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The plants shown in Figs. 3113 to 3117 are by some referred to Nothopanax; but until their position is better determined, they may be described tentatively under Polyscias. Nothopanax as understood by Harms has leaves primarily digitate whereas Polyscias has leaves on the pinnate order; as defined by others, however, Nothopanax comprises species with leaves simple, pinnate or pinnately decompound. As in many of the araliads, the leaves in this general group are very variable. Harms calls attention to the fact that in Nothopanax the leaves may be different on the same plant in successive ages. On the young plants the leaves are mostly digitate with the leaflets often once-pinnatisect; older plants have simple leaves and the leaflets entire or toothed or once-pinnatisect, or sometimes only digitate leaves.
The plants shown in Figs. 3113 to 3117 are by some referred to Nothopanax; but until their position is better determined, they may be described tentatively under Polyscias. Nothopanax as understood by Harms has leaves primarily digitate whereas Polyscias has leaves on the pinnate order; as defined by others, however, Nothopanax comprises species with leaves simple, pinnate or pinnately decompound. As in many of the araliads, the leaves in this general group are very variable. Harms calls attention to the fact that in Nothopanax the leaves may be different on the same plant in successive ages. On the young plants the leaves are mostly digitate with the leaflets often once-pinnatisect; older plants have simple leaves and the leaflets entire or toothed or once-pinnatisect, or sometimes only digitate leaves.
The culture of the several kinds of plants known to florists and greenhouse men as aralias is not difficult. Among the most desirable tropical kinds, are those known in the trade as Aralia (Elaeodendron) Chabrieri, A. elegantissima, A. Veitchii, A. gracillima, A. leptophylla (all Dizygotheca), A. monstrosa, A. Victoriae, A. plumatum, (all Polyscias) and others. Aralias are increased by cuttings and by grafts. A. leptophylla, and the forms of A. Veitchii, are rarely propagated except by grafting. The stock considered by many to be the best to use is A. reticulata (probably Oreopanax reticulatum, Fig. 2676, Vol. IV, which is Meryta Denhamii). Cuttings of it about the thickness of an ordinary pencil may be secured, and established in small pots, when they may be cut back to a little above the base, and the cion inserted. Either the cleft or wedge method has been successful. They must be kept in a night temperature of not less than 70°F.. and placed in a tight moist case until they unite. Aralias may also be propagated from cuttings, eyes, or pieces of the root. A plant that has become bare of leaves may be cut down near the pot; the stem should be cut in 2-inch lengths, and put in as eye-cuttings, in a brisk heat in the propagating- bed. The old stool may be put in bottom heat, when many of the varieties will throw several nice cuttings from the base. These should be removed with a heel, when about 6 inches long, and put in as cuttings, in a bottom heat of about 75°, and potted off when rooted. To procure root-cut tings, one of the strongest plants should be turned out of the pot. and the soil washed out of the roots with a hose. Cut the stronger parts of the roots in 2-inch lengths, and place in small pots. The end nearest the stem should be nearest the surface of the pot. Plunge the pots in a tight case, in 70° to 75° bottom heat, and water carefully until they throw up shoots.— A sandy peat is the best soil in which to grow the finer rooting varieties. The stronger-growing kinds thrive in a richer compost,—say two parts fibrous loam, one part leaf-mold, a little well-rotted manure, charcoal, and sand enough to keep the whole porous. Greenhouse kinds should be in a night temperature of not over 50° when established in their pots. They may be set outdoors in a shady position in summer. The tropical kinds must be kept at not less than 60° night-temperature. Aralias must at all times be shaded from strong sunshine. Watering with soot-water gives a nice gloss to the foliage. Aralia, or Panax, Victoriae may be treated the same as the other aralias. Insect pests can be kept in check on aralias by the syringe and by fumigating with hydrocyanic gas, one-half ounce to the thousand cubic feet. The usual precautions of lowering the temperature to 60°, and having the foliage dry when the operation is performed, should be observed. (George F. Stewart.) The above account comprises the cult, aralias that are most likely to be met with and to be referred to this group. Undoubtedly some of the garden names under Panax belong in Polyscias. The following are names under Panax (not under Poly- scias) which are in doubt or of which combinations appear not to be recognised under Poly- scias : Panax coch- leatum DC. (Nothopanax cochleatum, Merrill). Erect shrub, to 10 ft,: lvs. simple, 2-5 in. across, nearly orbicular, cordate, somewhat concave above, remotely spinulose - dentate. Cult, in Pacific tropics. —P. crispatum, Bull ( Nothopanax crispa- tum, Merrill). Shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. triangular, decompound, the lfts. deeply incised and toothed, oblong-obovate to broad-ovate, green, the lateral ones overlapping. Probably Brazil, but widely disseminated in tropics.