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Salvia involucrata, Cav. Half-hardy subshrub, several feet high: sts. shrubby; the branches elongated: lvs. petiolate, 2-3 in. long, ovate, acuminate, crenate-serrate at the middle, the base rotund-cuneate, glabrous; floral lvs. bract-like, sessile, broad-ovate, acuminate, colored, deciduous after anthesis: racemes spicate, in fl. subglobose, at length 4-6 in. long; floral whorls about 6-fld., approximate; calyx tubular-campanulate, striate, viscous, often colored, the teeth setaceous-acuminate; corolla rose, tube ventricose, generally long-exserted, sometimes short, galea villous. Aug. Mex. and Cent. Amer. B.M. 2872. B.R. 1205. R.H. 1858, p. 239. H.F. II. 2:204.—The floral lvs. are large, showy, and rather a rose-purple, the fls. frequently shading toward purple, Var. Bethellii, Hort. (S. Bethellii, Hort.), is a horticultural form with large, cordate-oval lvs. and bright rosy crimson or puce fls. borne in large terminal whorled spikes. F.M. 1881:464. G.C. II. 15:49. Var. Deschampsiana, Verl., grows 3 ft. or more high: lvs. cordate-acuminate: fls. in ovate spicate terminal clusters: bracts ovate, caducous, they and the calyx bright red; corolla bright rose. French garden origin. R.H. 1869:134, desc.
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