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Of this large and varied genus relatively few species have been brought into cultivation. Of these, there are two classes, namely certain warm-country species adapted only to glasshouse culture, and on the other hand a few native North American species (as well as the hemp agrimony of Europe), more or less tractable in cultivation, especially as components in making up mixed hardy borders. The glasshouse species are seen only in the larger or amateur collections, as a rule, although a few have been long in European cultivation. Of the hardy species, some, reputed medicinal, are found in old -gardens. The glasshouse species demand the general treatment of Piqueria (Stevia of florists) — a cool or intermediate temperature and pot culture. They are easy to grow, and propagate readily by cuttings. They are useful for winter oloom, the heads, though individually small, being aggregated in showy masses.
Of this large and varied genus relatively few species have been brought into cultivation. Of these, there are two classes, namely certain warm-country species adapted only to glasshouse culture, and on the other hand a few native North American species (as well as the hemp agrimony of Europe), more or less tractable in cultivation, especially as components in making up mixed hardy borders. The glasshouse species are seen only in the larger or amateur collections, as a rule, although a few have been long in European cultivation. Of the hardy species, some, reputed medicinal, are found in old -gardens. The glasshouse species demand the general treatment of Piqueria (Stevia of florists) — a cool or intermediate temperature and pot culture. They are easy to grow, and propagate readily by cuttings. They are useful for winter oloom, the heads, though individually small, being aggregated in showy masses.
The following species are said to have been recently intro. into European horticulture and to promise well: E. deltoidsum, Jacq. A soft-wooded half-shrub with opposite triangular-hastate crenately toothed Lvs. 3-5 in. long and somewhat pale and slightly velvety beneath, the basal lobes widely spreading acute: lf .-stalks 1-3 in. long: heads of rosy purple Ms. in thyrsoid panicles; involucral scales linear, very sharp, scarcely imbricated. S. Mex. A glasshouse species with striking foliage. — E. herbaceum, Greene (E. arizonicum, Hort.), An erect smooth or merely pulverulent perennial 1-3 ft. high, with opposite triangular-ovate pale green Lvs. 1-3 in. long with rounded basal lobes, toothed sides, and rather short but slender stalks: fls. white; heads in broad rounded terminal clusters. S. W. U. S. Half-hardy and suited to dry places. E. japonicum, Thunb. Erect perennial resembling E. cannabinum, with dull purplish to greenish white fls. in flat clusters: lower lvs. deeply 3-parted, the upper simple: not very attractive. B. L. Robinson.


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