From - Plant Encyclopedia and Gardening Wiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThese are pages for terms that may have more than one meaning. They should define the alternatives related to plants and gardening.
Pages in category "Disambiguation"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,230 total.
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- Fishtail palm
- Five-fingers
- Flag pawpaw
- Flame-of-the-forest
- Flametree
- Flannel-flower
- Flat sedge
- Flat-top broomrape
- Flechilha
- Flooded gum
- Flor-de-Santo-Antonio
- Florida arrowroot
- Floripondio
- Flowering ash
- Flowering fern
- Flowering-quince
- Fly honeysuckle
- Folha-de-sangue
- Fool's-onion
- Fool's-parsley
- Frailejon
- French lavender
- Frijol mungo
- Frijolillo
- Fringed campion
- Fringed gentian
- Frog's-bit
- Fromager
- Frost grape
- Frostweed
- Fruta-do-conde
- Fumo-bravo
- Fura-pedra
- Galanga
- Galapagos tomato
- Galgant
- Gall-of-the-earth
- Gallinita
- Gallito
- Gangzhu
- Garbanzo
- Garden currant
- Garingboom
- Garland-flower
- Garlic-pear
- Genciana
- Genipi
- German garlic
- German iris
- Giant bamboo
- Giant salvinia
- Giant sensitive-plant
- Giant timber bamboo
- Giant-milkweed
- Gillyflower
- Ginger grass
- Giradol
- Girassol
- Glory-pea
- Gloxinia
- Goat's-beard
- Goat's-rue
- Goatweed
- Golden-apple
- Golden-drop
- Goldenrain-tree
- Goldenweed
- Goldilocks
- Goldthread
- Goma
- Goose-grass
- Gou ji
- Graceful wattle
- Gram
- Grama
- Grama de costa
- Grama-da-praia
- Grama-de-jardim
- Gramalote
- Granadilla
- Granadillo
- Grape-hyacinth
- Gravelroot
- Gray willow
- Greek juniper
- Green alder
- Green amaranth
- Green milkweed
- Green summer grass
- Green wattle
- Green-ginger
- Greenbrier
- Grey gum
- Grosellero
- Ground-bean
- Ground-pine
- Groundsel
- Guachamaca
- Guaimbe
- Guamillo
- Guamo
- Guanandi
- Guarumo
- Guatemalan avocado
- Guatero
- Guaxima
- Guayabacon
- Guayabillo
- Guayabo
- Guayacan
- Guindilla
- Guindo
- Guizazo
- Guizhu
- Gum benjamin-tree
- Gum-copal
- Gumweed
- Gutta-percha-tree
- Ha'iwale
- Haba
- Haba de burro
- Hackmatack
- Haha
- Hai-nezu
- Hairy nightshade
- Hairy wattle
- Hala pepe
- Halva kaddu
- Hard alstonia
- Hard milkwood
- Hardy kiwi
- Hare's-ear
- Haricot mungo
- Harrington plum-yew
- Hau kuahiwi
- He bei li
- He huckleberry
- Heart-leaf aster
- Heart-leaf philodendron
- Heart-leaf willow
- Hearts-ease
- Heath
- Heath aster
- Hedge cactus
- Heliotrope
- Heliotropio
- Hemp-agrimony
- Hemp-nettle
- Herbe a miel
- Hercules'-club
- Heyder's nipple cactus
- Hierba de caballo
- Hierba de Santa Barbara
- Hierba del cancer
- Hierba del pollo
- Hierba dulce
- Hierba mora
- Hierba santa
- Himalayan cypress
- Himalayan rhubarb
- Hinahina
- Hinokibaum
- Hiperico
- Hipericum
- Hippo grass
- Hoary plantain
- Hoary willow
- Hog plum
- Hog-peanut
- Hog-plum
- Hogweed
- Horehound
- Horsebean
- Horsewood
- Hortela
- Hortela-pimenta
- Huang bai
- Huang jing
- Huang lian
- Huang qi
- Huinar
- Huisache
- Huito
- Hulled wheat
- Hurricane palm
- Husk-tomato
- Hyacinth-flower clematis