—P. Deleauanum, Hort., is properly P. fruticosum var. Deleauanum, N. E. Br. A variation with irregularly pinnate lvs. and digitately cut segms., the ultimate segms. variable, but cuneate at base, toothed and cut and white- toothed. Polynesia. I.H. 30:492. Known also as Aralia Deleauana. —P. diffusum. Bull. Form of P. fruticosum, with bright green, crisped lfts., which are linear-oblong and spiny-toothed. Polynesia. —P. dissectum, Bull. Erect, branching, the 2-pinnate lvs. drooping, the lfts. cuneate-obovate and toothed and often 2-lobed.—P. divari- catum, Sieb. & Zucc.=Acanthopanax divaricatus, p. 193.—P. dumo- sum, Bull. Short-stemmed: lvs roundish ovate, pinnately divided, the variable ultimate divisions spiny-toothed.—P. fissum. Bull. St. marked with pallid spots: lvs. 3-pinnate, the lfts. Linear-lanceolate and whitish toothed. Polynesia.—P. lepidum. Bull. Compact: lvs. biternately divided, the end division largest; pinnules or ultimate lfts. obliquely obovate, the central one in each case small (sometimes almost rudimentary) and more or less covered by its 2 lateral ones, the margins spiny-toothed and cut. Brazil.—Recent. Scarcely known in cult, in Amer.—P, Mastersianum, Sander. Of climbing habit, with long-stalked drooping pinnate lvs. about 3 ft. long, the petiole greenish, tinged with pink and marked with white, the lfts. oblong-lanceolate and toothed. Solomon Isls. G. C.III. 23:242.—P. multifidum, Hort., is properly P. fruticosum var. multif- idum, N. E. Br. Compact plant, with 3-pinnatisect lvs. and linear or linear-lanceolate segms. 1/2in. or less long, with bristly teeth.— P. Murrayi, Muell. (Aralia splendidissima, Hort.). Tree in its native place, with drooping, shining green pinnate lvs. 3-4 ft. long, and many oblong-lanceolate lfts. 3-6in.long, umbels of brownish fls. in long, terminal panicles, S. Sea Isls. Austral. B.M. 6798. Perhaps true Aralia.—P. mitidum, Bull. Compact: lvs. roundish obovate, toothed and somewhat spiny, sometimes with deep incisions. Brazil.—P. ornatum. Bull (Nothopanax ornatum, Merrill), Slightly branched shrub, to 10 ft.: lvs. long, pinnate, the ll-17lfts. narrow-lanceolate and deeply blunt-toothed, sometimes pinnately lobed, irregular in shape: fls. greenish white, the panicles terminal or in the upper axils: fr. about 4in. long, purple. Probably Brazil, but widely cult, in tropics.—P. sessiliflorum, Rupr. & Max.= Acanthopanax sessiliflorus, p. 192. L. H. B
The culture of the several kinds of plants known to florists and greenhouse men as aralias is not difficult. Among the most desirable tropical kinds, are those known in the trade as Aralia (Elaeodendron) Chabrieri, A. elegantissima, A. Veitchii, A. gracillima, A. leptophylla (all Dizygotheca), A. monstrosa, A. Victoriae, A. plumatum, (all Polyscias) and others. Aralias are increased by cuttings and by grafts. A. leptophylla, and the forms of A. Veitchii, are rarely propagated except by grafting. The stock considered by many to be the best to use is A. reticulata (probably Oreopanax reticulatum, Fig. 2676, Vol. IV, which is Meryta Denhamii). Cuttings of it about the thickness of an ordinary pencil may be secured, and established in small pots, when they may be cut back to a little above the base, and the cion inserted. Either the cleft or wedge method has been successful. They must be kept in a night temperature of not less than 70°F.. and placed in a tight moist case until they unite. Aralias may also be propagated from cuttings, eyes, or pieces of the root. A plant that has become bare of leaves may be cut down near the pot; the stem should be cut in 2-inch lengths, and put in as eye-cuttings, in a brisk heat in the propagating- bed. The old stool may be put in bottom heat, when many of the varieties will throw several nice cuttings from the base. These should be removed with a heel, when about 6 inches long, and put in as cuttings, in a bottom heat of about 75°, and potted off when rooted. To procure root-cut tings, one of the strongest plants should be turned out of the pot. and the soil washed out of the roots with a hose. Cut the stronger parts of the roots in 2-inch lengths, and place in small pots. The end nearest the stem should be nearest the surface of the pot. Plunge the pots in a tight case, in 70° to 75° bottom heat, and water carefully until they throw up shoots.— A sandy peat is the best soil in which to grow the finer rooting varieties. The stronger-growing kinds thrive in a richer compost,—say two parts fibrous loam, one part leaf-mold, a little well-rotted manure, charcoal, and sand enough to keep the whole porous. Greenhouse kinds should be in a night temperature of not over 50° when established in their pots. They may be set outdoors in a shady position in summer. The tropical kinds must be kept at not less than 60° night-temperature. Aralias must at all times be shaded from strong sunshine. Watering with soot-water gives a nice gloss to the foliage. Aralia, or Panax, Victoriae may be treated the same as the other aralias. Insect pests can be kept in check on aralias by the syringe and by fumigating with hydrocyanic gas, one-half ounce to the thousand cubic feet. The usual precautions of lowering the temperature to 60°, and having the foliage dry when the operation is performed, should be observed. (George F. Stewart.) The above account comprises the cult, aralias that are most likely to be met with and to be referred to this group. Undoubtedly some of the garden names under Panax belong in Polyscias.  
