From - Plant Encyclopedia and Gardening Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThese are pages for terms that may have more than one meaning. They should define the alternatives related to plants and gardening.
Pages in category "Disambiguation"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,230 total.
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- Camomila
- Camomile
- Campainha
- Campana
- Camphorwood
- Camphrier
- Camwood
- Cana-de-acucar
- Canadian goldenrod
- Canatilla
- Candeia
- Candelabra-tree
- Candleberry
- Candleplant
- Candletree
- Candlewood
- Cane cactus
- Cane cholla
- Canterbury-bells
- Cantueso
- Cao xue jie
- Cape-tulip
- Capim aquatico
- Capim-amoroso-da-areia
- Capim-arroz
- Capim-carrapicho
- Capim-cevadinha
- Capim-junquinho
- Capim-mimoso
- Capim-plumoso
- Capuli
- Capulin
- Caqui
- Cara
- Caranda
- Carandas-plum
- Caranday
- Carapa
- Carbonero
- Cardo
- Cardo-espinhoso
- Cardo-santo
- Cardon
- Caroba
- Carolina
- Carpet grass
- Carpetweed
- Carrapicho-beico-de-boi
- Carrapicho-de-carneiro
- Carrion-flower
- Cascarilla
- Cassia
- Castana de agua
- Cat's-claw
- Cat's-whiskers
- Cataia
- Catalonian jasmine
- Catawba
- Catbrier
- Catechu
- Catole
- Catuaba
- Caucasian clover
- Caucho
- Caucho negro
- Caulote
- Causticbush
- Cebolleta
- Cedar wattle
- Cedre
- Cedrillo
- Cedro
- Cedro blanco
- Cedro colorado
- Ceibo
- Celery cabbage
- Cenizo
- Centipede grass
- Cerejeira
- Cevada
- Ceylon-spinach
- Chalky bluestem
- Chalviande
- Chamburo
- Chaparro
- Charichuelo
- Chataigne d'eau
- Chaucha
- Chaulmoogra
- Chaya
- Chayotillo
- Che qian cao
- Cheatgrass
- Cheflera
- Chene rouge
- Cherry-laurel
- Chicalote
- Chicharo
- Chickling-vetch
- Chickweed
- Chico
- Chilicote
- Chinakohl
- Chinaroot
- Chinese brake
- Chinese bush cherry
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese cane
- Chinese clematis
- Chinese corktree
- Chinese crab apple
- Chinese fan palm
- Chinese haw
- Chinese hawthorn
- Chinese juniper
- Chinese knotweed
- Chinese licorice
- Chinese liguster
- Chinese magnolia
- Chinese motherwort
- Chinese Mulberry
- Chinese peony
- Chinese pistachio
- Chinese privet
- Chinese rhubarb
- Chinese silver grass
- Chinese smilax
- Chinese wood-oil-tree
- Chinese yam
- Chinese-cucumber
- Chinese-date
- Chinese-lantern
- Chinese-potato
- Chinese-quince
- Chinesische Wassernuss
- Chinkerinchee
- Chipilin
- Chirauli-nut
- Chirauli-nut-tree
- Chirca
- Chirimoyo
- Chisos Mountain hedgehog cactus
- Chittamwood
- Chocho
- Chocolate-vine
- Chocolatier
- Chonta
- Chou brocoli
- Chou d'Abyssinie
- Chou de Chine
- Chou frise
- Chou palmiste
- Christ's-thorn
- Christmas cactus
- Christmas-bells
- Christmasberry
- Christmasbush
- Christmastree
- Christmasvine
- Chu
- Chuan xin lian
- Chupa sangre
- Cigartree
- Cina
- Cipo-de-chumbo
- Cipres
- Cipreste
- Ciruela
- Ciruela de fraile
- Ciruelo
- Citronelle
- Clammy-cherry
- Claret-cup cactus
- Clavel
- Clavellina
- Cliff-rose
- Climbing hempweed
- Clove pink
- Coast larkspur
- Coastal California buckwheat
- Cob cactus
- Cobra-lily
- Cockatoo grass
- Cockle
- Cocklebur
- Coco de mono
- Coerana
- Coffeetree
- Col de China
- Cola de zorra
- Colatero
- Colewort
- Colinabo
- Colza
- Common arrowhead
- Common snowberry
- Conambaia
- Concombre africain
- Concombre grimpant
- Congrio