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Aconitum anthora, Linn. (A. pyrenaicum, Pall.). St. 1-2 ft.: lvs. parted almost to the base, parts deeply cut and lobed, more or less hispid beneath, smoothish above; petioles long: fls. in lateral and terminal racemes, pale yellow, often large; racemes or panicles generally pubescent; spur bent back or hooked; helmet arched, but cylindrical at base: follicles 5. June, July. S. Eu. B.M. 2654. Var. aureum, Hort., and several other varieties.
A. chinense, Sieb. Deep blue spike of fls. from the axil of every lf.: foliage bold and handf-ome. B.M. 3852. P.M. 5:3.—A. delphini-folium, DC. Allied to A. Napellus.—A. gymnandrum, Maxim., is a good species. B.M. 8113.—A. Hemaleyanum, E. Pritz. Sts. twining and rambling. China. R.B. 33, p. 328. G. 32:39.—A. heterophyllum, Wall. Fls. yellow and violet. Used as a tonic medicine in India. B.M. 6092.—A. noveborarense, Gray. Probably:A. paniculatum. —A. paniculatum, Lam. (A. toxicum, Reichb.). Has blue fls. L.B.C. 9:810.—A. pyramidale, Mill. Form of A. Napellus.—A. reclinatum, Gray, of the Alleghanies, with white fls. and large lvs., is worth cult.—A. scaposum var. pyramidale. Franch. Lvs. broadly 5-lobed: fls. very numerous, 3/4-1 in. long, heliotrope, greenish yellow at the throat. Cent. China. —A. septentrionale var. carpaticum, Sims, is a beautiful purple kind closely related to A. Lycoctonum. B.M. 2196.—A. Storkianum, Hort., may be a form of A. variegatum, with the lvs. so much cut up as to give a pinnate form.—A. tortuosum, Willd. Once listed in the trade; not now found. K. C. Davis
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