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Macrozamia spiralis, Miq. Trunk short: lvs. 2-4 ft. long: pinnae with mostly longitudinal insertion, flat, straight or slightly falcate, to 8 or 10 in. long, slightly contracted and callous at base, lower margin slightly decurrent, marked on underside with parallel longitudinal veins: male cones 6-10 in. long, with much flattened scales; female cones usually shorter and thicker than the males, the scales with incurved short point. G.C. III. 13:74. —M. cylindrica, Hort., Bentham considers a doubtful variety of M. spiralis, being smaller, with the narrow foliage nearly of M. Paulo-Guilielmi, but with a glabrous trunk and more terete rachis. M. corallipes, Hook, f., has the callous base of the pinnae bright red. B.M. 5943. G.Z. 21, p. 170.
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