
757 bytes added ,  05:42, 16 December 2009
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Rhus trilobata, Nutt. (Schmaltzia trilobata, Small). Skunk-bush. Ill-scented Sumac. Offensive-scented shrub, to 3, rarely to 6 ft. high: lvs. petioled, 1-2 in. long; lfts. sessile or nearly so, oval or obovate, obtuse, crenately toothed, puberulous while young, soon glabrous, the terminal one usually 3-lobed: fls. greenish, in clustered spikes before the lvs.: fr. subglobose, red, hairy, 1/4in. across. Mo. to Wash., Calif., and Texas. B.B. (ed. 2) 2:483.
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