fld.; corolla violet, about 1/2 in. across: berry globose. Afr.—S. betaceum, Cav., is Cyphomandra, for which see Vol. II.—S. cernuum, Velloz. Shrub or small tree, with cyphomandra-like lvs. and the young parts clothed with chaffy hairs: fls. white: fr. globose, hairy, inclosed in the calyx. S. Brazil. B.M. 7491.—S. Commersonii, "Violet," which attracted much attention a few years ago, is S. tuberosum, being similar to, if not identical with the variety known as "Blue Giant."—S. corymbosum, Jacq. A fetid rather weak, unarmed, branched half-shrub: lvs. 2-5 in. long, glabrous except for the ciliate margins, ovate or lanceolate, entire or slightly lobed: fls. about 1/2 in. diam., blue or violet: fr. reddish orange, 1/4 – 2/3 in. diam. Native of Peru.—S. erectum is Cyphomandra betaceum.—S. Pierreanum, Paill. & Bois, has fr. the size of a walnut and shaped like a tomato, scarlet.—S. stoloniferum, Schlecht. & Bouche. Tuber-bearing: lvs. with 3-4 pairs of pinnae, the interposed ones very numerous; lfts. mostly subcordate at the base and acuminate at the apex, sparingly pubescent with scattered flattened hairs on the upper surface, usually only along the veins on the lower surface, but puberulent on both surfaces: calyx glabrous, the lobes about the length of the tube; corolla white.—S. tubingense and S. Darwinianum said to be graft hybrids of Lycopersicum esculentum and S. nigrum produced by Prof. Winkler of Tubingen. G.C. III. 50:161.—S. verbascifolium, Linn. Lvs. lanceolate-ovate, or ovate-oblong, entire, tomentose, without smaller lvs. in the axils: fls. rather small, white: fr. the size of a small cherry. Widely distributed in the tropics.
S. auriculatum, Ait., is allied to S. verbascifolium, and is sometimes mistaken for it. Lvs. 6-7 in. long, ovate-oblong, acuminate, entire, velvety-tomentose above with branched hairs, more densely so and paler below, axils furnished with small lvs.: corymbs sub- terminal, many-fld.; corolla violet, about 1/2 in. across: berry globose. Afr.—S. betaceum, Cav., is Cyphomandra.—S. cernuum, Velloz. Shrub or small tree, with cyphomandra-like lvs. and the young parts clothed with chaffy hairs: fls. white: fr. globose, hairy, inclosed in the calyx. S. Brazil. B.M. 7491.—S. Commersonii, "Violet," which attracted much attention a few years ago, is S. tuberosum, being similar to, if not identical with the variety known as "Blue Giant."—S. corymbosum, Jacq. A fetid rather weak, unarmed, branched half-shrub: lvs. 2-5 in. long, glabrous except for the ciliate margins, ovate or lanceolate, entire or slightly lobed: fls. about 1/2 in. diam., blue or violet: fr. reddish orange, 1/4 – 2/3 in. diam. Native of Peru.—S. erectum is Cyphomandra betaceum.—S. Pierreanum, Paill. & Bois, has fr. the size of a walnut and shaped like a tomato, scarlet.—S. stoloniferum, Schlecht. & Bouche. Tuber-bearing: lvs. with 3-4 pairs of pinnae, the interposed ones very numerous; lfts. mostly subcordate at the base and acuminate at the apex, sparingly pubescent with scattered flattened hairs on the upper surface, usually only along the veins on the lower surface, but puberulent on both surfaces: calyx glabrous, the lobes about the length of the tube; corolla white.—S. tubingense and S. Darwinianum said to be graft hybrids of Lycopersicum esculentum and S. nigrum produced by Prof. Winkler of Tubingen.—S. verbascifolium, Linn. Lvs. lanceolate-ovate, or ovate-oblong, entire, tomentose, without smaller lvs. in the axils: fls. rather small, white: fr. the size of a small cherry. Widely distributed in the tropics.
| color = lightgreen
| name = ''Solanum''
| image = Solanum sodomeum.JPG
| image_width = 250px
| image_caption = Fruit of ''[[Solanum linnaeanum]]''
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
===Pests and diseases===
| divisio = [[flowering plants|Magnoliophyta]]
| classis = [[dicotyledon|Magnoliopsida]]
| subclassis = [[Asteridae]]
| ordo = [[Solanales]]
Broken out by subgenus.
| familia = [[Solanaceae]]
| genus = '''''Solanum'''''
===Subgenus ''Bassovia''===
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]], [[1753]]
'''Section ''Allophylla'''''<br />
| subdivision_ranks = Species
* ''[[Solanum granuloso-leprosum]]''
| subdivision =  
'''Section ''Cyphomandropsis'''''
See text.
* ''[[Solanum glaucophyllum]]'' <small>Desf.</small> &ndash; [[Waxy-leaved Nightshade]]<!-- = S. glaucum, S. malacoxylon -->
'''Section ''Pachyphylla'''''
* ''[[Tamarillo|Solanum betaceum]]'' <small>Cav.</small> &ndash; Tamarillo
* ''[[Solanum exiguum]]''
* ''[[Solanum roseum]]''
===Subgenus ''Leptostemonum''===
[[Image:Solanum atropurpureum fruits.jpg|thumb|right|[[Five-minute Plant]] (''[[Solanum atropurpureum|S. atropurpureum]]'') fruit]]
[[Image:Starr_020913-0042_Solanum_robustum.jpg|thumb|right|[[Shrubby Nightshade]] (''[[Solanum robustum|S. robustum]]'') flowers]]
[[Image:Starr_980529-4264_Solanum_wendlandii.jpg|thumb|right|[[Giant Potatocreeper]] (''[[Solanum wendlandii|S. wendlandii]]'') flowers]]
[[Image:Solanum pyracanthum 05 ies.jpg|thumb|right|[[Porcupine Tomato]] (''[[Solanum pyracanthum|S. pyracanthum]]'') fruit]]
'''Section ''Acanthophora'''''
