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Phellodendron amurense , Rupr. Amoor Cork Tree. Tree, to 50 ft.: bark of the trunk light gray, corky, deeply fissured: 1-year-old branchlets orange-yellow or yellowish gray, almost glabrous: lfts. 5-13, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, narrowed or rounded at the base, long-acuminate, minutely crenulate, and ciliate, dark green and lustrous above, glaucescent and glabrous beneath or with a few scattered hairs near the base of the midrib, 2-4 in. long: infl. puberulous: fr. globose, black, about l/3-1/2 in. across, with a strong turpentine-like odor when bruised, in broad panicles, 2-3 1/2 in. across. June. N. China, Amurland, Japan. S.T.S. 1:93. S.I.F. 2:33. Var. albo-variegatum, Schwerin. Lvs. variegated with large white blotches. — A hybrid between this species and P. japonicum has been observed in the Botanic Garden at Lund, Sweden.
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Revision as of 01:50, 10 July 2009

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