− | Ochrocarpos (Greek, yellow fruit). Incl. Calysaccion. Guttiferae. Trees, of about 20 species, widespread in the tropics, little known horticulturally. Lvs. opposite or in 3's, coriaceous: fls. axillary, polygamous, the petals 4-7 or more: stamens indefinite, free or somewhat connate, the filaments slender and anthers erect; ovary 2-celled: fr. berry-like, with a few large seeds. O. africanus, Oliver, is a tree 40-50 ft. high: Lvs. large, oblong-elliptical, with the midrib very prominent beneath: fls. from the nodes of the fallen Lvs., 1½ in. diam., the petals half as long again as sepals; stamens very many: fr. very large, several inches diam., with yellow pulp. Upper Guinea. O. obovalis, Safford, is the 'chopag" of Guam, the wood of which is used in house- construction (p. 1699, Vol. III). It is a medium-sized tree, with opposite short-petioled obovate or oblong- obovate entire Lvs. rounded at the apex, and fragrant white polygamous fls. borne laterally, single or clustered | + | Ochrocarpos (Greek, yellow fruit). Incl. Calysaccion. Guttiferae. Trees, of about 20 species, widespread in the tropics, little known horticulturally. Lvs. opposite or in 3's, coriaceous: fls. axillary, polygamous, the petals 4-7 or more: stamens indefinite, free or somewhat connate, the filaments slender and anthers erect; ovary 2-celled: fr. berry-like, with a few large seeds. O. africanus, Oliver, is a tree 40-50 ft. high: Lvs. large, oblong-elliptical, with the midrib very prominent beneath: fls. from the nodes of the fallen Lvs., 1½ in. diam., the petals half as long again as sepals; stamens very many: fr. very large, several inches diam., with yellow pulp. Upper Guinea. O. obovalis, Safford, is the 'chopag" of Guam, the wood of which is used in house- construction. It is a medium-sized tree, with opposite short-petioled obovate or oblong- obovate entire Lvs. rounded at the apex, and fragrant white polygamous fls. borne laterally, single or clustered |