
813 bytes added ,  20:37, 31 July 2009
Created page with 'Aerides odoratum, Lour. (A. cornutum, Roxbg.). Fig. 132. Lvs. 6-8 in. long, up to 2 in. broad: racemes nodding, equaling or longer than the lvs.; fls. about 1 in. long, fra…'
Aerides odoratum, Lour. (A. cornutum, Roxbg.).

Fig. 132. Lvs. 6-8 in. long, up to 2 in. broad:

racemes nodding, equaling or longer than the

lvs.; fls. about 1 in. long, fragrant; sepals and

petals white, with a carmine spot at the obtuse

apex, the petals narrower than the sepals;

lateral lobes of the lip erect, round-oblong,

white, or faintly tinged with purple, and

somewhat spotted; middle lobe of the lip linear-

oblong, denticulate or entire, white, with a

median purple line. India to Cochin China. Var.

birmanicum, Reichb. f. Fls. smaller, with lines

instead of apical spots, and the narrow middle

lobe of the lip with few marginal teeth. Var.

purpurascens,Hort. Racemes larger, and the sepals

and petals tipped with dull amethyst. Var. majus,

Hort. Racemes and fls. larger.
