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Acer negundo, Linn. (Negundo fraxinifolium. Nutt. N. aceroides, Moench. Rulac Negundo, Hitchc.). Ash-leaved Maple. Box Elder. Fig. 101. Large tree, 70 ft.: lvs. pinnate; lfts. 3-5, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, coarsely serrate or 3-lobed, mostly glabrous, 2-5 in. long: fls. before the lvs.; staminate fls. in pendulous corymbs, pistillate fls. in pendulous racemes. E. N. Amer. S.S. 2:96. Michx. Hist. Arb. 2:18. H.T. 336.— Large, rapid-growing tree of spreading habit, thriving best in moist and rich soil. Much prized in the W., where it withstands cold and dryness. Largely used for shelter-belts and for planting timber-claims. Var. californicum, Sarg. (A. californicum, Dietr. Negundo californicum, Torr. & Gray). Branches pubescent when young: lfts. 3, of firmer texture, densely pubescent beneath: fr. not constricted at the base. W. N. Amor. S.S. 2:97. Nutt. N. Amer. Sylv. 2:72. Var. pseudo-californicum, Schwerin (A. californicum, Hort. A. Negundo var. californicum, Kirchn.). Branches green, bloomy; of vigorous growth. Var. violaceum, Kirchn. (A. californicum, Hort.). A vigorously growing form: branches purplish with glaucous bloom or finely pubescent when young. Var. argenteo-variegatum, Bonamy. Lvs. with broad white margin. Probably the most effective of all variegated hardy trees. F.S. 17:1781. Gn. 68, p. 402 (habit). G. 2:37; 11:97 (habit). Var. aureo-variegatum, Booth (var. aureo-maculatum, Schwerin). Lvs. spotted with yellow. Var. aureo-marginatum, Dieck. Lvs. with yellow margin. Var. auratum, Spaeth (var. californicum aureum, Hort.). Lvs. yellow. R.B. 1906:197. Var. crispum, G. Don. Lfts. curled. These horticultural varieties may be grafted on common box elder seedlings. Box elder also grows from hardwood cuttings, like the grape. Two new forms have been recently described as new species by Britton: A. interior, distributed from Alberta and Mont, to Ariz, and New Mex. (B.T. 655), and A. Klngii (B.T. 656), from Utah; they are closely allied to var. californicum, but differ in their glabrous foliage; in the first the wings of the samara are adnate to the nutlet only to or above the middle; in the second the wings reach the point of union of the nutlets.
A. acuminatum, Wall. (A. caudatum, Brandis, not Wall. A. sterculiaceum, Koch, not Wall.). Allied to A. argutum. Tree: lvs. 3-lobed. 3-4 1/2 in. long, glabrous and light green beneath; lobes long-acuminate, and doubly serrate: wings of (r. spreading at a right angle. Himalayas. G.C. II. 15:364 (as A. caudatum). Tender at the Arnold Arboretum.—A. ambiguum, Dippel. Allied to A. pictum. Lvs. pilose beneath: fls. and fr. unknown. Doubtful species of unknown origin.—A. amplum, Rehd. Allied to A. longipes. Tree, to 35 ft.: lvs. 5-lobed, 4-7 in. broad, glabrous: corymb nearly sessile, 5-6 in. across. Cent. China.—A. barbinerve, Maxim. Allied to A. argutum. Shrubby tree: lvs. 5-lobed, coarsely serrate: pistillate racemes usually 7-fld.: fr. larger. Manchuria. S.T.S. 1:86.— A. Boacii, Spach. Probably hybrid. A. monspessulanum X tataricum.—A. brevilobum, Hesse:A. parviflorum.—A. caesium, Wall. Allied to A. insigne. Tree: lvs. 5-lobed, glabrous, whitish beneath, 6-8 in. across; lobes acuminate, obtusely crenulate-serrate. Himalayas, Not hardy N.—A. capillipes, Alaxim. Allied to A. rufinerve. Tree, to 30 ft.: lvs. 3-lobed, glabrous beneath, red when unfolding, 3 1/2-5 in. long: fls. on slender stalks about 1/2in. long. Japan. S.T.S. 1:16. Not perfectly hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.—A. caudatum, Brandis:A. acuminatum.—A. cinerasens, Boiss. Shrub or amall tree: lvs. 3-lobed, 1/2-2 in. long. Similar to A. monspessulanum. Persia.