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578 bytes added ,  11:23, 8 January 2010
Created page with '{{Inc| Myrica californica, Cham. Slender tree, occasionally to 40 ft.: branchlets pubescent: lvs. lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate, acute, cuneate, remotely serrate, dark green a…'
Myrica californica, Cham. Slender tree, occasionally to 40 ft.: branchlets pubescent: lvs. lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate, acute, cuneate, remotely serrate, dark green and lustrous above, glabrous or puberulous beneath and marked with minute black dots, 2-4 in. long and ½-¾ in. broad; stamens 5-8: fr. globose, about ¼in. across, papillose, thinly coated with wax. May, June; fr. in Sept., failing during the winter. Wash, to Calif. S.S. 9:461. J.H.S. 1852:283.—One of the prettiest Californian native shrubs, but not easily transplanted and difficult to prop.


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