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Paphiopedilum barbàtum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium barbàtum, lindl. C. purpuràtum, Wight). Lvs. acute, up to 6 in. long, tessellated: scape longer than lvs., black-purple, pubescent, 1- or rarely 2-fld.; fls. 2 1/2-3 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal nearly orbicular, pointed, folded at the mid- vein, white, more or less purple-stained, green at base, the veins prominent, deep purple, the central green at base; petals spreading, somewhat deflexeq, oblong - linear, cili- ate, the upper mar- gin with small blackish warts, the base brownish green, the apex purple; lip helmet- shaped,deep brownish purple, paler below, the infolded purple lobes deeper- spotted. June, July. Malay Peninsula. B. M. 4234. B.R. 27, p.53(desc.). F. 8.3:190. B.H.33:7. V. O. 4:12. Var. biflôrum, Pfitz. Scape 2-fld. Var. caerulescens, Pfitz.
Paphiopedilum barbatum, Pfitz. (Cypripedium barbatum, lindl. C. purpuratum, Wight). Lvs. acute, up to 6 in. long, tessellated: scape longer than lvs., black-purple, pubescent, 1- or rarely 2-fld.; fls. 2 1/2-3 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal nearly orbicular, pointed, folded at the mid- vein, white, more or less purple-stained, green at base, the veins prominent, deep purple, the central green at base; petals spreading, somewhat deflexeq, oblong - linear, cili- ate, the upper mar- gin with small blackish warts, the base brownish green, the apex purple; lip helmet- shaped,deep brownish purple, paler below, the infolded purple lobes deeper- spotted. June, July. Malay Peninsula. B. M. 4234. B.R. 27, p.53(desc.). F. 8.3:190. B.H.33:7. V. O. 4:12. Var. biflôrum, Pfitz. Scape 2-fld. Var. caerulescens, Pfitz.
Dorsal sepal white  and green in about equal proportions,the nerves dark green and crimson ; petals olive-green, whitish rose at the apex with a few black dots; lip maroon. Var. Cróssii, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium Cróssii. Hort. C. barbàtum var. Warneriànum, Warn.). Dorsal sepal large, nearly round, the upper half pure white, the center green, striped deep maroon and tinted rose- purple between the nerves; petals strongly reflexed, rose-violet toward the apex which terminates with a white spot; lip clear maroon. B.H. 15:227. Var. grandiflôrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, the apex pure white, lined and veined with rose-purple at base; petals olive-green above, black-spotted, rose- magenta below toward the apex; lip large, deep purple- maroon. Var. Hêndersonii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal has a broad white border, the center shaded with violet, and the base lined with tender green; petals undulate, reflexed, the upper surface olive-green, the lower surface light rose heavily shaded green, the extremity with a white point; lip deep maroon. Var. illustre, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal round, acuminate, white, green-lined at base, banded with blackish purple, and broadly white- bordered; petals brownish green above, rose-salmon, below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. majus, Pfitz. Resembles var. grandiflôrum, but is more robust and has larger fls. of richer color. Var. nanum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, only about 1 in. long; petals somewhat falcate, about 1 1/4 in. long, with '2-4 warts. Var. nigritutn, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium nigritum, Reichb. f.). Dorsal sepal oblong, acute; petals narrower. Perhaps a natural hybrid. Borneo. Var. nigrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, oval, strongly lined with deep crimson and shaded violet-purple, the center greenish white, the border broad white; petals bronzy black above; lip blackish brown. A.F. 36:1184. Gng. 20:34. Var. O'Brienii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, less than 1 in. long; petals falcate, with 6-8 warts. Var. örbum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium orbum, Reichb. f.). Fis. paler than in the type. Var. porphyreum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, round, reticulated, reddish violet on a white ground, the border pure white; petals olive-green above, rose-violet below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. pulcherrimum, Pfitz. Perhaps a natural hybrid between P. Hookerae and P. hirsutissimum. Var. supêrbum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal orbicular, very flat, striped with very deep crimson and black-veined; petals reddish wine-color above, and olive-brown below with a central black band. Var. Warneri, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, nearly orbicular, white, strongly lined with dark green, stained with red-magenta, with a broad white border; petals shining dark green above; lip deep maroon. Other varieties known are: gigantium, gracile, mosàicum, nóbile, píctum, plumosum, purpùreum.
Dorsal sepal white  and green in about equal proportions,the nerves dark green and crimson ; petals olive-green, whitish rose at the apex with a few black dots; lip maroon. Var. Cróssii, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium Cróssii. Hort. C. barbàtum var. Warneriànum, Warn.). Dorsal sepal large, nearly round, the upper half pure white, the center green, striped deep maroon and tinted rose- purple between the nerves; petals strongly reflexed, rose-violet toward the apex which terminates with a white spot; lip clear maroon. B.H. 15:227. Var. grandiflôrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, the apex pure white, lined and veined with rose-purple at base; petals olive-green above, black-spotted, rose- magenta below toward the apex; lip large, deep purple- maroon. Var. Hêndersonii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal has a broad white border, the center shaded with violet, and the base lined with tender green; petals undulate, reflexed, the upper surface olive-green, the lower surface light rose heavily shaded green, the extremity with a white point; lip deep maroon. Var. illustre, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal round, acuminate, white, green-lined at base, banded with blackish purple, and broadly white- bordered; petals brownish green above, rose-salmon, below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. majus, Pfitz. Resembles var. grandiflôrum, but is more robust and has larger fls. of richer color. Var. nanum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, only about 1 in. long; petals somewhat falcate, about 1 1/4 in. long, with '2-4 warts. Var. nigritutn, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium nigritum, Reichb. f.). Dorsal sepal oblong, acute; petals narrower. Perhaps a natural hybrid. Borneo. Var. nigrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very large, oval, strongly lined with deep crimson and shaded violet-purple, the center greenish white, the border broad white; petals bronzy black above; lip blackish brown. A.F. 36:1184. Gng. 20:34. Var. O'Brienii, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal small, less than 1 in. long; petals falcate, with 6-8 warts. Var. örbum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium orbum, Reichb. f.). Fis. paler than in the type. Var. porphyreum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, round, reticulated, reddish violet on a white ground, the border pure white; petals olive-green above, rose-violet below; lip very large, blackish brown. Var. pulcherrimum, Pfitz. Perhaps a natural hybrid between P. Hookerae and P. hirsutissimum. Var. supêrbum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal orbicular, very flat, striped with very deep crimson and black-veined; petals reddish wine-color above, and olive-brown below with a central black band. Var. Warneri, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal very broad, nearly orbicular, white, strongly lined with dark green, stained with red-magenta, with a broad white border; petals shining dark green above; lip deep maroon. Other varieties known are: gigantium, gracile, mosàicum, nóbile, píctum, plumosum, purpùreum.


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