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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Lithraea >

Read about Lithraea in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Lithraea (Llilhi, the Chilean name of L. caus- tica). Anacardiaceae. Three species of evergreen S. American shrubs or small trees closely related to Schinus: lvs. alternate, simple or odd-pinnate: fls. small, greenish or whitish, in panicles; petals 5, valvate, stamens 10; disk annular in the staminate fls., cup- shaped and 10-lobed in the pistillate fls.; ovary superior, 1-celled with a basal, sessile ovule: fr. a dry subglobose drupe with a hard bony stone. The following species is occasionally cult, in S. Calif. L. molleoides, Engler (L. Aroeirinha, March.). Shrub, to 12 ft., glabrous: lvs. odd-pinnate; 1fts. 5, rarely 3, lanceolate, acute, l ½ -3 in. long; petiole 1- 1 ½in. long, like the rachis narrow-winged: panicles 2-3 in. long: fr. globose, 1/5 in' across, whitish, lustrous. S. Brazil, Argentina. Flor. Brasil. 12, 2:83. L. caustica, Miers, from Chile, has short-petioled simple, oval to ovate-oblong lvs. and pubescent panicles; it is said to be very poisonous. L. Gilliesii, Griseb. Tall shrub, 6-10 ft., the branches whitish gray, more or less dichotomous: lvs. 3-folio-' late or 5-fofiolatc; 1fts. lanceolate, the lower ones sessile, the upper narrowed below: fls. small, yellowish white, in few-fld. clusters: fr. a dry drupe. Brazil, Chile. R.H. 1914, p. 201.

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Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Sapindales
Family: Anacardiaceae
Genus: Lithraea
Miers ex Hook. & Arn.

Among others,

Lithraea molleoides

Lithraea (syn. Lithrea Hook.) is a genus of flowering plants in the soapberry family Anacardiaceae.

