Jasminum mesnyi

Revision as of 23:40, 31 March 2010 by Raffi (talk | contribs)


Plant Characteristics
Scientific Names

Jasminum >

mesnyi >

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Read about Jasminum mesnyi in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Jasminum primulinum, hemsl. very like J. nudiflorum, botanically, but with larger lvs. which are sometimes well developed at flowering-time, and with much larger fls., the limb of the corolla exceeding the tube; a rambling very free-flowering evergreen glabrous shrub, with slender green 4-angled branches: lvs. petioled, of 3 lfts. which are almost sessile and 1 or 2 in. long, entire, oblong-lanceolate, shining above and paler beneath: fls. primrose-yellow with a darker eye, 1 ½-2 in. across, solitary on axillary bracted peduncles or branchlets; calyx-lobes lanceolate, slightly hairy; corolla-lobes usually 6, obovate-spatulate; stamens exserted. Yunnan, China, apparently as an escape from cult.; sometimes partially double.—One of the best introductions of recent years; stands some frost. It blooms in early spring, the season lasting two months or more. Not hardy north of Washington, but nearly evergreen in the S.

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