
319 bytes removed ,  01:12, 17 September 2009
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| latin_name = ''LATINNAME''   <!--- replace LATINNAME with the actual latin name -->
| latin_name = ''Polypodium''
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| common_names =    <!--- if multiple, list all, if none, leave blank -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
| growth_habit = ?  <!--- tree, shrub, herbaceous, vine, etc -->
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| ordo =    <!--- Order -->
| ordo =    <!--- Order -->
| familia =    <!--- Family -->
| familia =    <!--- Family -->
| genus =  
| genus = Polypodium
| species =  
| species =  
| subspecies =  
| subspecies =  
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<!--- ******************************************************* -->
Polypodium (Greek, many feet; alluding to the extensive rootstocks). Polypodiaceae. A large group of ferns, some hardy and some tender; the latter are often grown in under-glass collections.
Polypodium (Greek, many feet; alluding to the extensive rootstocks). Polypodiaceae. A large group of ferns, some hardy and some tender; the latter are often grown in under-glass collections.
Ferns with naked rounded sori, and with the lvs. jointed to the rootstocks, leaving a scar when they separate. As here treated the veins may be free or united to form aréoles. The genus is a very extensive one, growing in all parts of the world, and has frequently been divided into a series of genera based on habit and the nature of venation, which is probably a more logical treatment; some of these genera, indeed, as Phymatodes and Phlebodium, have here been separated; the genus would be more homogeneous were others placed by themselves. See comments in connection with P. Lingua and P. Phyllitidis. For culture, see Fern.
Ferns with naked rounded sori, and with the lvs. jointed to the rootstocks, leaving a scar when they separate. As here treated the veins may be free or united to form aréoles. The genus is a very extensive one, growing in all parts of the world, and has frequently been divided into a series of genera based on habit and the nature of venation, which is probably a more logical treatment; some of these genera, indeed, as Phymatodes and Phlebodium, have here been separated; the genus would be more homogeneous were others placed by themselves. See comments in connection with P. Lingua and P. Phyllitidis. For culture, see Fern.
californicum, 7.  incanum, 6.    polypodioides, 6.
cambricum, 1.   Lingua, 12. subauriculatum, 10.
Catharinae, 8.   pectinatum, 4. tricuspe, 13.
falcatum. 2.    Phyllitidis. 11. vacciniifolium, 5.
fraxinifolium, 9.  Plumule, 3. vulgare, 1.
P. aureum=Phlebodium.—P. Dryopteris=Phegopteris Dryop- teris.—P. glaucum=Phymatodes.—P. hexagonopterum=Phegopteris.—P. kerandreanum=Phegopteris.—P. lepidopteris, Langs. & Fisch. (P. sepultum, Kaulf. Lepicystis sepulta) is a very scaly pinnatifid form from Trop. Amer., of some interest for collectors.— P. musaefolium=Phymatodes.—P. nigrescens=phymatodes.—P. phegopteris=phegopteris polypodioides.—P. Phymatodes=Phymatodes,—P. plumosum is a form of Asplenium Filix-foemina.—P. quercifolium= Drynaria.—P. rigidulum=Drynaria.—P. Swartzii=phymatodes L. M. Underwood. 
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<!--  This section should be renamed Cultivars if it appears on a page for a species (rather than genus), or perhaps Varieties if there is a mix of cultivars, species, hybrids, etc    -->
californicum, 7.  incanum, 6.    polypodioides, 6.
cambricum, 1.   Lingua, 12. subauriculatum, 10.
Catharinae, 8.   pectinatum, 4. tricuspe, 13.
falcatum. 2.    Phyllitidis. 11. vacciniifolium, 5.
fraxinifolium, 9.  Plumule, 3. vulgare, 1.
P. aureum=Phlebodium.—P. Dryopteris=Phegopteris Dryop- teris.—P. glaucum=Phymatodes.—P. hexagonopterum=Phegopteris.—P. kerandreanum=Phegopteris.—P. lepidopteris, Langs. & Fisch. (P. sepultum, Kaulf. Lepicystis sepulta) is a very scaly pinnatifid form from Trop. Amer., of some interest for collectors.— P. musaefolium=Phymatodes.—P. nigrescens=phymatodes.—P. phegopteris=phegopteris polypodioides.—P. Phymatodes=Phymatodes,—P. plumosum is a form of Asplenium Filix-foemina.—P. quercifolium= Drynaria.—P. rigidulum=Drynaria.—P. Swartzii=phymatodes.