—A. coriaceum, Tsch. (A. creticum, Tratt. A. polymorphum, Spuch). Probably A. creticum x pseudoplatanus.—A. crassipes, Pax. Supposed to be a hybrid between A. obtusatum and A. pcnnsylvanicum.—A. crasssipes. Hesse:A. parviflorum.—A. creticum, Linn.:A. orientale.—A. creticum, Tratt.:A. coriaceum.—A. Dieckii, Pax (A. platanoides yar. integrilobum, Zabel). Similar to A. platanoides. but lobes entire; probably A. Lobelii X platanoides.—A. distylum, Sieb. & Zucc. Allied to A. oblongum. Tree: lvs. ovate, 5-7 in. long, cordate, crenately serrate, light green and lustrous beneath. Japan, G.C. II. 15:499. S.I.F. 2:41. J.H.S. 29:76.—A. Durettii, Pax. Probably A. monspessulanum X pseudoplatanus.—A. erianthum, Schwerin. Allied to A. caudatum. Small tree: lvs. 5-lobed, 2-3 1/2 in. long, lobes broad, unequally and .simply serrate, nearly glabrous beneath: fls. with densely villous disk. W.China. S.T.S. 1:80.— A. Fargesi, Franch. (A. laevigatum var. Fargesii, Veitch). Allied to A. oblongum. Tree, to 30 ft.: lvs. coriaceous, lanceolate-oblong, 2-3 1/2 in. long, narrowed at the base, penninerved, glabrous, light green beneath, not reticulate. VV. China. J.H.S. 29:91.— A. flabellatum, Rehd. Allied to A. Oliverianum. Tree, to 30 ft.: lvs. 7-lobed, deeply cordate, 3-5 in. across, light green beneath and villous along the veins. Cent. China. S.T.S. 1:81.—A. Franchetii, Pax. Tree, to 15 ft.: lvs. globed; slightly pubescent beneath or glabrous at maturity and light green, ,3-4 in. long; lobes broadly ovate, acute, remotely toothed: fls. in short pubescent racemes from lateral leafless buds, with the lvs.: fr. with the wings spreading at right angles or less, nutlets thick, hairy: winter-buda with numerous imbricate scales. Cent. China. S.T.S. 1:87. Belongs to the section Lithocarpa.—A. fulvescens, Rehd. Allied to A. pictum. Tree, to 60 ft.: lvs. usually 3-lobed, 2-4 in. across, beneath covered with a yellowish or fulvous pubescence. W. China. Hardy at the Arnold Arboretum,—A. heterophyllum, Willd.:A. orientate.—A. Hookeri, Miq. Allied to A. Davidii. Tree, 60 ft.: lvs. cordate-oblong, serrate, 4-6 in. long, quite glabrous beneath. Himalayas.—A. hybridum, Spach. Probably A. italum X pseudoplatanus.—A. hjjbridum, Baudr.:A. Boscii.—A. laevigatum. Wall. Allied to A. oblongum. Small tree: lvs. oblong, nearly entire, attenuate at the base, penninerved, green beneath. Himalayas, China.—A. laevigatum, Hort. :A. acuminatum. — A. Lobelii, Ten. Allied to A. cappadocicum. Branches glaucous: lvs. rounded at the base; lobes mostly undulated, abruptly pointed. Italy.—A. Maximowiczii, Pax (A. urophyllum, Maxim.), Allied to A. Tschonoskii. Small tree: lvs. 3—5-lobed, doubly serrate, the middle lobe much elongated, long-acuminate, glaucescent beneath, glabrous, 2-3 in. long: fr. slender-stalked; wings spreading at an obtuse angle. Cent, China. S.T.S. 1:84.— A. Mayrii. Schwerin. Allied to A. cappadocicum and A. amplum. Tree with smooth bark: Iva. usually 3-lobed, glabrous, 3 in. across; lobes very broad, long-acuminate: wings of fr. upright, incurved. Japan.—A. mexicanum, Pax (Negundo maxicanum, DC. A. serratum. Pax). Allied to A. Negundo. Lfts. 3, pubescent beneath, densely serrate: fr. glabrous; wings spreading at an acute angle. Mex.—A. micranthum, Sieb. & Zucc. Allied to A. Tschonoskii. Shrub or small tree: lvs. 5-7-lobed; lobes inciaed and doubly serrate, glabrous: fls. and fr. small. S.Z. 1:141. S.I.F. 2:44.—A. neapolitanum, Ten.:A. obtusatum.—A. neglectum, Lange (A. zoeschense, Pax). Probably A. campestre X Lobelii. Var. Annae Schwerin. Young lvs. deep red, later olive-green. M.D. 1908:1.