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, 10:21, 3 December 2009
Zantedeschia oculata, Engler (Calla oculata, Lindl. Richardia hastata, Hook. f. Z. hastata, Engl. R. Lutwychei, N. E. Br. Z. Lutwychei, Dur. & Schinz.). Pride of the Congo. Yellow Calla. Petioles 12-18 in. long, usually or always bristly below; blades dull green, hastate-ovate, twice longer than wide, rather flaccid, 8-16 in. long, cuspidate at the apex, basal lobes separated by a narrow sinus or overlapping and very obtuse: spathe cup-shaped, 4-5 in. long (with a tail 1 in. long), greenish yellow, the tip erect, black-purple at the base within, the lateral nerves usually rather prominent above. Cent. and S. Afr. B.M. 5176. Gn. 18:596.