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Created page with '{{Inc| Veronica virginica, Linn. (Leptandra virginica, Nutt. V. verticillata, Hort.). Culver's Root. Erect, simple, somewhat pubescent herb 2-6 ft. tall: lvs. in whorls of 4-6, l…'
Veronica virginica, Linn. (Leptandra virginica, Nutt. V. verticillata, Hort.). Culver's Root. Erect, simple, somewhat pubescent herb 2-6 ft. tall: lvs. in whorls of 4-6, lanceolate, 2-4 in. long, smooth above, pubescent below, acutely serrate, short-petioled: racemes terminal, erect, long, dense: fls. many, white or pale blue, short-pedicelled: caps. longer than broad, pointed, twice exceeding the calyx. Aug.-Sept. Eastern states. Gn. 79, p. 259.—Free-growing herb. Likes rich soil and much sun. While stiff and coarse, it is bold and stately. Var. alba, Hort. (V. verticillata var. virginica alba, Hort.), is offered in the trade as a form growing 4 ft. high, with erect spikes of white fls. Var. japonica, Makino (V. japonica, Steud. V. verticillata var. japonica, Hort.), has pedicelled blue or white fls., the pedicel equaling or exceeding the calyx. Var. sibirica, Makino (V. sibirica, Linn. V. verticillata var. sibirica, Hort.), has sessile or subsessile blue or white fls.; pedicels always shorter than the calyx.


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