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| | growth_habit = ? <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc --> | | | growth_habit = ? <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc --> |
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| + | Paphiopedilum callosum ([[synonymous|syn.]] Cypripedium collasum). Leaves acute, up to 10 in. long; tessellated: scape longer than leaves, brownish purple, 1-, or sometimes 2-flowered; flowers 4 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, cordate, white, veins green at base, deep purple above, alternately longer and shorter; petals spreading, ligulate, pale green, tinted pale rose at apex, with 4 or 5 blackish warts on upper margin; lip helmet-shaped, brownish purple, the infolded lobes purple-spotted. Feb., March. C.O. Cypripedium 7. Var. giganteum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal broad, white, shaded with emerald-green lined with deep green. Var. Rossianum, Pfitz. Petals longer, narrower, and strongly falcate. Var. Sanderae, Pfitz. Flowers white, the dorsal sepal green-veined. C.O. Cypripedium 15a. Var. Schmidtianum, Pfitz. (Cypripedium Schmidtianum, Kranzl.). Petals at base deflexed; lobes of the lip inflexed, thickened, subacute at apex; stam- inodium less angled, nearly orbicular. Var. sublaeve, Pfitz. Petals without warts or hairs on the surface. Var. viridiflorum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal and petals greenish white, veined with deep gray. |
− | Paphiopedilum callösum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium collàsum, Reichb. f.). Lvs. acute, up to 10 in. long; tessellated: scape longer than lvs., brownish purple, 1-, or sometimes 2-fld.; fls. 4 in. greatest diam.; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, cordate, white, veins green at base, deep purple above, alternately longer and shorter; petals spreading, ligulate, pale green, tinted pale rose at apex, with 4 or 5 blackish warts on upper margin; lip helmet-shaped, brownish purple, the infolded lobes purple-spotted. Feb., March. Siam. R.H. 1888:252. L.2:73. C.O. Cypripèdium 7. Var. gigantèum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal broad, white, shaded with emerald-green lined with deep green. Var. Rossiànum, Pfitz. Petals longer, narrower, and strongly falcate. Var. Sanderae, Pfitz. Fls. white, the dorsal sepal green-veined. C.O. Cypripèdium 15a. Var. Schmidtianum, Pfitz. (Cypripèdium Schmidtianum, Kranzl.). Petals at base deflexed; lobes of the lip inflexed, thickened, subacute at apex; stam- inodium less angled, nearly orbicular. Var. sublaeve, Pfitz. Petals without warts or hairs on the surface. Var. viridiflôrum, Pfitz. Dorsal sepal and petals greenish white, veined with deep gray. | |