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Patrinia (E. L. Patrin, 1742-1814, French traveler in Siberia).
Valerianaceae. Yellow- or white-flowered valerian-like hardy
herbaceous perennials, a foot or so high, blooming in early summer;
resemble Valeriana and Fedia.
Glabrous or loosely villous herbs: lvs. once or twice pinnatifid or
pinnatisect, the radical ones rarely entire: cymes
coryrnbose-panicled bracts narrow, free, but sometimes anpendaged
with a large 2-nerved and netted-veined bracteole which is appressed
to the fr.: calyx with a small erect or spreading somewhat dentate
limb; corolla-tube very short; lobes 5, spreading; stamens usually 4;
style nearly entire at apex: sterile locules of the fr. nearly as
large or larger than the fertile ones.—About 15 species in
extratropical Asia; little planted. They are of easy cult, in damp or
shady places; bloom May to July- They are grown either in borders or
in rockwork. Prop, by division of the roots and also by seeds.
P. intermedia, Roem. & Schult. (P. rupestris, Bunge. Fedia rupestris,
Hort.). 1-1 1/2 ft.: lvs. pinnatifid, the segms. lanceolate with
large terminal lobe: fls. yellow, fragrant, in May and June. Siberia.
B.M. 714 (as V. sibirica).—P. sibirica, Juss. (Valeriana sibirica,
Linn.). 1 ft., most of the lvs. radical, the cauline ones pinnate
with entire segms., the radical long-spatulate, serrate, strong-
toothed or entire (even on same plant): fls. yellow, fragrant.
Siberia. B.M. 2325 (as V. ruthenica).
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#REDIRECT [[Special:Whatlinkshere&target=Patrinia]]

Revision as of 16:36, 22 June 2009

Read about Patrinia in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Patrinia (E. L. Patrin, 1742-1814, French traveler in Siberia). Valerianaceae. Yellow- or white-flowered valerian-like hardy herbaceous perennials, a foot or so high, blooming in early summer; resemble Valeriana and Fedia.

Glabrous or loosely villous herbs: lvs. once or twice pinnatifid or pinnatisect, the radical ones rarely entire: cymes coryrnbose-panicled bracts narrow, free, but sometimes anpendaged with a large 2-nerved and netted-veined bracteole which is appressed to the fr.: calyx with a small erect or spreading somewhat dentate limb; corolla-tube very short; lobes 5, spreading; stamens usually 4; style nearly entire at apex: sterile locules of the fr. nearly as large or larger than the fertile ones.—About 15 species in extratropical Asia; little planted. They are of easy cult, in damp or shady places; bloom May to July- They are grown either in borders or in rockwork. Prop, by division of the roots and also by seeds.

P. intermedia, Roem. & Schult. (P. rupestris, Bunge. Fedia rupestris, Hort.). 1-1 1/2 ft.: lvs. pinnatifid, the segms. lanceolate with large terminal lobe: fls. yellow, fragrant, in May and June. Siberia. B.M. 714 (as V. sibirica).—P. sibirica, Juss. (Valeriana sibirica, Linn.). 1 ft., most of the lvs. radical, the cauline ones pinnate with entire segms., the radical long-spatulate, serrate, strong- toothed or entire (even on same plant): fls. yellow, fragrant. Siberia. B.M. 2325 (as V. ruthenica).

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

  1. REDIRECT Special:Whatlinkshere&target=Patrinia