* ''[[Solanum aculeatissimum]]'' <small>Jacq.</small> &ndash; [[Indian Nightshade]]<!-- = S. khasianum -->
* ''[[Solanum atropurpureum]]'' <small>Schrank</small> &ndash; [[Five-minute Plant]]
* ''[[Solanum capsicoides]]'' &ndash; [[Cockroach Berry]], ''polohauaiʻi'' ([[Polynesian language|Polynesian]])
* ''[[Solanum mammosum]]'' &ndash; [[Nipplefruit]], Titty Fruit, Cow's Udder, "[[apple of Sodom (disambiguation)|apple of Sodom]]"
* ''[[Solanum palinacanthum]]'' <small>[[Michel Félix Dunal|Dunal]]</small><!-- Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 14 (3) 285-287 -->
* ''[[Solanum viarum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; Tropical Soda Apple
'''Section ''Anisantherum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Campanulata'''''<br />
'''Section ''Crinitum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Croatianum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Erythrotrichum'''''
* ''[[Solanum robustum]]'' <small>H.L.Wendl.</small> &ndash; [[Shrubby Nightshade]]
'''Section ''Graciliflorum'''''{{Verify source|date=October 2008}}<br />
'''Section ''Herposolanum'''''
* ''[[Solanum wendlandii]]'' <small>Hook.f.</small> &ndash; [[Giant Potatocreeper]]
'''Section ''Irenosolanum'''''
* ''[[Solanum incompletum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; ''Pōpolo kū mai''<!-- "imcompletum" is lapsus --> ([[Hawaii|Hawai{{okina}}i]])
* ''[[Solanum nelsonii]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; Nelson's Horsenettle, ''{{okina}}Ākia'' (Hawai{{okina}}i)
* ''[[Solanum sandwicense]]'' <small>Hook. & Arn.</small> &ndash; [[Hawaiian Horsenettle]], ''Pōpolo{{okina}}aiakeakua'' ([[Oahu|O{{okina}}ahu]], [[Kauai|Kaua{{okina}}i]])
'''Section ''Ischyracanthum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Lasiocarpa'''''
* ''[[Solanum lasiocarpum]]'' <small>Dunal</small>
* ''[[Solanum quitoense]]'' &ndash; ''[[lulo]]'' ([[Colombia]]), ''naranjilla'' ([[Ecuador]])
* ''[[Solanum sessiliflorum]]'' &ndash; [[Cocona]]
'''Section ''Melongena'''''
* ''[[Solanum aculeastrum]]'' &ndash; [[Soda Apple]], Sodaapple Nightshade, Goat Apple, Poison Apple, "[[bitter-apple]]"
* ''[[Solanum campechiense]]'' &ndash; [[Redberry Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum carolinense]]'' <small></small> &ndash; [[Carolina Horsenettle]], Radical Weed, Sand Brier, Devil's Tomato, "[[bull nettle]]", "[[tread-softly]]", "[[apple of Sodom (disambiguation)|apple of Sodom]]", "[[wild tomato]]" ([[southeastern United States]])
* ''[[Solanum citrullifolium]]'' <small>A.Braun</small> &ndash; Watermelon Nightshade (southern [[United States]])
* ''[[Solanum dimidiatum]]'' <small>Raf.</small> &ndash; [[Torrey's Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum elaeagnifolium]]'' &ndash; [[Silver-leaved Nightshade]], Prairie Berry, Silverleaf Nettle, White Horsenettle, Silver Nightshade, "[[bull-nettle]]", "[[trompillo]]" (Spanish); Silver-leaf bitter-apple, ''satansbos'' (South Africa)
* ''[[Solanum heterodoxum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Melon-leaved Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum incanum]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Solanum linnaeanum]]'' &ndash; [[Devil's Apple]], "[[apple of Sodom (disambiguation)|apple of Sodom]]"
* ''[[Solanum macrocarpon]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Solanum marginatum]]'' <small>L.f.</small> &ndash; [[White-margined Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum melongena]]'' &ndash; [[Eggplant]], Aubergine (including ''S. ovigerum'')
* ''[[Solanum rostratum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; Buffalo Bur, Texas Thistle
* ''[[Solanum sisymbriifolium]]'' <small>[[Jean-Baptiste Lamarck|Lam.]]</small> &ndash; [[Sticky Nightshade]], fire-and-ice
* ''[[Solanum virginianum]]'' <small>L.</small><!-- = S. surattense -->
'''Section ''Micracantha'''''
* ''[[Solanum jamaicense]]'' <small>Mill.</small> &ndash; [[Jamaican Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum lanceifolium]]'' <small>Jacq.</small> &ndash; [[Lance-leaved Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum tampicense]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Wetland Nightshade]]
'''Section ''Monodolichopus'''''<br />
'''Section ''Nycterium'''''<br />
'''Section ''Oliganthes'''''
* ''[[Solanum aethiopicum]]'' &ndash; [[Ethiopian Eggplant]], Nakati, Mock Tomato, Ethiopian Nightshade; including ''S. gilo'' ([[Scarlet Eggplant]], Gilo or ''jiló'')
* ''[[Solanum centrale]]'' &ndash; [[Australian Desert Raisin]], Bush Raisin, Bush Sultana, "[[bush tomato]]", ''akatjurra'' ([[Alyawarre]]),  ''kampurarpa'' ([[Pitjantjatjara]]), ''merne akatyerre'' ([[Arrernte]]), ''kutjera''
* ''[[Solanum cleistogamum]]'' &ndash; "[[bush tomato]]", ''merne mwanyerne'' (Arrernte)
* ''[[Solanum ellipticum]]'' &ndash; [[Potato Bush]], "[[bush tomato]]"
* ''[[Solanum pyracanthon]]'' <small>Lam.</small> &ndash; [[Porcupine Tomato]], [[Devil's Thorn]]<!-- = S. pyracanthos, = S. pyracanthum -->
* ''[[Solanum quadriloculatum]]'' <small>F.Muell.</small> &ndash; "[[bush tomato]]", "[[wild tomato]]" (Australia)
'''Section ''Persicariae'''''