—A. obtusatum, Waldst. & Kit. (A. neapolitanum. Ten.). Allied to A. Opalus. Small tree or shrub: lvs. 5-lobed, pubescent beneath, about 4 in. across; lobes broad, often rounded, obtusely denticulate: wings of fr. spreading at a right angle or less. S. Eu., N. Afr. H.W. 3, p. 47. Tender at the Arnold Arboretum.—A. orientale. Linn. (A. creticum, Linn. A. sempervirens, Linn. A. heterophyllum, Willd.). Allied to A. monspessulanum. Shrub, 4 ft.: lvs. nearly evergreen, short-stalked, orbicular or oval, entire or 3-lobed, 1/2-1 l/2 in. long, glabrous. Orient.—A. parviflorum, Franch. & Sav. (A. crassipes, Hesse, not Pax. A. brevilobum, Hesse). Allied to A. caudatum. Tree: lvs. 3-5-lobed, pubescent beneath, 4-6 in. across; lobes broadly ovate, acute, doubly serrate: wings of fr. spreading at an obtuse angle. Japan. S.I.F. 2:42. Not quite hardy at the Arnold Arboretum.— A. pectinatum. Wall. Allied to A. pennsylvanicum. Tree: lvs. 3-lobed, setosely serrulate, 2 1/2-3 1/2 in. across, the middle lobe elongated, acuminate. Himalayas. G.C. II. 15:365.—A. Peronai, Schwerin. Supposed hybrid of A. Opalus x monspessulanum. Originated at Vallombrosa near Florence.—A. robustum. Pax. Allied to A. palmatum. Small tree: lvs. 7-9-lobed, cordate, 3-4 in. across, glabrous beneath except the tufts of hairs in the axils of the veins; lobes ovate, acuminate, sharply serrate: wings of fr. nearly horizontally spreading. Cent. China.—A. rotundilobum, Schwerin (A. barbatum, Booth, not Michx.). Possibly A. obtusatum X monspessulanum.—A. Schwerinii, Pax. Affinity doubtful. Lvs. coriaceous, ovate-oblong, cordate, undivided or 3-lobed, glaucous beneath, soon glabrous, 5-7 in. long: Ss. and fr. unknown. Probably from the Himalayas. Var. marmoratum, Schwerin, has the lvs. variegated with light green. Var. monophyllum, Schwerin, has the lvs. 2-3 1/2in. long,—A. sempermvirens, Linn.:A. orientate.— A. serratum, Pax:A. mexicanum.—A. sikkimense. Miq. Allied to A. Davidii. Tree: lvs. cordate-ovate, coriaceous, long-acuminate, quite glabrous, entire or serrulate, 4-7 in, long: wings of fr. spreading at a right angle. Himalayas.—A. sinense. Pax. Allied to A. Oliverianum. Tree: lvs. 5-lobed, cordate or sometimes truncate, glaucescent beneath, glabrous, 3-6 in. long; lobes ovate, acuminate, sparingly appressed-serrate: panicle elongated: wings of fr. spreading horizontally. Cent. China. S.T.S. 1:78. J.H.S. 29:92.—A. sterculiaceum. Wall. (A. villosum. Wall.) Allied to A. Franchetii. Tall tree: lvs. 3-5-lobed, cordate, 6-8 in. across, tomentose below, coarsely serrate: racemes from lateral leafless buds: fr. in long pendulous racemes, often branched at the base; wings of fr. nearly upright. Himalayas.—A. sutchuenense. Franch. (A. sutchuense. Pax). Allied to A. mandshuricum. Small tree: lfts. 3, oblong-lanceolate, unequally serrate, glaucous beneath, 1 3/4-3 in. long: corymb many-fld., rather dense. Cent. China. S.T.S. 2:112.—Probably not in cult.; the plant figured by Veitch under this name is A. Henryi.—A. tegmentosum, Maxim. Allied to A. pennsylvanicum. Lvs. 3-4 in. long, glabrous beneath; lobes short: fla. small. Manchuria. G.C. II. 15:75.—A. trifidum, Hook. & Arn. Allied to A. tataricum. Small tree: lvs. coriaceous, cuneate-obovate, 3-lobed, glaucous beneath, glabrous, 2-3 in. long: lobes entire. China, Japan. S.Z.2:143.—A. urophyllum, Maxim.:A. Maximowiczii.—A. Veitchii, Schwerin. Possibly A, crataegifolium x rufinerye.—A. villosum, Wall.:A. sterculiaceum. —A. Wilsonii, Rehd. Allied to A. Oliverianum. Tree: lvs. 3-lobed, light green beneath, glabrous, 3 1/2-4 in. across; lobes ovate to oblong-ovate, acuminate, entire, or sparingly serrate: panicle elongated: wings of the fr. spreading at a right angle. Cent. China. S.T.S. 1:79.—A. zaechense, Pax:A. neglectum. Alfred Rehder.
