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Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

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Read about Hypoxis in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Hypoxis (old Greek name, of no application to these plants). Amaryllidaceae. Star-grass. About 50 species of little herbs of temperate and tropical regions, with linear lvs., hard rootstocks or corns, perianth adnate to the ovary, and anthers not versatile: stem- less: fls. few, on slender scapes. They are scarcely known in cult., although the common species of the northern states, H. hirsuta, Coville (H. erecta, Linn.), Fig. 1942, is offered by dealers in native plants. The lvs. are radical, hairy, grass-like: fls. 1-6, small, star-like, bright yellow, on scapes 4-10 in. tall. Give a half- shady place in the rockery or border. Prop, by division. Blooms in spring. Not showy, but interesting. H. stellata, Linn. f..from S. Afr., is a pretty greenhouse bulb, blooming in Dec.: lvs. 4-12. glabrous, a foot or less long: peduncles sometimes forked, 1-4, bearing fls. white inside, and the outer segms. green-striped on the back: corm globose: plant variable.L.H.B.

The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.



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