* ''[[Solanum bahamense]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; Bahama Nightshade, Canker Berry, ''berengena de playa''
* ''[[Solanum ensifolium]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; Erubia
'''Section ''Polytrichum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Pugiunculifera'''''<br />
'''Section ''Somalanum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Torva'''''
* ''[[Solanum asteropilodes]]''
* ''[[Solanum chrysotrichum]]'' <small>Schltdl.</small> &ndash; [[Giant Devil's-fig]]
* ''[[Solanum lanceolatum]]'' &ndash; [[Orangeberry Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum paniculatum]]'' &ndash; [[Jurubeba]]
* ''[[Solanum torvum]]'' &ndash; Turkey Berry, Devil's Fig, Prickly Nightshade, Shoo-shoo Bush, Wild Eggplant, Pea Eggplant
===Subgenus ''Lyciosolanum''===
* ''[[Solanum guineense]]'' <small>L.</small>
===Subgenus ''Solanum sensu stricto''===
[[File:Solanum erianthum Don W IMG 1621.jpg|thumb|right|''[[Solanum erianthum]]'']]
[[Image:Solanum jasminoides1.jpg|thumb|right|[[Jasmine Nightshade]] (''[[Solanum laxum|S. laxum]]'') flowers]]
[[Image:Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium1.jpg|thumb|right|[[Currant Tomato]] (''S. pimpinellifolium'') fruit]]
[[Image:Andean black potato 2.JPG|thumb|right|[[Andes|Andean]] black [[potato]]es (''S. tuberosum'')]]
[[Image:Solanum torvum 3.jpg|thumb|right|[[Turkey Berry]] (''S. torvum'') flowers]]
[[Image:Solanum villosum 01-10-2005 11.10.56.JPG|thumb|right|[[Yellow Nightshade]] (''[[Solanum villosum|S. villosum]]'') fruit]]
'''Section ''Afrosolanum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Anarrhichomenum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Archaesolanum'''''
* ''[[Solanum aviculare]]'' &ndash; [[Poroporo]] (New Zealand), Kangaroo Apple (Australia)
'''Section ''Basarthrum'''''
* ''[[Solanum muricatum]]'' &ndash; Pepino dulce, pepino melon, melon pear, "pepino", "tree melon"
'''Section ''Benderianum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Brevantherum'''''
* ''[[Solanum bullatum]]''
* ''[[Solanum erianthum]]'' <small>D.Don</small> &ndash; Potato Tree, "Mullein Nightshade"
* ''[[Solanum mauritianum]]'' &ndash; [[Woolly Nightshade]], Ear-leaved Nightshade, Flannel Weed, Bugweed, Tobacco Weed, Kerosene Plant, "wild tobacco" (Austrialia)
'''Section ''Dulcamara'''''
* ''[[Solanum crispum]]'' &ndash; Chilean Potato Vine, Chilean Nightshade, Chilean Potato Tree
* ''[[Solanum dulcamara]]'' &ndash; Bittersweet
* ''[[Solanum imbaburense]]''
* ''[[Solanum laxum]]'' <small>Spreng.</small> &ndash; [[Jasmine Nightshade]]<!-- = S. jasminoides -->
* ''[[Solanum leiophyllum]]''
* ''[[Solanum seaforthianum]]'' <small>Andrews</small> &ndash; [[Brazilian Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum triquetrum]]'' <small>Cav.</small> &ndash; [[Texas Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum wallacei]]'' &ndash; [[Wallace's Nightshade]], Catalina Nightshade, Clokey's Nightshade, "[[wild tomato]]" (including ''S. clokeyi'')
* ''[[Solanum xanti]]'' &ndash; Purple Nightshade, San Diego Nightshade
'''Section ''Herpystichum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Holophylla'''''
* ''[[Solanum diphyllum]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; Twin-leaved nightshade
* ''[[Jerusalem cherry|Solanum pseudocapsicum]]'' &ndash; Jerusalem Cherry, Madeira Winter Cherry, "winter cherry" (including ''S. capsicastrum'')
* ''[[Solanum pseudoquina]]'' (including ''S. inaequale'' <small>Vell.</small>)
'''Section ''Juglandifolia'''''<br />
'''Section ''Lemurisolanum'''''<br />
'''Section ''Lycopersicoides'''''
* ''[[Solanum lycopersicoides]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Peruvian Wolfpeach]]
'''Section ''Lycopersicon'''''<br />
* ''[[Solanum arcanum]]'' <small>Peralta</small> &ndash; "[[wild tomato]]"
* ''[[Solanum cheesmaniae]]'' <small>(L.Riley) Fosberg</small><!-- Systemat.Biodivers.1:29 -->
* ''[[Solanum galapagense]]'' <small>S.C.Darwin & Peralta</small><!-- Systemat.Biodivers.1:29 -->
* ''[[Solanum huaylasense]]'' <small>Peralta</small>
* ''[[Tomato|Solanum lycopersicum]]'' &ndash; Tomato
* ''[[Solanum peruvianum]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Peruvian Nightshade]], "[[wild tomato]]"
* ''[[Solanum pimpinellifolium]]'' &ndash; [[Currant Tomato]]
'''Section ''Macronesiotes'''''<br />
'''Section ''Normania'''''<br />
'''Section ''Petota'''''<!-- subsections Estolonifera and Potatoe -->
* ''[[Solanum albornozii]]''
* ''[[Solanum bulbocastanum]]'' &ndash; [[Ornamental Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum bukasovii]]'' <small>Juz. ex Rybin</small><!--  =? S. canasense -->
* ''[[Solanum burtonii]]''
* ''[[Solanum cardiophyllum]]'' &ndash; [[Heart-leaved Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum chilliasense]]''
* ''[[Solanum commersonii]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Commerson's Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum demissum]]'' <small>Lindl.</small> &ndash; [[Dwarf Wild Potato]]
* ''[[Solanum jamesii]]'' &ndash; Wild Potato
* ''[[Solanum minutifoliolum]]''
* ''[[Solanum paucijugum]]''
