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Read about Thymelaeaceae in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Thymelaeaceae (from the generic name Thymelaea, a Greek name meaning thyme + olive or oil). Mezereum Family. Fig. 42. Shrubs or trees, rarely herbs: leaves alternate or opposite, simple, entire: flowers bisexual or unisexual, regular, receptacle developed into a long tube which bears appendages in the throat; perianth undifferentiated, often petaloid, parts 4-5, imbricated, perigynous; stamens as many as the sepals and alternate with them, or twice as many, or reduced to 2, perigynous; ovary superior, 1-celled, rarely 2-celled; ovule solitary, pendulous; style 1 or 0, stigma 1: fruit indehiscent, a nut, drupe, or berry; rarely a capsule.

About 37 genera and 425 species are widely distributed over the earth. One species is native in northwestern North America. The largest genera are Gnidia with 80-90 species, and Pimelea with 75 species. The family stands between the Myrtiflorae and the Cactales, and also somewhat suggests the Passifloraceae. The single perianth, the tubular receptacle, perigynous, definite stamens, the appendages in the tube of the receptacle, and the superior 1-celled, 1-ovuled ovary are distinctive.

Gnidia carinata of South Africa and Daphne Mezereum (mezereon) of Europe have been used as a purge; as has also the spurge flax (Daphne Gnidium) of South Europe, the caustic juice of which is used in a blistering ointment. A blistering principle is obtained from the bark of Funifera utilis of Brazil; also from Dirca palustris. The roots of Thymelaea tinctoria yield a yellow dye. Paper is made from the cauline fibers of several species, e.g., Daphne cannabina of India, Dirca palustris of the United States, Gnidia of Madagascar, and Lagetta of Jamaica. Cord is made from Lagetta funifera and L. lintearia of South America. The wood of Aquilaria Agallocha of India is aromatic, called aloewood. One Pimelea yields a balsam. Lace-bark is the product of Lagetta lintearia.

Six or more genera are in cultivation in this country for ornament. Among these are: Daphne (Mezereon), greenhouse and garden; Dirca (Leatherwood, Moose-wood), native, hardy; and Pimelea (Rice Flower), greenhouse.


The above text is from the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture. It may be out of date, but still contains valuable and interesting information which can be incorporated into the remainder of the article. Click on "Collapse" in the header to hide this text.

Daphne striata
Daphne striata
Plant Info
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malvales
Family: Thymelaeaceae

About 50 genera, including:


Thymelaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, with about 700-750 species in 50 genera. The family has a cosmopolitan distribution with concentrations in tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and Australasia. The species include mostly trees and shrubs, with a few vines and herbaceous plants.

Several genera are of economic importance, notably Gonystylus (Ramin), valued for its hard, white wood, and Daphne, grown for its sweetly scented flowers. Many of the species are poisonous if eaten.

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