
2,879 bytes added ,  01:59, 15 February 2010
→‎Species: changed the unicode x to a proper x
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|Min ht box=10
|Min ht metric=cm
|Max ht box=120
|Max ht metric=cm
|Min wd box=15
|Min wd metric=cm
|Max wd box=90
|Max wd metric=cm
|origin=Europe, Asia
|lifespan=perennial, annual
|exposure=sun, part-sun
|water=moist, moderate, dry
|features=flowers, naturalizes, bees
|flower_season=late spring, early summer, mid summer, late summer
|flowers=red, orange, yellow, multicolored, pink, white, single, double, spotted
|Temp Metric=°C
|image=Papaver nudicaule dsc00913.jpg
The [[genus]] '''''Papaver''''' is easily recognised and very widespread, it contains around 120 [[species]] of [[annual]]s and [[perennial]]s. It also gives its name to the [[poppy]] family ''[[Papaveracae]]''.
The flower stems, each with usually only one [[bud]], emerge from the [[basal rosette]]s of hairy, finely lobed leaves. The flowers usually have four petals surrounding a central [[ovary]] that is topped by a [[stigmatic disc]]. They come in a great variety of colours, normally shades of red, but yellows, purples and whites are available.
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Papaver (old Latin name, from the Greek, of dubious derivation). Papaveraceae. Poppy. Well- known flower-garden plants, of brilliant but short-lived bloom.
Papaver (old Latin name, from the Greek, of dubious derivation). Papaveraceae. Poppy. Well- known flower-garden plants, of brilliant but short-lived bloom.
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P.Heldreichii,Hort.-P.Schinxianum,below.-P.heterophyllum,Greeene-Meconopsis heterophylla-P.Hopkinsii,Hort.Apparently perennial, and described as a particularly good poppy of medium height with deep scarlet fls. on slender graceful sts. Offered abroad. — P. Monetii, Hort. Spontaneous hybrid between P. glaucum and P. Rhoeas. — P. pilose-bracteatum is a garden hybrid, as indicated in the name. — P. Schinzianum, Fedde. Probably a garden hybrid between P. rupifragrum and a species allied to P. lateritium, and which has been cult, as P. Heldreichii: fls. brick-red; petals suborbicular-obovate, to 1 1/4 in. long : caps, obovoid-clavate.
P.Heldreichii,Hort.-P.Schinxianum,below.-P.heterophyllum,Greeene-Meconopsis heterophylla-P.Hopkinsii,Hort.Apparently perennial, and described as a particularly good poppy of medium height with deep scarlet fls. on slender graceful sts. Offered abroad. — P. Monetii, Hort. Spontaneous hybrid between P. glaucum and P. Rhoeas. — P. pilose-bracteatum is a garden hybrid, as indicated in the name. — P. Schinzianum, Fedde. Probably a garden hybrid between P. rupifragrum and a species allied to P. lateritium, and which has been cult, as P. Heldreichii: fls. brick-red; petals suborbicular-obovate, to 1 1/4 in. long : caps, obovoid-clavate.
Wilhelm Miller.
L. H. B.
aculeatum, 1.     grandiflorum, 16. persicum, 9.
albiflorum, 19.     greenlandicum, 20. pilosum, 13.
album, 10, 19, 20.  Hookeri, 5.         plenum, 16.
alpinum, 19.     horridum, 1. puniceum, 20.
arenarium, 3.     hybridum, 16. pyrenaicum, 18.
atlanticum, 14.     immaculatum, 16. ranunculiforum  5.
aurantiacum,19,20.  japonicum, 5. Rhoeas, 5.
bracteatum, 17.     laevigatum, 4. roseum, 19.
calif ornicum, 2.  luteum. 19, 20. rubro-aurantiacum.
cardinale, 10.     Mursellii, 10. 20.
caucasicum, 7, 8.  nanum, 16.         rubrum, 19.
coocineum, 20.     nigrum, 10.         rupifragium, 14, 15.
commutatum, 5.     nudicaule, 20. semi-plenum, 16.
croceum, 20.     officinale, 10. setigerum, 11.
dubium, 4.     olympicum, 13. Sintenisii, 16.
fimbriatum, 10.    opiiferum, 10. somnifcrum, 10, 11,
flaviflorum, 19.    orientale, 10, 17. 12.
flavum, 19.     paeonxflorum, 10. splendens, 16.
floribundum, 8.     Parkmanii, 16. striatum, 20.
gariepinum, 1.     pavoninum, 6. sulphureum, 20.
glaucum, 12.     pasonium, 6. umbrosum, 5.
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They are generally very hardy and prefer a sunny position with moist, well-drained soil.
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Propagate perennial cultivars from root cuttings, otherwise propagate from seed by sprinkling them over freshly turned soil.
===Pests and diseases===
===Pests and diseases===
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<!-- This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
[[Image:Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas).jpg|thumb|Corn Poppy,([[Papaver rhoeas]])]]
[[Image:Papaver orientale 'Cedric Morris' - 1.jpg|thumb|Oriental Poppy 'Cedric Morris' (salmon pink), ([[Papaver orientale]])]]
[[Image:Isländischer Mohn.jpg|thumb|Papaver nudicaule]]
<div float="left">
*{{sp|P|apaver|aculeatum}} : South African Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|alboroseum}} : Pale Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|alpinum}} : Dwarf Poppy, Alpine Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|argemone}} : Long Pricklyhead Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|armeniacum}} : Armenian Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|atlanticum}} : Atlas Poppy, Moroccan Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|californium}} : Fire Poppy, Western Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|caucasicum}} : Caucasian Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|croceum}} : Ice Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|dahlianum}} : Svalbard Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|degenii}} : Pirin poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|dubium}} : Long-headed Poppy, Blindeyes
*{{sp|P|apaver|x feddeanum}}
*{{sp|P|apaver|glaucum}} : Tulip Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|x godronii}}
*{{sp|P|apaver|gorodkovii}}: Arctic Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|x hybridum}} : Round Pricklyhead Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|kluanense}} : Alpine Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|x kobayashii}}
*{{sp|P|apaver|lapponicum}} : Lapland Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|macounii}} : Macoun's Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|mcconnellii}} : McConnell's Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|miyabeanum}} : Japanese Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|nudicaule}} : Iceland Poppy, Icelandic Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|orientale}} : Oriental Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|x propinquum}}
*{{sp|P|apaver|pseudo-oreintale}} : Oriental Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|pygmaeum}} : Pigmy Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|radicatum}} : Rooted Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|rhoeas}} : Common Poppy, Corn Poppy, Annual Poppy, Flanders Poppy, [[Shirley Poppy]].
*{{sp|P|apaver|rupifragum}} : Spanish Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|sendtneri}} : White Alpine Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|setigerum}} : Poppy of Troy, Dwarf Breadseed Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|somniferum}} : Opium Poppy
*{{sp|P|apaver|x trilobum}}
*{{sp|P|apaver|walpolei}} : Walpole's Poppy
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