Iceland poppy

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Plant Characteristics
Origin: ?
Exposure: ?"?" is not in the list (sun, part-sun, shade, unknown) of allowed values for the "Exposure" property.
Water: ?"?" is not in the list (wet, moist, moderate, dry, less when dormant) of allowed values for the "Water" property.
Scientific Names

Read about Iceland poppy in the Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture 

Papaver nudicaule, Linn. Iceland Poppy. Fig. 2754. Mostly a yellow-fld. arctic perennial, more robust than the two preceding, cespitose. nearly stemless: lvs. all radical and petiolate, somewhat glaucous, glabrous or hairy, pinnatifid, the segms. oblong and entire or lobed: scapes single or several, usually 1 ft. high, the bud ovoid or nearly globose, pilose, usually nodding; fls. 1-2 in. diam., sweet-scented; petals obovate and sinuate, white with yellow base or yellow with greenish base, the 2 inner ones smaller: caps, oblong or obovate-globose, hispid or rarely glabrous. Arctic regions. E. and W. hemispheres.—The species runs into very many botanical forms. In America a form or similar species is found as far south as S. Colo. Gn. 26:380; 24, p. 342; 28, p. 58: 42, p. 584; 79, p. 42. G. 0:321; 7:66. V. 13:297. B.M. 1633; 3035, and R.H. 1890:60 (P. croceum). F. S. 10:1017 (as var. croceum). The following varieties are in the trade: album, auranti-acum, coccineum, croceum, striatum, and sulphureum. Double forms in the various colors are advertised. Older names which are likely to appear are vars. luteum, puniceum, and rubro-aurantiacum. B.M. 2344. The name "nudicaule" refers to the lack of lvs. on the scape, which distinguishes this and the alpine poppy from the common corn poppy of Eu. P. greenlandicum, Hort., is possibly a catalogue name for P. nudicaule. The Iceland poppy is a favorite for spring bloom. It is a hardy perennial, but blooms the first year from seed. It has neat evergreen foliage on the ground.

The colors have been much varied in the cult, sorts, so that the gardener has choices in pure white, bright yellows, orange, and orange-scarlet. If the seed-pods are continuously removed, the plant will bloom throughout most of the summer. The fls. are very useful for cutting CH

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