Saxifraga aizoon

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Saxifraga aizoon in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Saxifraga aizoon, Jacq. (Chondrosea Aizoon, Haw.). Fig. 3562. Perennial, cespitose, 4-20 in. high: sts. erect, foliose: basal lvs. curved, thick, rather flat above, smooth, the base ciliate, margin serrate, many-pored, more or less crustate with lime, serratures cartilaginous at the apex and antrorsely acuminate; cauline lvs. smaller, cuneate or spatulate, base glandular-ciliate: infl. a scape, corymbose-racemose, corymbose-paniculate or paniculate above, the branches 3-5-fld., more or less glandular-pilose, rarely glabrous: fls. cream-colored, commonly purplish red spotted in the center; calyx-lobes ovate; petals obovate or elliptical, 3-5-nerved, almost twice as long as the calyx-lobes: fr. globose. June, July. Alpine and boreal parts of Eu. and Asia, in N. Amer. from Greenland and Lab. to Sask., locally south to Nova Scotia, New Bruns., mountains of N. Vt., and Lake Superior. J.H. III. 69:135.—A very variable alpine plant, much tufted and forming small dense rosettes. S. Portae, Stein, from Italy has white fls. and is apparently only a minor variation of S. Aizoon. Var. ambigua, Hort., is offered in the trade. Var. atropurpurea, Hort., is said to have slender branching sts. and rose-purple fls. Var. balcana, Hort., also spelled balkana (S. balcana, Hort.), is a form with close rosettes of medium size and rather flat white fls. with larger red spots than usual (fls. reported as sometimes pale pink). Balkan Mts. Var. baldensis, Farrer, with ash-gray lvs., which are short, thick and markedly dentate; their apex rounded: the young shoots glossy, blood-crimson: fls. whitish. N. Italy. Var. brevifolia, Hort., with white fls. is offered in the trade. Var. bulgarica, Hort., has rosy spotted fls. Var. californica, Hort. (S. californica, Hort.), with white fls. must not be confused with S. californica, Greene (Micranthes californica, Small), a species of Section Boraphila, closely related to S. virginiensis which is probably not in cult. Var. Churchillii, Hort., with pointed gray lvs. in stiff rosettes. Var. cultrata, Hort., is offered in the trade. Var. dubia, Hort., is offered. Var. erecta, Hort., is offered in the trade. Var. flavescens, Hort., is a free-growing decorative form with clear lemon-yellow fls. produced in good spikes. Not to be confused with S. flavescens, Hort. (S. media x S. aretioides), which is apparently scarce in cult. Var. intacta, Engl. (S. intacta, Willd.), has beautiful white, unspotted fls. S. intacta major is the cultural name of a larger form, about 6 in. high. S. intacta minor is the cultural name of a dwarf form. Var. lagaveana, Hort., also known as La Graveana and La Ga Dauphane, is a miniature plant with tiny silvery rosettes and ruddy sts. 6 in. high, bearing 4-6 fls. on each st.: fls. creamy white, thick and wax-like; the buds globular and pink-tinted. Var. lutea, Hort., has the lvs. longer, the rosettes more open, and the fls. deeper yellow than those of var. flavescens; fls. at first primrose-yellow changing to creamy yellow. Var. Malyi, Hort. (S. Malyi, Schott, not Hort.), is one of the tallest forms, with good-sized rosettes. Var. major, Koch (S. Aizoon forma robusta, Engl.), has oblong-linear lvs. which are not much broader at the apex. Var. minima, Hort., is a diminutive plant that clings tightly to the rock faces and looks almost like a gray moss: fls. white. Var. minor, Koch, has oblong- obovate lvs. shorter than the type. Var. notata, Hort. (S. notata, Schott), has small silver-margined lvs. and white fls. Var. paradoxa, Hort., is a form with long bluish lvs., their margins with silvery serratures: fls. white. Engadine. Gn. 74, p. 463. See S. paradoxa in suppl. list. Var. pectinata, Hort. (S. pectinata, Schott, Nym. & Kotschy), has narrow lvs. with blunt teeth and conspicuous silvery margins forming small rosettes: the fls. are small, of a nice white and spotted with red. Var. recta, Ser., in part (S. recta, Lapeyr, in part. S. Aizoon forma gracilis, Engl. S. carinthiaca, Schott, Nym. & Kotschy), has lvs. which are spatulate-linear, slightly dilated toward the apex, narrowly and also deeply serrate: the sts. laxly paniculate from the middle and above; the branches 1-3-fld.; fls. white. Var. rosea, Hort., is similar to the type, but has bright pink fls. Var. rosularis, Hort. (S. rosularis, Schleich.), has finely incurved rosettes and large sprays of white fls. Var. Stabiana, Hort. (S. Stabiana, Ten.), has large rosettes and sprays of creamy white fls. Not very distinct from the type. Var. Sturmiana, Hort. (S. Sturmiana, Schott, Nym. & Kotschy), is a good-sized form with flattish rosettes, probably referable to the type-form. CH

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