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|habit_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia ISBN 0881925381
|habit_ref=Flora - A Gardener's Encyclopedia ISBN 0881925381
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|jumpin=If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!
|jumpin=If this plant info box on watering; zones; height; etc. is mostly empty you can click on the edit tab and fill in the blanks!
|image=Starr 980529-4195 Grewia occidentalis.jpg
|image_caption=Crossberry (''[[Grewia occidentalis]]'')
The large [[flowering plant]] [[genus]] '''''Grewia''''' is today placed by most authors in the mallow [[family (biology)|family]] [[Malvaceae]], in the expanded sense as proposed by in the [[Angiosperm Phylogeny Group|APG]]. Formerly, it was placed in either the linden family ([[Tiliaceae]]) or the [[Sparrmanniaceae]]. However, these were both not [[monophyletic]] with respect to other [[Malvales]] - as already indicated by the uncertainties surrounding placement of ''Grewia'' and similar genera - and have thus been merged into the Malvaceae. Together with the bulk of the former Sparrmanniaceae, ''Grewia'' is in the [[subfamily]] [[Grewioideae]] and therein the [[tribe (biology)|tribe]] [[Grewieae]], of which it is the [[type genus]].<ref>Heywood ''et al.'' (2007)</ref>
| latin_name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
Several species, namely Phalsa, are known for their edible fruit, which are of local commercial importance. The [[astringent]] and refreshing ''Grewia'' [[drupe]]s are particularly popular in summertime. [[Folk medicine]] makes use of some species, which are reputed to cure upset stomachs and some skin and intestinal infections, and seem to have mild [[antibiotic]] properties. ''[[Grewia mollis|G. mollis]]'' is reputed to contain [[beta-Carboline|β-carboline]] [[alkaloid]]s<ref>Brown (2001)</ref>, though whether such compounds occur in other species too and whether they are produced in quantities to render the plants [[psychoactive]] has not been thoroughly studied.
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =    <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Upload.png  <!--- Freesia.jpg -->
| image_width = 240px    <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| regnum = Plantae  <!--- Kingdom -->
| divisio =  <!--- Phylum -->
| classis =    <!--- Class -->
| ordo =    <!--- Order -->
| familia =    <!--- Family -->
| genus =
| species =
| subspecies =
| cultivar =
<!--- ******************************************************* -->
Grewia (Nehemiah Grew, of Coventry, 1628-1682, author of a work on anatomy of plants). Tiliaceae. Two or three woody plants slightly cultivated in southern Florida.
Grewia (Nehemiah Grew, of Coventry, 1628-1682, author of a work on anatomy of plants). Tiliaceae. Two or three woody plants slightly cultivated in southern Florida.
A genus of about 70 species of trees and shrubs in the warmer parts of the world, often having stellate pubescence: lvs. entire or serrate, 1-9-nerved: fls. yellow or rarely purple, in axillary, few-fld. cymes or terminal panicles; petals 5, with pits or glands inside at the base; stamens indefinite; ovary 2-4-celled: drupe 1-4-stoned. G. caffra, Meissn., from Natal, was intro. by Beasoner Bros, in 1891. A bushy plant with young shoots and lvs. glabrous and with purple star-shaped fls. borne during most of the year. G. denticulata, Wall., from India, was never described. Under this name Reasoner cult, a plant "resembling a mulberry in growth, which bears enormous quantities of acid drupes, about the size of cranberries; used for Eickling." G. oppositifolia, Roxbg., is a rough, much- ranched tree, with distichous, crenate-serrate lvs. and fls. in umbellate cymes, borne opposite the lvs.: fls. yellowish, the oblong petals half the length of the sepals. The species are little known in Amer.
A genus of about 70 species of trees and shrubs in the warmer parts of the world, often having stellate pubescence: lvs. entire or serrate, 1-9-nerved: fls. yellow or rarely purple, in axillary, few-fld. cymes or terminal panicles; petals 5, with pits or glands inside at the base; stamens indefinite; ovary 2-4-celled: drupe 1-4-stoned. G. caffra, Meissn., from Natal, was intro. by Beasoner Bros, in 1891. A bushy plant with young shoots and lvs. glabrous and with purple star-shaped fls. borne during most of the year. G. denticulata, Wall., from India, was never described. Under this name Reasoner cult, a plant "resembling a mulberry in growth, which bears enormous quantities of acid drupes, about the size of cranberries; used for Eickling." G. oppositifolia, Roxbg., is a rough, much- ranched tree, with distichous, crenate-serrate lvs. and fls. in umbellate cymes, borne opposite the lvs.: fls. yellowish, the oblong petals half the length of the sepals.