* ''[[Solanum phureja]]'' <small>Juz. & Bukasov</small>
* ''[[Solanum pinnatisectum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Tansy-leaved Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum regularifolium]]''
* ''[[Solanum stoloniferum]]'' <small>Schltdl.</small> &ndash; [[Tigna Potato]], Fendler's Horsenettle
* ''[[Solanum stenotomum]]'' (including ''S. goniocalyx'')
* ''[[Solanum ternatum]]'' (including ''S. ternifolium'')
* ''[[Potato|Solanum tuberosum]]'' &ndash; Potato
'''Section ''Pteroidea'''''<br />
'''Section ''Quadrangulare'''''<br />
'''Section ''Regmandra'''''<br />
'''Section ''Solanum'''''
* ''[[Solanum adscendens]]'' <small>Sendtner</small> &ndash; Sonoita Nightshade ([[Americas]])
* ''[[Solanum americanum]]'' <small>[[Philip Miller|Mill.]]</small> &ndash; American Nightshade, American Black Nightshade, Glossy Nightshade ([[Americas]], [[Hawaii|Hawai{{okina}}i]])
* ''[[Solanum chenopodioides]]'' <small>Lam.</small> &ndash; [[Goosefoot Nightshade]], Slender Nightshade (including ''S. gracilius'')
* ''[[Solanum douglasii]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Green-spotted Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum interius]]'' <small>Rydb.</small>
* ''[[Solanum nigrescens]]'' <small>M.Martens & Galeotti</small> &ndash; [[Divine Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum nigrum]]'' &ndash; [[European Black Nightshade]], "[[black nightshade]]"
* ''[[Solanum pseudogracile]]'' <small>Heiser</small> &ndash; [[Glowing Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum ptychanthum]]'' &ndash; [[West Indian Nightshade]], Eastern Black Nightshade
* ''[[Solanum retroflexum]]'' &ndash; [[Wonderberry]], Sunberry
* ''[[Solanum sarrachoides]]'' &ndash; Hairy Nightshade
* ''[[Solanum scabrum]]''  <small>Mill.</small> &ndash; [[Garden Huckleberry]]
* ''[[Solanum triflorum]]'' <small>Nutt.</small> &ndash; [[Cut-leaved Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum villosum]]'' <small>Mill.</small> &ndash; [[Yellow Nightshade]]
===Other notable species===
[[Image:Solanum furcatum I.JPG|thumb|right|[[Forked Nightshade]] (''S. furcatum'')]]
[[Image:Solanum umbelliferum Bluewitch.jpg|thumb|right|[[Bluewitch Nightshade]] (''S. umbelliferum'') flowers]]
* ''[[Solanum amygdalifolium]]'' <small>Steud.</small>
* ''[[Solanum bellum]]''
* ''[[Solanum cajanumense]]''
* ''[[Solanum chimborazense]]''
* ''[[Solanum chrysasteroides]]''
* ''[[Solanum cinnamomeum]]''
* ''[[Solanum conocarpum]]'' <small>Rich. ex Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Marron Bacoba]]
* ''[[Solanum cremastanthemum]]''
* ''[[Solanum davisense]]'' <small>Whalen</small> &ndash; [[Davis' Horsenettle]]<!-- "davisensen" is lapsus -->
* ''[[Solanum densepilosulum]]''
* ''[[Solanum donianum]]'' <small>Walp.</small> &ndash; [[Mullein Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum dolichorhachis]]''
* ''[[Solanum fallax]]''
* ''[[Solanum ferox]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; [[Hairy-fruited Eggplant]], [[Thai Hairy-fruited Eggplant]]
* ''[[Solanum fortunense]]''
* ''[[Solanum furcatum]]'' &ndash; [[Forked Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum glabratum]]'' <small>Dunal</small><!-- = S. bahamense Forssk. -->
* ''[[Solanum haleakalaense]]'' <small>H.St.John</small><!-- "haleakalense" is lapsus -->
* ''[[Solanum hindsianum]]'' <small>Benth.</small> &ndash; [[Hinds' Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum hypermegethes]]''
* ''[[Solanum hypocalycosarcum]]''
* ''[[Solanum interandinum]]''
* ''[[Solanum latiflorum]]''
* ''[[Solanum leucodendron]]''
* ''[[Solanum lumholtzianum]]'' <small>Bartlett</small> &ndash; [[Sonoran Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum luteoalbum]]'' (including ''S. semicoalitum'')
* ''[[Solanum lycocarpum]]'' &ndash; [[Wolf Apple]], ''fruta-de-lobo, lobeira'' (Brazil)
* ''[[Solanum melissarum]]'' <small>Bohs</small>
* ''[[Solanum nudum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Forest Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum ovum-fringillae]]''
* ''[[Solanum paralum]]''
* ''[[Solanum parishii]]'' <small>A.Heller</small> &ndash; [[Parish's Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum physalifolium]]'' <small>Rusby</small><!-- = S. nitidibaccatum f. integrifolium Blom. BiolConserv137:248. -->
* ''[[Solanum pinetorum]]''
* ''[[Solanum polygamum]]'' <small>Vahl</small> &ndash; [[Cakalaka Berry]]
* ''[[Solanum pyrifolium]]'' <small>Lam.</small>
* ''[[Solanum riedlei]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; [[Riedle's Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum rudepannum]]'' <small>Dunal</small><!-- = S. fendleri Van Heurck & Müll.Arg., = S. torvum var. fructipendulum Sendtn. in Mart., = S. torvum var. ochraceo-ferrugineum Dunal in DC. -->
* ''[[Solanum rugosum]]'' <small>Dunal</small> &ndash; ''[[tabacon aspero]]''
* ''[[Solanum sibundoyense]]''
* ''[[Solanum sodiroi]]'' (including ''S. carchiense'')
* ''[[Solanum sycocarpum]]''
* ''[[Solanum tenuipes]]'' <small>Bartlett</small> &ndash; [[Fancy Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum tobagense]]''
