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Corchorus (name refers to some reputed virtue, as an eye remedy, of one of the species). Tiliaceae. Shrubs or herbs of the tropics, two of which supply jute.
The jute plants are C. capsularis Linn, and C. olitorius, Linn. The latter differs from the C. capsularis in having an elongated, not semi-globose, pod. B.M. 2810. They are annual plants, natives of Asia but cult, throughout the tropics, growing 10-12 ft. high, with a straight st. as thick as the little finger and branched only at the top. Fls. small, yellow, with 4-5 glandless petals and a slender caps., or sometimes the caps, is globose. The young snoots of both are used as pot herbs. C. olitorius is much grown for this purpose in Egypt, and is known as Jews' mallow. Jute is made from the fibrous bark of these and other species of Corchorus. It is released from the sts. by retting in stagnant pools, bee Cyclo. Amer. Agric., Vol. II, pp. 282, 507.
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