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In temperate zones, probably the most commonly grown [[ornamental plant|ornamental]] species is ''[[Hibiscus syriacus]]'', the common garden Hibiscus, also known in some areas as the "Rose of Althea" or "Rose of Sharon" (but not to be confused with the unrelated ''[[Hypericum calycinum]]'', also called "Rose of Sharon"). In tropical and subtropical areas, the [[Chinese hibiscus]] (''H. rosa-sinensis''), with its many showy hybrids, is the most popular hibiscus.
In temperate zones, probably the most commonly grown [[ornamental plant|ornamental]] species is ''[[Hibiscus syriacus]]'', the common garden Hibiscus, also known in some areas as the "Rose of Althea" or "Rose of Sharon" (but not to be confused with the unrelated ''[[Hypericum calycinum]]'', also called "Rose of Sharon"). In tropical and subtropical areas, the [[Chinese hibiscus]] (''H. rosa-sinensis''), with its many showy hybrids, is the most popular hibiscus.
{{#ask: [[Genus::Hibiscus]]
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About 200-220 species are known, including the following ('''the top 7 species grown are in bold'''):
About 200-220 species are known, including the following ('''the top 7 species grown are in bold'''):
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*''[[Hibiscus waimeae]]'' - [[Hawaiian hibiscus|Koki'o ke'oke'o]]
*''[[Hibiscus waimeae]]'' - [[Hawaiian hibiscus|Koki'o ke'oke'o]]
Abelmoschus, 4. eaculentus, 5. oculiroseus, 14.
aculeatus, 8. fauriei, 25. paeoniflorus, 29.
africanus, 1. flore-purpureo, 16. palustris, 13.
amplissimus, 29. anemonaeflorus , 29. fulgens, 28. fulffidus, 28. purpureus, 29. radiatus, 16.
Arnottianus, 25. Genevii, 24. ranunculaeflorus, 29.
atrorubens, 29. grandiflorus, 11. Rosa-sinensis, 28.
bicolor, 29. Hamabo, 19. rosella. 2.
brilliantiasimmus, 28. heterophyllus, 18. roseus, 13.
californicus, 12. incanus, 15. ruber, 29.
Calleri, 28. kermesinus, 28. sabdariffa, 2.
calycinus, 22. lasiocarpos, 12. Schizopetalus, 23.
camelliaeflorus, 29. leopoldii, 29. sinensis, 28.
cannabinus, 3. liliflorus. 24, speciosus, 10, 29.
carminatus, 28. Lindlei, 16. Splendens,28. And suppl.
chrysanthus, 22, 28. luteolus. 28.
cisplatinus, 17. Luteus, 28. sub-violaceus, 28.
coccineus, 10. major, 1. syriacus, 29.
caelestis, 29. Manihot, 6. tiliaceus, 21.
Cooperi, 28. meehanii, 29. totus albus, 29.
Denisonii, 26. militaris, 9. Trionum, 1.
dissectus, 6. miniatus, 28. Van Houttei, 28.
diversifolia, 7. Moscheutos, 13. vesicarius, 1.
elatus, 20. mutabilis, 27. Violaceus, 29.
elegantissimus, 29. occidentalis 12. zebrinus, 28.
H. aponeurus, Sprague & Hutch. Shrub, to 4 ft.: leaves small, ovate or elliptic, sometimes slightly 3-lobed: fla. solitary, axillary, 1 in. across, brilliant scarlet. Tropical East African B.M. 8231.—H. archeri, Hort., is a hybrid of H. Rosa-sinensis and H. schizopetalus, raised by A. S. Archer, Antigua, W. Indies. Much like H. Rosa-sinensis. Flowers red. Gn. 65:310.—H. camrronii, Knowles & Went. Tall shrub, with heart-shaped 3-lobed leaves and large, solitary, cream- colored, red-veined IK Madagascar. B.M. 3936. 11.1. 3, p. 42. The plant figured under this name in Gn. 53:280 is probably a form of H. Rosa-sinensis.—H. citprevs, Pampan. Allied to H. Rosa-sinensis: branches coppery purple in color: leaves lanceolate, undulate and usually entire: bracteoles 6-8, linear: flowers nearly 2 in. long, purple with carmine eye. Ceylon.—H. kokia, Hildeb. Tree: leaves ovate or elliptic-oblong, crenate, glabrous: fls. axillary and solitary, red. the petals to 2 ½ in. long; staminal column red, not long-exserted. Hawaii.—H. pattersonii, R, Br.=Lagunaria.— H. puniceus, Hort., apparently has no botanical standing: still offered abroad. G.Z. 19:1.—H. scottii, Balf. Large bush or small tree from Isl. of Socotra: leaves ovate, entire, 3-lobed. or toothed: fls. 3 ½ in. across, bright golden yellow with carmine eye. B.M. 7816.—H. splendens. Fras. Shrub, 12-20 ft., soft-tomentose. prickly: leaves cordate-ovate, palmately 3-5-7-lobed: fls. very large, rose-red. Austral. B.M. 3025. B.R. 1629. Handsome.—H, surratensis. Linn. Trailing, with palmately 3-5-parted leavs: fls. yellow: involucre-bracts with odd nail-like spines. India, but widely distributed. G.C. III. 9:529.—H. venustus, Blume. Very like H. mutabilis, but involucre - bracts broud. Java. B.M. 7183.—H. villosus, undetermined trade name.—H.waimex, Heller. Tree, 20pJO ft.: leaves suborbicular, crenate, pubescent on both sides: fls. axillary near ends of branches, large, white or tinged with pink; staminal column red, long-exserted. Hawaii.

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