* ''[[Solanum trilobatum]]'' <small>L.</small>
* ''[[Solanum umbelliferum]]'' &ndash; [[Bluewitch Nightshade]]
* ''[[Solanum verrogeneum]]'' <small>Berengena</small>
* ''[[Solanum violaceum]]'' <small>Ortega</small><!-- = S. racemosum Noronha, = Solanum nelsonii Zipp. ex Span. -->
* ''[[Solanum viride]]'' <small>Spreng.</small> &ndash; Green Nightshade<!--  [[Cultivar]] from Fiji: ''[[Solanum anthropophagorum]]'' <small>Seem.</small> -->
* ''[[Solanum woodburyi]]'' <small>Howard</small> &ndash; [[Woodbury's Nightshade]]
===Formerly placed here===
[[File:Lycianthes rantonnei.jpg|thumb|right|''[[Lycianthes rantonnetii]]'' and its [[congener]]s were often placed in ''Solanum'']]
Some plants of yet other genera also were placed in ''Solanum'' in former times:
* ''[[Chamaesaracha coronopus]]'' (as ''S. coronopus'')
* ''[[Lycianthes biflora]]'' (as ''S. multifidum'' <small>Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don</small>)
* ''[[Lycianthes denticulata]]'' (as ''S. gouakai'' var. ''angustifolium'' and var. ''latifolium'')
* ''[[Lycianthes lycioides]]'' (as ''S. lycioides'' var. ''angustifolium'')
* ''[[Lycianthes mociniana]]'' (as ''S. uniflorum'' <small>Dunal in Poir.</small> and ''S. uniflorum'' <small>Sessé & Moc.</small>)
* ''[[Lycianthes rantonnetii]]'' (as ''S. rantonnetii'', ''S. urbanum'' var. ''ovatifolium'' and var. ''typicum'')
* Undetermined species of ''[[Lycianthes]]'' have been referred to under names such as ''[[Solanum chrysophyllum|S. chrysophyllum]]'', ''S. ciliatum'' <small>Blume ex Miq.</small>, ''S. corniculatum'' <small>Hiern</small>, ''[[Solanum lanuginosum|S. lanuginosum]]'', ''[[Solanum loxense|S. loxense]]'', ''[[Solanum mucronatum|S. mucronatum]]'', ''S. retrofractum'' var. ''acuminatum'', ''S. violaceum'' <small>Blume</small>, ''S. violifolium'' f. ''typicum'', ''S. virgatum'' notst ''ß albiflorum'', ''S. uniflorum'' <small>Lag.</small> or ''S. uniflorum'' var. ''berterianum''.
'''''Solanum''''' is a large, variable [[genus]] of [[annual plant]]s and [[perennial plant]]s, [[forb]]s, [[vine]]s, [[sub-shrub]]s, [[shrub]]s, and small [[tree]]s. They often have attractive fruit and flowers. Most are [[poison]]ous, but many bear edible [[fruit]]s, [[leaf|leaves]], or [[tuber]]s, and the genus includes several cultivated species, including three major food crops:
* [[Tomato]], ''Solanum lycopersicum''
<gallery perrow=5>
* [[Potato]], ''Solanum tuberosum''
Image:Upload.png| photo 1
* [[Eggplant]], ''Solanum melongena''
Image:Upload.png| photo 2
''Solanum'' species are used as food plants by the [[larva]]e of some [[Lepidoptera]] species - see [[list of Lepidoptera which feed on Solanum]].
Image:Upload.png| photo 3
== Species ==
*''[[sodaapple nightshade|S. aculeastrum]]'' - Sodaapple nightshade
*''[[sonoita nightshade|S. adscendens]]'' - Sonoita nightshade
<!--- xxxxx  *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
*''[[Solanum aethiopicum|S. aethiopicum]]'' - Ethiopian nightshade or nakati
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
*''[[Solanum americanum|S. americanum]]'' - Purple or glossy nightshade; American black nightshade; [[Poroporo]]
<!--- xxxxx *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
*''[[Solanum arcanum|S. arcanum]]''
*''[[Poroporo|S. aviculare]]'' - [[Poroporo]]
*''[[Solanum bahamense|S. bahamense]]'' - Bahama nightshade
*''[[Solanum bulbocastanum|S. bulbocastanum]]'' - Ornamental nightshade
*''[[Solanum burbankii|S. burbankii]]'' - Wonderberry
*''[[Solanum campechiense|S. campechiense]]'' - Redberry nightshade
*''[[Solanum capsicastrum|S. capsicastrum]]'' - False Jerusalem cherry
*''[[Solanum capsicoides|S. capsicoides]]'' - Cockroach berry
*''[[Solanum cardiophyllum|S. cardiophyllum]]'' - Heartleaf nightshade
*''[[Carolina horsenettle|S. carolinense]]'' - Apple of Sodom, Horsenettle
*''[[Australian desert raisin|S. centrale]]'' - Australian desert raisin
*''[[Solanum chenopodioides|S. chenopodioides]]'' - Goosefoot nightshade
*''[[Solanum citrullifolium|S. citrullifolium]]'' - Watermelon nightshade
*''[[Solanum clokeyi|S. clokeyi]]'' - Clokey's nightshade
[[Image:Solanum melongena0.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Eggplant (''Solanum melongena'') ]]
*''[[Solanum commersonii|S. commersonii]]'' - Commerson's nightshade
*''[[Solanum conocarpum|S. conocarpum]]'' - Marron bacoba
*''[[Solanum crispum|S. crispum]]'' - Chilean potato vine
*''[[Solanum davisensen|S. davisensen]]'' - Davis horsenettle
*''[[Solanum demissum|S. demissum]]'' - Dwarf wild potato
*''[[Solanum dimidiatum|S. dimidiatum]]'' - Torrey's nightshade
*''[[Solanum diphyllum|S. diphyllum]]'' - Twinleaf nightshade
*''[[Solanum donianum|S. donianum]]'' - Mullein nightshade
*''[[Solanum douglasii|S. douglasii]]'' - Greenspot nightshade
*''[[Solanum drymophilum|S. drymophilum]]'' - Erubia
*''[[Solanum dulcamara|S. dulcamara]]'' - Bittersweet
*''[[Solanum elaeagnifolium|S. elaeagnifolium]]'' - Silverleaf nightshade
*''[[Potato bush|S. ellipticum]]'' - Potato bush
*''[[potato tree|S. erianthum]]'' - Mullein nightshade, Potato tree
*''[[Fendler's horsenettle | S. fendleri]]'' - Fendler's horsenettle