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<!-- This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
The following are names under Panax (not under Polyscias) which are in doubt or of which combinations appear not to be recognised under Polyscias : Panax cochleatum DC. (Nothopanax cochleatum, Merrill). Erect shrub, to 10 ft,: lvs. simple, 2-5 in. across, nearly orbicular, cordate, somewhat concave above, remotely spinulose - dentate. Cult, in Pacific tropics. —P. crispatum, Bull (Nothopanax crispatum, Merrill). Shrub, to 6 ft.: lvs. triangular, decompound, the lfts. deeply incised and toothed, oblong-obovate to broad-ovate, green, the lateral ones overlapping. Probably Brazil, but widely disseminated in tropics.—P. Deleauanum, Hort., is properly P. fruticosum var. Deleauanum, N. E. Br. A variation with irregularly pinnate lvs. and digitately cut segms., the ultimate segms. variable, but cuneate at base, toothed and cut and white- toothed. Polynesia. Known also as Aralia Deleauana. —P. diffusum. Bull. Form of P. fruticosum, with bright green, crisped lfts., which are linear-oblong and spiny-toothed. Polynesia. —P. dissectum, Bull. Erect, branching, the 2-pinnate lvs. drooping, the lfts. cuneate-obovate and toothed and often 2-lobed.—P. divari- catum, Sieb. & Zucc.=Acanthopanax divaricatus.—P. dumosum, Bull. Short-stemmed: lvs roundish ovate, pinnately divided, the variable ultimate divisions spiny-toothed.—P. fissum. Bull. St. marked with pallid spots: lvs. 3-pinnate, the lfts. Linear-lanceolate and whitish toothed. Polynesia.—P. lepidum. Bull. Compact: lvs. biternately divided, the end division largest; pinnules or ultimate lfts. obliquely obovate, the central one in each case small (sometimes almost rudimentary) and more or less covered by its 2 lateral ones, the margins spiny-toothed and cut. Brazil.—Recent. Scarcely known in cult, in Amer.—P, Mastersianum, Sander. Of climbing habit, with long-stalked drooping pinnate lvs. about 3 ft. long, the petiole greenish, tinged with pink and marked with white, the lfts. oblong-lanceolate and toothed. Solomon Isls. G. C.III. 23:242.—P. multifidum, Hort., is properly P. fruticosum var. multif- idum, N. E. Br. Compact plant, with 3-pinnatisect lvs. and linear or linear-lanceolate segms. 1/2in. or less long, with bristly teeth.— P. Murrayi, Muell. (Aralia splendidissima, Hort.). Tree in its native place, with drooping, shining green pinnate lvs. 3-4 ft. long, and many oblong-lanceolate lfts. 3-6in.long, umbels of brownish fls. in long, terminal panicles, S. Sea Isls. Austral. Perhaps true Aralia.—P. mitidum, Bull. Compact: lvs. roundish obovate, toothed and somewhat spiny, sometimes with deep incisions. Brazil.—P. ornatum. Bull (Nothopanax ornatum, Merrill), Slightly branched shrub, to 10 ft.: lvs. long, pinnate, the ll-17lfts. narrow-lanceolate and deeply blunt-toothed, sometimes pinnately lobed, irregular in shape: fls. greenish white, the panicles terminal or in the upper axils: fr. about 4in. long, purple. Probably Brazil, but widely cult, in tropics.—P. sessiliflorum, Rupr. & Max.= Acanthopanax sessiliflorus.

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