| color = lightgreen
| name = ''Acer negundo''
| name = ''Acer negundo''
| status = {{StatusSecure}}
| common_names =     <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| high = ?  <!--- 1m (3 ft) -->
| wide =    <!--- 65cm (25 inches) -->
| origin = ?  <!--- Mexico, S America, S Europe, garden, etc -->
| poisonous =    <!--- indicate parts of plants which are known/thought to be poisonous -->
| lifespan =    <!--- perennial, annual, etc -->
| exposure = ?  <!--- full sun, part-sun, semi-shade, shade, indoors, bright filtered (you may list more than 1) -->
| water = ?  <!--- frequent, regular, moderate, drought tolerant, let dry then soak -->
| features =    <!--- flowers, fragrance, fruit, naturalizes, invasive -->
| hardiness =    <!--- frost sensitive, hardy, 5°C (40°F), etc -->
| bloom =    <!--- seasons which the plant blooms, if it is grown for its flowers -->
| usda_zones = ?  <!--- eg. 8-11 -->
| sunset_zones =    <!--- eg. 8, 9, 12-24, not available -->
| color = IndianRed
| image = Acnegundo.jpg
| image = Acnegundo.jpg
| image_width = 240px
| image_width = 240px   <!--- leave as 240px if horizontal orientation photo, or change to 180px if vertical -->
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| image_caption =    <!--- eg. Cultivated freesias -->
| divisio = [[Flowering plant|Magnoliophyta]]
| regnum = Plantae
| classis = [[Magnoliopsida]]
| divisio = Magnoliophyta
| ordo = [[Sapindales]]
| classis = Magnoliopsida
| familia = [[Aceraceae]]
| ordo = Sapindales
| genus = ''[[Maple|Acer]]''
| familia = Aceraceae
| species = '''''A. negundo'''''
| genus = Acer
| binomial = ''Acer negundo''
| species = negundo
| binomial_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus]]
| range_map = Acer negundo range.PNG
| range_map_width = 240px
[[Image:Acer-negundo.jpg|thumb|right|''A. negundo'' leaves and seeds]]
| range_map_caption = Range
Acer negundo, Linn. (Negundo fraxinifolium. Nutt. N. aceroides, Moench. Rulac Negundo, Hitchc.). Ash-leaved Maple. Box Elder. Fig. 101. Large tree, 70 ft.: lvs. pinnate; lfts. 3-5, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, coarsely serrate or 3-lobed, mostly glabrous, 2-5 in. long: fls. before the lvs.; staminate fls. in pendulous corymbs, pistillate fls. in pendulous racemes. E. N. Amer. S.S. 2:96. Michx. Hist. Arb. 2:18. H.T. 336.— Large, rapid-growing tree of spreading habit, thriving best in moist and rich soil. Much prized in the W., where it withstands cold and dryness. Largely used for shelter-belts and for planting timber-claims. Var. californicum, Sarg. (A. californicum, Dietr. Negundo californicum, Torr. & Gray). Branches pubescent when young: lfts. 3, of firmer texture, densely pubescent beneath: fr. not constricted at the base. W. N. Amor. S.S. 2:97. Nutt. N. Amer. Sylv. 2:72. Var. pseudo-californicum, Schwerin (A. californicum, Hort. A. Negundo var. californicum, Kirchn.). Branches green, bloomy; of vigorous growth. Var. violaceum, Kirchn. (A. californicum, Hort.). A vigorously growing form: branches purplish with glaucous bloom or finely pubescent when young. Var. argenteo-variegatum, Bonamy. Lvs. with broad white margin. Probably the most effective of all variegated hardy trees. F.S. 17:1781. Gn. 68, p. 402 (habit). G. 2:37; 11:97 (habit). Var. aureo-variegatum, Booth (var. aureo-maculatum, Schwerin). Lvs. spotted with yellow. Var. aureo-marginatum, Dieck. Lvs. with yellow margin. Var. auratum, Spaeth (var. californicum aureum, Hort.). Lvs. yellow. R.B. 1906:197. Var. crispum, G. Don. Lfts. curled. These horticultural varieties may be grafted on common box elder seedlings. Box elder also grows from hardwood cuttings, like the grape. Two new forms have been recently described as new species by Britton: A. interior, distributed from Alberta and Mont, to Ariz, and New Mex. (B.T. 655), and A. Klngii (B.T. 656), from Utah; they are closely allied to var. californicum, but differ in their glabrous foliage; in the first the wings of the samara are adnate to the nutlet only to or above the middle; in the second the wings reach the point of union of the nutlets.{{SCH}}
