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Passiflora laurifolia, Linn. (P. tinifolia, Juss.). Jamaica
Honeysuckle. Water-Lemon. St. terete, plant glabrous: lvs. oval to
oval-oblong, thickish, entire, with a short sharp point; petiole with
2 glands at apex: fl. about 2 1/2 in. across, white, with red spots
or blotches; corona somewhat exceeding the petals or at least about
equaling them, in 3 series, violet with white bands: fr. about 3 in.
long, yellow, spotted with white, edible, according to Lindley, but
the plant cult, under this name in S. Calif, said to have frs. not
yellow spotted white, but much like those of the plant there known as
P. ligularis (see No. 7).'Trop. Amer. B.R. 13. B.M. 4958.
| name = ''Passiflora laurifolia''
| name = ''Passiflora laurifolia''


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