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721 bytes added ,  21:30, 29 October 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Verbena incisa, Hook. Fig. 3910. Rosy or purple-fld. species with lvs. more deeply cut than in the two preceding: whole plant hairy-pubescent; sts. ascending; branches ere…'
Verbena incisa, Hook. Fig. 3910. Rosy or purple-fld. species with lvs. more deeply cut than in the two preceding: whole plant hairy-pubescent; sts. ascending; branches erect: lvs. oblong-triangular, base cuneately truncate or subcordately attenuate into the evident petiole, pinnatifid lobed or deeply serrated and incised, upper lvs. sublanceolate, sessile, incisely pinnatifid: spikes terminal, pedunculate, subternate, flat or convex: bracts ovate: calyx 4 times as long as bracts, short-hairy, sprinkled with glandular hairs; corolla-tube glandular-pubescent, thrice as long as calyx; limb large, rose-purple, paler beneath, obovate lobes deeply emarginate. S. Brazil, Paraguay, and N. Argentina. B.M. 3628.


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