'''''Acer negundo''''' is a species of [[maple]] native to [[North America]]. '''Box Elder''', '''Boxelder Maple''', and '''Maple Ash''' are its most common names in the United States.  In [[Canada]] it is known as '''Manitoba Maple'''. In [[Russia]] it is called '''American Maple''' ({{lang-ru|американский клён}}).
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==Common names==
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Indicative of its familiarity to many people over a large geographic range, ''A. negundo'' has numerous common names.
===Pests and diseases===
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The names "Box Elder" and "Boxelder Maple" are based upon the similarity of its whitish wood to that of [[Buxus|boxwood]] and the similarity of its pinnately compound leaves with those of some species of [[Sambucus|elder]].<ref>[ DePauw University]</ref>
*'Auratum' - yellowish leaves with smooth undersides
Other common names are based upon this maple's similarity to [[Fraxinus|ash]], its preferred environment, its [[maple syrup|sugary sap]], a description of its leaves, its [[binomial name]], and so on.
*'Aureomarginatum' - creamy yellow leaf margins
*'Baron' - Hardier & seedless variety
These names include (but are not limited to)  Ash-, Cut- or Three-leaf (or -leaved) Maple, Ash Maple, Sugar Ash, Negundo Maple, and River Maple.<ref>[ Acer spp.
*'Elegans' - distinctively convex leaves
Aceraceae] Note that some of the common names given in this reference are questionable.  "Black Ash" and "Stinking Ash" typically refer to ''[[Hoptree|Ptelea trifoliata]]'' and ''[[Fraxinus nigra]]'', respectively.  This reference is retained as an example of the confusion which arises when plants such as ''A. negundo'' are discussed by other than their [[scientific name]]s.</ref>
*'Flamingo' - pink and white [[variegation]] (very popular)
*'Variegatum' - creamy white leaf margins
Common names may also designate a particular [[subspecies]].  For example, a common name for ''A. negundo'' subsp. ''interius'' may be preceded by "Inland" (as in "Inland Boxelder Maple").  A common name for ''A. negundo'' subsp. ''californicum'' may be preceded by "California" or "Western."
*'Violaceum' - younger shoots and branches have blueish color
''A. negundo'' is a small, usually fast-growing and fairly short-lived [[tree]] that grows up to 10-25 m tall, with a trunk diameter of 30-50 cm, rarely up to 1 m diameter.  It often has several trunks and can form impenetrable thickets.<ref name="gelderen">van Gelderen, C.J. & van Gelderen, D.M. (1999). ''Maples for Gardens: A Color Encyclopedia''.</ref>
The shoots are green, often with a whitish to pink or violet [[wax]]y coating when young.  Branches are smooth, somewhat brittle, and tend to retain a fresh green colour rather than forming a [[bark]] of dead, protective tissue.
Unlike most other maples (which usually have [[leaf shape|palmate]] [[leaf|leaves]]), ''A. negundo'' has [[pinnate]] leaves have three to seven leaflets (usually three).  Although some other maples (such as [[Acer griseum|''A. griseum'']], [[Acer mandshuricum|''Acer mandshuricum'']] and the closely-related [[Acer cissifolium|''A. cissifolium'']]) have trifoliate leaves, only ''A. negundo'' regularly displays more than three leaflets.