*''[[Hairy-fruited eggplant|S. ferox]]'' - Hairy-fruited eggplant, Thai hairy-fruited eggplant
*''[[forked nightshade|S. furcatum]]'' - Forked nightshade
*''[[Chilean nightshade|S. gayanum]]'' - Chilean nightshade
*''[[Solanum gilo|S. gilo]]'' - Scarlet Eggplant, Gilo (Brazilian ''jiló'')
*''[[Solanum glacum|S. glacum]]'' -
*''[[waxyleaf nightshade|S. glaucophyllum]]'' - Waxyleaf nightshade
*''[[slender nightshade|S. gracilius]]'' - Slender nightshade
[[Image:Solanum-sisymbriifolium3.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Forked Nightshade (''Solanum sisymbriifolium)'']]
*''[[Solanum haleakalense|S. haleakalense]]'' -
*''[[melonleaf nightshade|S. heterodoxum]]'' - Melon-leaf nightshade
*''[[Hinds' nightshade|S. hindsianum]]'' - Hinds' nightshade
*''[[Solanum huaylasense]]''
*''S. hyporhodium'' - synonym of ''[[Solanum sessiliflorum|S. sessiliflorum]]''
*''[[Solanum imcompletum|S. imcompletum]]'' -
*''[[Solanum incanum|S. incanum]]'' -
*''[[Popolo ku mai|S. incompletum]]'' - Popolo ku mai
*''[[Solanum interius|S. interius]]'' -
*''[[Jamaican nightshade|S. jamaicense]]'' - Jamaican nightshade
*''[[Solanum jamesii|S. jamesii]]'' - Wild potato
*''[[jasmine nightshade|S. jasminoides]]'' - Jasmine nightshade
*''[[Indian nightshade|S. khasianum]]'' - Indian nightshade
*''[[lanceleaf nightshade | S. lanceifolium]]'' - Lanceleaf nightshade
*''[[orangeberry nightshade | S. lanceolatum]]'' - Orangeberry nightshade
*''[[tigna potato|S. leptosepalum]]'' - Tigna potato
*''[[Solanum linnaeanum|S. linnaeanum]]'' - Apple of Sodom (Hawaii)
*''[[Sonoran nightshade|S. lumholtzianum]]'' - Sonoran nightshade
*''[[Wolf Apple|S. lycocarpum]]'' - Wolf Apple
*''[[tomato|S. lycopersicum]]'' - Tomato
*''[[Solanum macrocarpon|S. macrocarpon]]'' -
[[Image:Solanum mammosum.jpg|thumb|250px|''[[Solanum mammosum]]'']]
*''[[Solanum mammosum|S. mammosum]]'' - Nipplefruit
*''[[white-margined nightshade|S. marginatum]]'' - White-margined nightshade
*''[[Solanum mauritianum|S. mauritianum]]'' - Earleaf nightshade
*''[[garden huckleberry|S. melanocerasum]]'' - Garden huckleberry
*''[[eggplant|S. melongena]]'' - Eggplant
*''[[Solanum mucronatum|S. mucronatum]]'' - Pepino
*''[[Solanum muricatum|S. muricatum]]'' - Pepino
*''[[Nelson's horsenettle|S. nelsonii]]'' - Nelson's horsenettle
*''[[divine nightshade|S. nigrescens]]'' - Divine nightshade
*''[[Solanum nigrum|S. nigrum]]'' - Black or blackberry nightshade
*''[[forest nightshade|S. nudum]]'' - Forest nightshade
*''[[Parish's nightshade|S. parishii]]'' - Parish's nightshade
*''[[Solanum pericifolium|S. pericifolium]]''
*''[[berengena de playa|S. persicifolium]]'' - Berengena de playa
*''[[Peruvian nightshade|S. peruvianum]]'' - Peruvian nightshade
*''[[Solanum phureja|S. phureja]]'' -
*''[[hairy nightshade|S. physalifolium]]'' - Hairy nightshade
*''[[currant tomato|S. pimpinellifolium]]'' - Currant tomato
*''[[tansyleaf nightshade|S. pinnatisectum]]'' - Tansyleaf nightshade
*''[[cakalaka berry|S. polygamum]]'' - Cakalaka berry
[[Image:Solanum pseudocapsicum.jpg|thumb|250px|Solanum pseudocapsicum fruit]]
*''[[Jerusalem cherry|S. pseudocapsicum]]'' - Jerusalem cherry
*''[[glowing nightshade|S. pseudogracile]]'' - Glowing nightshade
*''[[eastern black nightshade|S. ptycanthum]]'' - Eastern black nightshade
*''[[Solanum pyrifolium|S. pyrifolium]]'' -
*''[[naranjilla|S. quitoense]]'' - Naranjilla
*''[[canker berry|S. racemosum]]'' - Canker berry
*''[[Riedle's nightshade|S. riedlei]]'' - Riedle's nightshade
*''[[shrubby nightshade|S. robustum]]'' - Shrubby nightshade
*''[[Texas thistle|S. rostratum]]'' - Texas thistle
*''[[tabacon aspero|S. rugosum]]'' - Tabacon aspero
*''[[Hawaii horsenettle|S. sandwicense]]'' - Hawaii horsenettle
*''[[Green nightshade|S. sarrachoides]]'' - Green nightshade
*''[[Brazilian nightshade|S. seaforthianum]]'' - Brazilian nightshade
*''[[Solanum sessiliflorum|S. sessiliflorum]]'' - Cocona
*''[[sticky nightshade|S. sisymbriifolium]]'' - Sticky nightshade
*''[[Solanum surattense|S. surattense]]'' -
*''[[wetland nightshade|S. tampicense]]'' - Wetland nightshade
*''[[San Diego nightshade|S. tenuilobatum]]'' - San Diego nightshade
*''[[fancy nightshade|S. tenuipes]]'' - Fancy nightshade
*''[[Solanum torvum|S. torvum]]'' - Devil's fig
*''[[cutleaf nightshade|S. triflorum Nutt.]]'' - Cutleaf nightshade
*''[[Solanum triqetrum|S. triquetrum]]'' - [[Texas nightshade]]
*''[[Potato|S. tuberosum]]'' - Potato
*''[[Solanum umbelliferum|S. umbelliferum]]'' - Bluewitch nightshade
*''[[Solanum viarum|S. viarum]]'' - Tropical soda apple
*''[[Hairy nightshade|S. villosum]]'' - Hairy nightshade
*''[[green nightshade|S. viride]]'' - Green nightshade cv. form from Fiji: <u>S. anthropophagorum</u>
*''[[Solanum wallacei|S. wallacei]]'' - Wallace's nightshade, Catalina Nightshade
*''[[Solanum wendlandi|S. wendlandii]]'' - Giant potatocreeper
*''[[Solanum woodburyi|S. woodburyi]]'' - Woodbury's nightshade
*''[[Solanum xanthi|S. xanthi]]''
*''[[purple nightshade|S. xanti]]'' - Purple nightshade
==External links==
==External links==
*[http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/solanaceaesource/index.jsp  Solanaceae Source]
[[Category:Solanum| ]]

