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Taxodium (alluding to the similarity of the foliage to that of Taxus). Syn., Glyptostrobus, Schubertia. Pinaceae. Ornamental woody plants, grown chiefly for their graceful feathery foliage.
Deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs: lvs. alternate, linear, usually 2-ranked, falling off in autumn or the second year together with the short lateral branchlets: fls. monoecious, small; staminate fls. catkin-like, consisting of spirally arranged anthers, with 4-9 anther- cells and forming terminal panicles; pistillate fls. solitary or in pairs at the ends of branchlets of the previous year, composed of imbricated scales bearing 2 ovules inside at the base: cone globose or nearly so, maturing the first year, consisting of spirally arranged woody scales enlarged at the apex into an irregularly 4-sided disk with a mucro in the middle and toward the base narrowed into a slender stalk; 2 triangular, winged seeds under each scale; cotyledons 4-9.—Two species in N. Amer. and 1 in China.
Of the three species, the only one well known in cultivation is the bald cypress. T. distichum, a tall pyramidal deciduous tree with small linear two-ranked leaves and small globose cones. It is hardy as far north as New England and is a very desirable tree for park planting. Its light green feathery foliage and the narrow pyramidal habit which it usually retains in cultivation give it a very distinct appearance. In its native habitat it forms in old age a broad round-topped head sometimes 100 feet across and has the trunk much enlarged at the base by huge often hollow buttresses projecting in all directions and terminating in long horizontal roots. From these roots spring the peculiar cypress knees, pyramidal protuberances composed of a very light, soft, spongy wood and spongy bark. These sometimes attain a height of 10 feet and with age usually become hollow. From the under side of the horizontal roots large anchor-roots are sent perpendicularly into the earth and help to anchor the tree firmly in the swampy yielding soil. The knees are thought by some to be formed for the purpose of strengthening this root-system, since they are chiefly found opposite to the anchor-roots, but their main purpose is probably to bring air to the roots during the several weeks or months when the swamps are covered with water. The knees always grow high enough to rise above the surface of the water (see, also, G. F. 3, pp. 2, 21, 22, 57). The bald cypress is one of the most valuable timber trees of North America. The wood is brown, light and soft, close and straight-grained, but not strong; it is easily worked, durable in the soil and much used for construction. The bald cypress thrives best in moist sandy soil, but also does well in drier situations. The habit seems to depend somewhat on the degree of moisture; in drier soil the head is more narrow-pyramidal, in moist soil broader and more spreading. Propagated by seeds sown in spring and the varieties by grafting on seedling stock early in spring in the greenhouse; also by cuttings in sand constantly saturated with water or grown in water alone, under glass.
T. heterophyllum, Brongn. (Glyptostrobus heterophyllus, Endl.). Shrub, 10 ft. high: lower branches pendulous: lvs. linear and scale-like on the same plant: cones ovoid, 3/4 in. long. China. Tender and rarely cult. Often confounded with varieties of T. distichum.
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