N. Taylor.
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<!--  This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
Selected species{{wp}}:
* ''[[Grewia abutifolia]]'' (= ''G. sclerophylla'' <small>Roxb. ex G. Don</small>, ''Sterculia tiliacea'' <small>Leveille</small>)
* ''[[Grewia aldabrensis]]''
* ''[[Grewia asiatica]]'' &ndash; [[Phalsa]], Falsa
* ''[[Grewia avellana]]'' <small>Hiern.</small> (= ''G. calycina'' <small>N.E.Br.</small>, ''G. hydrophila'' <small>K.Schum.</small>, ''G. perennans'' <small>K.Schum.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia bicolor]]'' <small>Juss.</small> (= ''G. disticha'' <small>Dinter & Burret</small>, ''G. grisea'', ''G. kwebensis'' <small>N.E.Br.</small>, ''G. miniata'' <small>Mast. ex Hiern.</small>, ''G. mossambicensis'')
* ''[[Grewia biloba]]'' <small>G.Don</small> &ndash; [[Bilobed Grewia]] (= ''G. biloba'' var. ''glabrescens'' <small>(Benth.) Rehder</small>, ''G. glabrescens'' <small>Benth.</small>, ''G. parviflora'' var. ''glabrescens'' <small>(Benth.) Rehder & E.H.Wilson</small>)
** ''Grewia biloba'' var. ''microphylla'' <small>(Maxim) Hand.-Mazz.</small> (= ''G. parviflora'' var. ''microphylla'' <small>Maxim.</small>)
** ''Grewia biloba'' var. ''parviflora'' <small>(Bunge) Hand.-Mazz.</small> (= ''G. chanetii'' <small>H.Lév.</small>, ''G. parviflora'' <small>Bunge</small>, ''G. parviflora'' var. ''velutina'' <small>Pampanini</small>)
* ''[[Grewia bilocularis]]''
* ''[[Grewia caffra]]'' <small>Meisn.</small> (= ''G. fruticetorum'' <small>J.R.Drummond ex Baker f.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia calymmatosepala]]'' <small>K.Schum.</small>
* ''[[Grewia celtidifolia]]'' Juss. (= ''G. asiatica'' var. ''celtidifolia'' <small>(Jussieu) L.F.Gagnepain</small>, ''G. simaoensis'' <small>Y.Y.Qian</small>, ''G. yunnanensis'' <small>H.T.Chang</small>)
* ''[[Grewia ciclea]]''{{Verify source|date=June 2008}}<!-- name is untraceable, probably spelling error --> &ndash; ''andilambarika'' ([[Malagasy (language)|Malagasy]])
* ''[[Grewia crenata]]'' <small>(J.R.Forst.) Schinz & Guillaumin</small> (= ''G. malococca, G. persicaefolia, G. prunifolia, Mallococca crenata'') &ndash; ''au‘ere'' ([[Cook Islands]]), ''fau ui'' ([[Samoa]]), ''fo ui'' ([[Tonga]])<!-- Micronesica40:169. -->
* ''[[Grewia damine]]'' <small>Gaertn.</small> (= ''G. salviifolia'' <small>B.Heyne ex Roth</small>)<!-- note "G. salviifolia L.f." below -->
* ''[[Grewia eriocarpa]]'' <small>Juss.</small> (= ''G. boehmeriifolia'' <small>Kanehira & Sasaki</small>, ''G. elastica'' <small>Royle</small>, ''G. lantsangensis'' <small>Hu</small>)
* ''[[Grewia flava]]'' <small>DC.</small> (= ''G. cana'' <small>Sond.</small>, ''G. hermannioides'' <small>Harv.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia flavescens]]'' <small>Juss.</small> (= ''G. flavescens'' var. ''longipedunculata'' <small>Burret</small>)
* ''[[Grewia glabra]]'' <small>Blume</small> &ndash; sometimes included in ''G. multiflora''
* ''[[Grewia goetzeana]]''
* ''[[Grewia hexamita]]'' <small>Burret</small> (= ''G. messinica'' <small>Burtt Davy & Greenway</small>, ''G. schweickerdtii'' <small>Burret</small>)
* ''[[Grewia hirsuta]]'' <small>Vahl.</small>
* ''[[Grewia hornbyi]]'' <small>Wild</small>