Leaflets are about 5-10 cm long and 3-7 cm wide with slightly serrate margins.  Leafs have a [[translucence|translucent]] light green colour and turn yellow in fall.
The [[flower]]s are small and appear in early [[Spring (season)|spring]] on drooping [[raceme]]s 10-20 cm long.  The [[seed]]s are paired [[samara]]s, each seed slender, 1-2 cm long, with a 2-3 cm incurved wing; they drop in [[autumn]] or may persist through winter.  Seeds are usually both prolific and [[fertile]].
Unlike most other maples, the ''A. negundo'' is fully [[plant sexuality|dioecious]] and both a "male" and "female" tree are needed for either to reproduce.
''A. negundo
'' is often discussed as being comprised of three subspecies, each of which was originally described as a separate species.  These are:
''A. negundo'' is often discussed as being comprised of three subspecies, each of which was originally described as a separate species.  These are:
*''A. negundo'' subsp. ''negundo'' is the main variety and the type to which characteristics described in the article most universally apply.  Its natural range is from the [[Atlantic Coast]] to the Rocky Mountains.<ref name="gelderen"/>
*''A. negundo'' subsp. ''negundo'' is the main variety and the type to which characteristics described in the article most universally apply.  Its natural range is from the [[Atlantic Coast]] to the Rocky Mountains.<ref name="gelderen"/>
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Finally, note that a few botanists treat Boxelder Maple as its own distinct genus (''Negundo aceroides'') but this is not widely accepted.
Finally, note that a few botanists treat Boxelder Maple as its own distinct genus (''Negundo aceroides'') but this is not widely accepted.
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As noted, varieties of Boxelder maple thrive across the [[United States]] and Canada. It may also be found as far south as [[Guatemala]] and it has become naturalized in eastern [[China]].<ref name="gelderen"/>
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Although native to North America, it is considered an [[invasive species]] in some areas of that continent.  It can quickly colonize  both cultivated and uncultivated areas.  The range is therefore expanding both in North America and elsewhere.
*[[Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture]], by L. H. Bailey, MacMillan Co., 1963
<!--- xxxxx *Flora: The Gardener's Bible, by Sean Hogan. Global Book Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0881925381  -->
<!--- xxxxx  *American Horticultural Society: A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants, by Christopher Brickell, Judith D. Zuk. 1996. ISBN 0789419432  -->
[[Image:Acer-negundo.jpg|thumb|right|''A. negundo'' leaves and seeds]]
<!--- xxxxx  *Sunset National Garden Book. Sunset Books, Inc., 1997. ISBN 0376038608  -->
This species prefers bright sunlight. It often grows on flood plains and other disturbed areas with ample water supply, such as [[riparian]] habitats. Human influence has greatly favoured this species; it grows around houses and in hedges, as well as on disturbed ground and vacant lots.
Several [[bird]]s and some [[squirrel]]s feed on the seeds. The [[Evening Grosbeak]] uses them extensively. The [[Maple Bug]] (also known as the Boxelder Bug) lays its [[egg (biology)|eggs]] on all maples, but prefers this species.
Although its weak wood, irregular form, and prolific seeding might make it seem like a poor choice for a landscape tree, ''A. negundo'' is one of the most common maples in cultivation and many interesting [[cultivar]]s have been developed, including:<ref name="gelderen"/>
*'Auratum' - yellowish leaves with smooth undersides
*'Aureomarginatum' - creamy yellow leaf margins
*'Baron' - Hardier & seedless variety
*'Elegans' - distinctively convex leaves
*'Flamingo' - pink and white [[variegation]] (very popular)
*'Variegatum' - creamy white leaf margins
*'Violaceum' - younger shoots and branches have blueish color
Although its wood is considered undesirable for most uses, this tree has been considered as a commercial source of wood fibre, for use in [[fiberboard|fibreboard]].
*Maeglin, R. R. & Ohmann, L. F. (1973). Boxelder (Acer negundo): A Review and Commentary. ''Bull. Torrey Bot. Club'' 100 (6): 357-363.
==External links==
==External links==
*[ ''Acer negundo'' images at]
{{commons|Acer negundo}}
*[ ''Acer negundo'' facts and diagnostic traits]
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