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554 bytes added ,  21:50, 29 October 2009
Created page with '{{Inc| Veronica tournefortii, C. C. Gmel. (V. Buxbaumii, Tenore). Prostrate annual, with elongated slender pubescent sts., the lower branching and often rooting: lvs. ovate, sub-…'
Veronica tournefortii, C. C. Gmel. (V. Buxbaumii, Tenore). Prostrate annual, with elongated slender pubescent sts., the lower branching and often rooting: lvs. ovate, sub-cordate, coarsely crenate-serrate, pubescent, shortly petioled, 3/4 in. long, the lower opposite, the upper alternate and similar: racemes axillary: fls. small, blue, scattering, on long pedicels, of long duration: caps. broader than long, very widely notched, exceeded by the sepals. April-Sept. Fields, Cent. and S. Eu., Asia and naturalized in N. Amer. F. 1846, p. 112.


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