Latest revision as of 17:28, 1 June 2010

Brazilian Nightshade (Solanum seaforthianum)

Plant Characteristics
Lifespan: perennial, annual
Features: evergreen, deciduous
Scientific Names

Solanaceae >

Solanum >

L. >

If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!

Solanum, the nightshades, horsenettles and relatives, is a large and diverse genus of annual and perennial plants. They grow as forbs, vines, subshrubs, shrubs, and small trees, and often have attractive fruit and flowers. Many formerly independent genera like Lycopersicon (the tomatoes) or Cyphomandra are included in Solanum as subgenera or sections today. Thus, the genus nowadays contains roughly 1,500-2,000 species. The species usually called nightshade in North America and England is Solanum dulcamara, also called bittersweet and woody nightshade. Its foliage and egg-shaped red berries are poisonous, the active principle being solanine, which can cause convulsions and death if taken in large doses. The black nightshade (S. nigrum) is also generally considered poisonous, but its fully ripened fruit and foliage are cooked and eaten in some areas.

The generic name was first used by Pliny the Elder (23-79) for a plant also known as strychnos, most likely S. nigrum. Its derivation is uncertain, possibly stemming from the Latin word sol, meaning "sun," referring to its status as a plant of the sun. Another possibility is that the root was solare, meaning "to soothe," or solamen, meaning "a comfort," which would refer to the soothing effects of the plant upon ingestion.[1]

Most parts of the plants, especially the green parts and unripe fruit, are poisonous to humans (although not necessarily to other animals), but many species in the genus bear some edible parts, such as fruits, leaves, or tubers. Several species are cultivated, including three globally important food crops:

Other species are significant food crops regionally, such as Ethiopian Eggplant and gilo (S. aethiopicum), naranjilla or lulo (S. quitoense), Turkey Berry (S. torvum), pepino (S. muricatum), or the "bush tomatoes" (several Australian species).