* ''[[Grewia inaequilatera]]'' <small>Garcke</small>
* ''[[Grewia lasiocarpa]]'' <small>E.Mey. ex Harv.</small>
* ''[[Grewia limae]]''
* ''[[Grewia microthyrsa]]'' <small>K.Schum. ex Burret</small>
* ''[[Grewia milleri]]''
* ''[[Grewia mollis]]'' <small>Juss.</small>
* ''[[Grewia monticola]]'' <small>Sond.</small> (= ''G. cordata'' <small>N.E.Br.</small>, ''G. discolor'', <small>N.E.Br.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia multiflora]]'' <small>Juss.</small> (= ''G. didyma'' <small>Roxb. ex G.Don</small>, ''G. disperma'' <small>Rottler</small>, ''G. guazumifolia'' <small>Juss.</small>, ''G. jinghongensis'' <small>Y.Y.Qian</small>, ''G. oblongifolia'' <small>Blume</small>, ''G. serrulata'' <small>DC.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia occidentalis]]'' <small>L.</small> &ndash; Crossberry
* ''[[Grewia olukondae]]'' <small>Schinz.</small> (= ''G. flavescens'' var. ''olukondae'' <small>(Schinz) Wild</small>)
* ''[[Grewia optiva]]'' <small>J.R.Drumm. ex Burret</small> (= ''G. oppositifolia'' <small>Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don</small>)
* ''[[Grewia oxyphylla]]'' <small>Burret</small> (= ''G. orientalis'' <small>L.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia pachycalyx]]'' <small>K.Schum.</small>
* ''[[Grewia retinervis]]'' <small>Burret</small> (= ''G. deserticola'' <small>Ulbr.</small>)
* ''[[Grewia retusifolia]]'' <small>Kurz</small>
* ''[[Grewia salicifolia]]''
* ''[[Grewia schinzii]]'' <small>K.Schum.</small> (= ''G. velutinissima'' <small>Dunkley</small>)
* ''[[Grewia similis]]'' <small>K.Schum.</small>
* ''[[Grewia stolzii]]'' <small>Ulbr.</small>
* ''[[Grewia sulcata]]'' <small>Mast.</small>
* ''[[Grewia tenax]]'' <small>(Forssk.)</small> (= ''Chadara tenax'' <small>Forssk.</small>, ''G. populifolia'' <small>Vahl</small>)
* ''[[Grewia tiliifolia]]'' <small>Vahl</small> (= ''G. rotunda'' <small>C.Y.Wu</small>, ''G. tiliaefolia'' <small>(''[[lapsus]]'')</small>, ''Tilia rotunda'' <small>C.Y.Wu & H.T.Chang</small>)
* ''[[Grewia transzambesica]]''
* ''[[Grewia turbinata]]''
* ''[[Grewia villosa]]''
{{photo-sources}}<!-- remove this line if there are already 3 or more photos in the gallery  -->
<gallery perrow=5>
File:Grewia damine in Hyderabad W2 IMG_9430.jpg|''[[Grewia damine]]'' flowers
Image:Grewia flavescens (G pilosa)- Khatkhati in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9130.jpg|''[[Grewia flavescens]]'' flowers
Image:Upload.png| photo 1
File:Grewia tiliaefolia flowers & leaves in Hyderabad W2 IMG_9422.jpg|''[[Grewia tiliaefolia]]'' flowers
Image:Upload.png| photo 2
Image:Grewia flavescens (G pilosa)- Khatkhati in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9133.jpg|''[[Grewia flavescens]]''
Image:Upload.png| photo 3
Image:Grewia flavescens (G pilosa)- Khatkhati in Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9132.jpg|''[[Grewia flavescens]]''
File:Grewia tiliaefolia flruits & leaves in Hyderabad W IMG_9426.jpg|''[[Grewia tiliifolia]]''
File:Grewia damine in Hyderabad W IMG_9390.jpg|''[[Grewia damine]]'' in [[Hyderabad, India]].
Image:Grewia crenata.jpg|''[[Grewia crenata]]'' foliage
Image:Grewia tenax Bild0687.jpg|''[[Grewia tenax]]'' flower
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