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Fouquieriaceae (from the genus Fouquieria, named in honor of Pierre E. Fouquier, professor of medicine at Paris). Candlewood Family. Similar to the Tamaricaceae and formerly united with that family, but differing in the gamopetalous corolla, the ligule-bearing, hairy stamens, partially united styles, median ovules instead of basal, and leaves without crystal glands or epidermal glands.
The single genus and about 4 species are natives of Mexico and the southwestern United States.
F. splendens is the ocotilla, coach-whip cactus, vine cactus, or Jacob's staff of the Southwest, a spiny cactus-like shrub used by the Mexicans to make impenetrable hedges. A useful wax is obtained from the cortex of this species. The cortex is also used medicinally. This species is in cultivation in the larger rockeries of California.
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