Read about Solanum in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Solanum (Latin, solamen, solace or quieting). Solanaceae. Nightshade. A vast group of temperate and tropical herbs, shrubs and even trees, comparatively poorly represented in temperate North America, of various horticultural adaptabilities, comprising ornamental subjects and also the potato, tomato, eggplant, ground cherry or physalis, red pepper or capsicum; also medicinal plants.

Leaves alternate: infl. mostly sympodial and therefore superaxillary or opposite the lvs.: corolla gamopetalous and rotate or shallow-campanulate, plaited in the bud, the limb angled or shallow-lobed; stamens usually 5, inserted on the throat of the corolla, the anthers narrower or elongated and connivent and mostly opening by an apical pore or slit; ovary usually 2-loculed, ripening into a berry which is sometimes inclosed in the persistent calyx; fls. white, purple or yellow.— The genus finds its greatest extension in Trop. Amer. Of the vast number of species, barely 25 are of much account horticulturally, and half that number will comprise all the species that are popularly well known. One of these is the potato, Solanum tuberosum, one of the leading food plants of the human race. The genus seems to abound in plants with toxic properties, although its bad reputation in this respect is probably exaggerated. The species are herbs in temperate climates, but in warm countries many of them are shrubby and some are small trees. Many of them are climbers. It is impracticable to distribute the few cult. species into the various botanical groups of a great genus, and the following species are therefore assembled mainly on a horticultural plan.

S. auriculatum, Ait., is allied to S. verbascifolium, and is sometimes mistaken for it. Lvs. 6-7 in. long, ovate-oblong, acuminate, entire, velvety-tomentose above with branched hairs, more densely so and paler below, axils furnished with small lvs.: corymbs sub- terminal, many-fld.; corolla violet, about 1/2 in. across: berry globose. Afr.—S. betaceum, Cav., is Cyphomandra.—S. cernuum, Velloz. Shrub or small tree, with cyphomandra-like lvs. and the young parts clothed with chaffy hairs: fls. white: fr. globose, hairy, inclosed in the calyx. S. Brazil. B.M. 7491.—S. Commersonii, "Violet," which attracted much attention a few years ago, is S. tuberosum, being similar to, if not identical with the variety known as "Blue Giant."—S. corymbosum, Jacq. A fetid rather weak, unarmed, branched half-shrub: lvs. 2-5 in. long, glabrous except for the ciliate margins, ovate or lanceolate, entire or slightly lobed: fls. about 1/2 in. diam., blue or violet: fr. reddish orange, 1/4 – 2/3 in. diam. Native of Peru.—S. erectum is Cyphomandra betaceum.—S. Pierreanum, Paill. & Bois, has fr. the size of a walnut and shaped like a tomato, scarlet.—S. stoloniferum, Schlecht. & Bouche. Tuber-bearing: lvs. with 3-4 pairs of pinnae, the interposed ones very numerous; lfts. mostly subcordate at the base and acuminate at the apex, sparingly pubescent with scattered flattened hairs on the upper surface, usually only along the veins on the lower surface, but puberulent on both surfaces: calyx glabrous, the lobes about the length of the tube; corolla white.—S. tubingense and S. Darwinianum said to be graft hybrids of Lycopersicum esculentum and S. nigrum produced by Prof. Winkler of Tubingen.—S. verbascifolium, Linn. Lvs. lanceolate-ovate, or ovate-oblong, entire, tomentose, without smaller lvs. in the axils: fls. rather small, white: fr. the size of a small cherry. Widely distributed in the tropics. CH

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



Pests and diseases


Broken out by subgenus.

Subgenus Bassovia

Section Allophylla

Section Cyphomandropsis

Section Pachyphylla

Subgenus Leptostemonum

Section Acanthophora

Section Anisantherum
Section Campanulata
Section Crinitum
Section Croatianum
Section Erythrotrichum

Section GraciliflorumTemplate:Verify source
Section Herposolanum

Section Irenosolanum

Section Ischyracanthum
Section Lasiocarpa

Section Melongena

Section Micracantha

Section Monodolichopus
Section Nycterium
Section Oliganthes

Section Persicariae

Section Polytrichum
Section Pugiunculifera
Section Somalanum
Section Torva

Subgenus Lyciosolanum

Subgenus Solanum sensu stricto

Currant Tomato (S. pimpinellifolium) fruit
Andean black potatoes (S. tuberosum)
Turkey Berry (S. torvum) flowers

Section Afrosolanum
Section Anarrhichomenum
Section Archaesolanum

Section Basarthrum

Section Benderianum
Section Brevantherum

Section Dulcamara

Section Herpystichum
Section Holophylla

Section Juglandifolia
Section Lemurisolanum
Section Lycopersicoides

Section Lycopersicon

Section Macronesiotes
Section Normania
Section Petota

Section Pteroidea
Section Quadrangulare
Section Regmandra
Section Solanum

Other notable species

Forked Nightshade (S. furcatum)
Bluewitch Nightshade (S. umbelliferum) flowers

Formerly placed here

Lycianthes rantonnetii and its congeners were often placed in Solanum

Some plants of yet other genera also were placed in Solanum in former times:



  1. Quattrocchi, Umberto (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. 4 R-Z. Taylor and Francis US. p. 2058. ISBN 9780849326783. http://books.google.com/books?id=2ndDtX-RjYkC&. 

External links